February 10, 2022 – 3:49 PM
Full Name: Linus Philip MeeksNicknames: -
Birthdate: December 2nd, 1871
Current Age: 20
Gender: Male
Occupation: classifieds editor for the Daily Prophet and Crime Fan
Reputation: 8 - fathers rumoured suicide and then his mothers marriage circumstances
Residence: Bartonburg South
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Wand: Pliable, 9inch, dragon heartstring, ash
Blood Status: half
Social Class: middle
Andrew Meeks - Father - Deceased 1880 - rumoured suicide
Gladis Hunt nee Meeks, nee Strep - Mother
Alexander Hunt - Stepfather
Silas Hunt - Stepbrother
Giselle Hunt - Stepsister
Appearance: A slim - to the point of skinny young man. He has brown hair and brown eyes. He has expressive eyes, and a thin face which expresses his every emotion, and his physicality is one of energy and motion, and stands at 5ft 7. He favours muggle fashions, in particular tweed suits. He is right handed
History: Linus is the only child born to Gladis and Andrew Meeks, despite enthusiastic trying Gladis does not concieve again - whose fault it is is not clear.
The family are a normal Middle class family, Andrew works as a clark for an accounting firm in London. He is ambitious and wants to better his families lot.
Linus's first showing of magic is missed by everyone he summons his bottle - no one sees it, for a time the family worry he may be a squib.
When Linus is 7, his father has been speculating wildly in the markets and loses badly. Facing ruin, he takes himself to muggle London, buys a gun, before returning him and shooting himself. The circumstances are hushed up by friends and relations, his death is described as an 'accident' with a gun. His life insurance saves the Linus and his mother.
Despite the family tragedy, Linus goes off school and is sorted into Gryffindor -a bright and otherwise happy boy, but for perhaps a slightly morbid streak and an interest in true crime.
He bores all of house mates with his stories and theories of penny dreadfuls - he had a whole presentation on his theories around Jack the Ripper and who was responsible that he subjected his housemates to.
His mother remarries in 1888 - to a man he didn't even know she knew. It transpires they were drugged, and the marriage was a result of the pink letter scandal. Inspite of the circumstances, Linus is rather delighted to have a larger family. He always liked the idea of siblings and now to gain 2 is rather exciting!
Linus finishes his NEWTs and graduates in 1890. He finished schools with dreams of being a renowned crime reporter - but his first job at the paper is less than ideal. He organises the classified letters, and volunteers for anything he can that will give him a chance to write proper news. He is constantly pestering the more senior reporters with his theories and suggestions for stories.
Personality: Eager, overly excitable, just delighted to be included,
Other: Has a pet cat and a pet owl.
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