February 21, 2022 – 1:37 AM
Full Name: Selene Moira GallivanNicknames: Leenie by some family members.
Birthdate: January 8th, 1883
Current Age: 9 Years Old
Gender: Female
Occupation: Free Spirit
Reputation: 8 or 9 - Dad "was" a muggleborn. Selene is very free-spirited and involved in the quidditch world
Residence: North Bartonburg, Hogsmeade
Hogwarts House: Unknown
Wand: Unknown
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: Middle
Nathaniel Gallivan | Father | 1840-"1888"
Veronica Gallivan née Scamander | Mother | 1859
Theodore Gallivan | Half-Brother | 1868
Cecily Gallivan | Half-Sister | 1870
Nathaniel Gallivan II | Brother | 1882
Appearance: Selene has honey blonde hair that she wears falling wildly down her upper back or up in simple braids. Her blue-green eyes grow squinty with laughter and when met with the sun. She's a skinny little thing who stands about four foot five. While she has some muscle, it seems her body hasn't yet filled out. She generally starts of looking neat and orderly, but her daily adventures leave her appearing somewhat windswept. She often has flowers twined about in her hair or peeking out of pockets.
1883: Selene is born, making her the youngest of the Gallivans.
1883-1888: Selene only remembers a mixture of happiness and tension in the house, the latter having to do with her father. She's much too young to know or understand what is going on.
1888: Her father headed off on a scouting mission and never returned. Mother told her and Nathaniel that he had died, but something has always seemed off about that story. However, nobody has ever told her otherwise.
1889: Selene exhibits her first act of accidental magic. Flowers she had unearthed from the garden and repotted were discovered on death's doorstep after they returned to Hogsmeade after a trip. In her sorrow, the flowers began to grow anew.
1890-1892 Selene spends most of her days darting around the village with her bestie Ella Grimm, practicing flying, getting lost in daydreams, and ambitiously attempting to learn about every career a girl of her standing could land herself in the future.
Personality: Selene is a healthy mixture of endless curiosity and kindness. She's always happy to be off on a new adventure with her bestie, but she's the more likely of the duo to pause before barreling straight into mischief. She can be somewhat shy when meeting new people, but, once she opens up, others find a girl with a lot to say and a good sense of humor. She loves being outside, especially among plants. She loves to make up stories, but sometimes gets lost in her own head while doing so. She can be brave when pressed, fiercely loyal to those she loves, and stubborn when it comes to subjects she feels passionate about. She enjoys quidditch, but she would rather see herself as a competitive broom racer. In her spare time. She hopes for a career, but she hasn't settled on what she wishes to be. Yet.
Other: She names her plants. Her favorite color is periwinkle, but she doesn't like to wear it. She's a very good listener and problem solver. She's petrified of horses and prefers savory foods to sweets. (Even though, she's a frequent visitor of Honeyduke's).
Name: Finn