March 5, 2022 – 7:32 PM
Full Name: Owen Anthony BeauregardNicknames:
Birthdate: May 23rd, 1871
Current Age: 20
Occupation: Reserve Seeker, Hogsmeade Howlers
Reputation: 8
Residence: Bartonburg
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Wand: 10” oak, phoenix feather
Blood Status: halfblood
Social Class: middle
Vincent Beauregard [1834] | Father, Trading Company Manager
Stella Beauregard née Walsh [1838] | Mother, Governess
Shay Ross [1861] | Brother, DMLE
Charles & Edna Beauregard née Quigley | Uncle and Aunt
Bentley Beauregard [1861-1883] | Brother
Adella Calendar née Beauregard| [1863] Sister, Housewife- Philip Calendar [1847] | Brother-in-law
Elsie Kirke née Beauregard [1866] | Sister, Librarian- Tybalt Kirke [1865] | Brother-in-law, DMGaS
Harvey Beauregard [1867] | brother, DMGaS
Bentley James [12.05.1891] | Nephew
Charlotte Beauregard [1871] | twin sister
Lucinda Cavanaugh née Beauregard [8.23.1863] Cousin & family
Sebastian Beauregard [1866] | Cousin, Mediwizard
Phoebe Beauregard [1868] | Cousin
Maurice & Alice Beauregard née Endicott | Uncle and Aunt
Chester Beauregard [1861] | Cousin, Ministry Worker
Theodore Beauregard [1864/65] | Cousin
Emmett Beauregard [1868] | Cousin, Quidditch Player
Leah Beauregard [1872] | Cousin, Slytherin
The Beauregards are also first cousins to the (Sydney) Podmore family and the Walshes.
The smallest of the Beauregard brothers, Owen was built to be a seeker. He falls on the darker side of the Bearuegard features, like Elsie and Bentley, brown hair and blue eyes. He is 5’7” and built slim with a boyish charm to him that he quite aware of and uses to his advantage. He is right-handed.History:
May 1871
Twins!Surprise! Shortly after Charlotte Jane enters the world, a second babe follows, squalling and loud. No wonder it had been a rough pregnancy. Summer 1872
Another AdditionThough the Beauregards are done having children of their own, it doesn’t stop them from taking in a close friend of Bentley’s whose parents are muggle and disown him. Owen doesn’t remember much about this, but Shay was always good to him. 1872-1878
Off They GoEach of the elder Beauregards go off to Hogwarts in fairly rapid succession, leaving Lottie and Owen home for a few years on their own. The Beauregards relocate to Hogsmeade in 1877 just before Elsie starts school. 1880
Finally!In a late show of magic, Owen makes one of the house brooms fly while pretending to practice quidditch in the garden. That’s a fun one to explain. School Year 1882-83
First YearIt’s finally the twins’ turn to head off to Hogwarts where they are separated, Lottie to Ravenclaw, Owen, unsurprisingly, to Gryffindor. Academics are also, unsurprisingly, not Owen’s forte. School Year 1883-84
Second YearThe most important thing about this year is that Owen makes the Gryffindor house team as a seeker. Disaster strikes halfway through the year and Bentley dies while abroad in America. The entire family is shaken and Owen is no exception. He dives headfirst into quidditch practice as a distraction. School Year 1884-845
Third YearElectives are added, Care of Magical Creatures and Muggle Studies, because why not. School Year 1885-86
Fourth YearThey name Harvey HEAD BOY. How wild is that? Poor Harvey spends most of the year tutoring Owen into getting passable grades so he can keep playing quidditch. School Year 1886-87
Fifth YearLottie takes over making sure Owen can graduate, it’s a process. OWLs are a nightmare but he passes 4, which is good enough for him. School Year 1887-88
Sixth YearWith fewer classes, Owen can breathe a little easier, but he still needs to pass to play. Damn academics getting in the way of his future career.
Unfortunately those career plans are put on hold for a year, as a serious head injury knocks him off a broom near the end of the year and though he does his best to recover over the summer, he is waylaid for the house team the next year.School Year 1888-89
Seventh YearThoroughly dismayed that he cannot play this year and a tiny (yet admittedly talented) second year takes his spot on the team, Owen can only barely participate in club quidditch to keep his skills from getting rusty. It sucks. He pouts, a lot. He graduates with barely-passing marks and still pushes for a quidditch career, thankfully back on par with his previous skills after a year of healing. Summer 1889
Quidditch LifeThanks to his ties in the industry, Harvey is able to secure Owen a few tryouts here and there, where he makes the Hogsmeade Howlers as a reserve seeker for the time being. Not having played his seventh year is a mark against him and he’ll need to do an extra year of training before he can move up, but that’s alright with him. 1890
National TeamEven though he knows it’s a long shot, Owen tries out for the British National Team, for the Quidditch World Cup. Naturally he doesn’t make it and he’s secretly a little annoyed that his sister’s friend makes it even though he hasn’t played in a couple years! 1891
Family UproarApparently that same friend was a little more than a friend to Elsie, and Tybalt Kirke officially joins the family shortly before Owen’s 20th birthday. Huh. Fancy that. Owen stays the fuck out of that. A nephew is born in December of the same year and is named after his late brother, ain’t that sweet. Currently
QuidditchOwen is just trying to keep his nose clean and move up in ranks on his quidditch team.
outgoing, charming, chivalrous, adventurous, fliratious, determined, family-oriented, stubborn, mischievous, headstrong.
Name: Bee