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Full Name: Shu Quiyang
Nicknames: Queenie
Birthdate: January 30, 1872
Current Age: 20 Years
Gender: Female
Occupation: Junior Healer at St. Mungo’s Magical Bugs Ward
Queen spent two weeks in the Artifact Incidents ward before being forcibly transferred when it was discovered she was quite queasy at the sight of large amounts of blood.
Reputation: #8
Nothing’s wrong with her or her family. Her mother married up from the working class, but she has lived exclusively as middle class in England, and Queenie took up a job as a healer after school rather than focusing her efforts entirely on the social scene (though she still considers herself very much available and is often seen at parties and balls).
Residence: London
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Wand: Hawthorn, 11 ⅓ in, springy, unicorn horn
Blood Status: Pureblood
Social Class: Middle Class
Older Sister
Younger Sister
Youngest Brother
Youngest Brother

Mei-Ling Chang, b. 1850 d. 1886, aunt
Huan Bo Chang, uncle, b. 1846, merchant
- Chang, cousin, b. 1872, merchant
- Ai-Mei “Ida” Chang, b. 1874, Seventh Year
- Chang. cousin, b. 1880, child
General | The first word anyone would likely use to describe her? Tiny. Reaching only 4' 10'' in her final height, she is almost always mistaken as younger than she actually is, having never quite grown into the expected curves or shed all of her baby fat. Her dark brown hair varies in perception, darker inside and taking in a coppery tone in the sunlight and summer. Eyes matching her hair in a shade of dark brown are set narrowly across her face. She writes with her right hand.

Expressions | There is never any question as to exactly what Queenie is feeling. She wears her heart on her sleeve and while she doesn't normally mind, she has quite a bit to work on when it comes to schooling her expressions at work. She is prone to bright, full teeth smiles and her emotions can easily be read off her eyebrows.

Deportment | The way she carries herself doesn't really say confidence but it doesn't really say the opposite either. She tends to not take up that much space and moves more in a style of floating that gives off an impression she is only half paying attention.

Fashion | Queenie tends to prefer wizarding robes over muggle fashion, though does keep a stash of both. She favors patterned fabrics, particularly floral fabrics. In regards to colors, she prefers brighter colors when wearing robes and has taken to embroidering designs on her own clothing in her free time often in golds, silvers, greens, and blues. The only time she is found out of robes is often at balls where her mother dictates she wears muggle gowns. 

Accessories | She's never been a big fan of necklaces - not liking things around her next or the weight of them - but is fond of earrings and rings and is often found wearing a collection of simpler rings on a day to day basis when not at work.

Scent | She wears a faint floral perfume with notes of citrus and jasmine.

Face Claim | Wang Yu Wen

Born the second child and second girl, and quickly dubbed “Quiyang”, she is an easy babe, often quiet and easy to please. That doesn't last long though as soon as she starts to speak, she never stops talking, toddling around the house following anyone who might pay her mind. A few years after her birth, the family grows with the birth of her brother then is concluded with the birth of her youngest brother.

From a young age, she joins her sister in lessons with a governess that the family shares with the neighbor and has her first sign of magic at seven. Otherwise, her childhood is quiet and the years move along quickly with a handful of visits to her mother’s family scattered in.

Quiyang started Hogwarts in the fall of 1883 and promptly sorted into Gryffindor.  It is a jarring transition from her home life where her family mostly spoke Chinese and followed traditions from their home country. She finds herself eating little without stomachs until she settles into both the English style of food and living. She never quite gets over having to transition to a more English name, though she settles on Quintessa. She found the name in a book and quite fancies the fact it starts with the same sound and has the same number of syllables. However, the girls in her down quickly take to calling her Queenie, and over time it is all she uses.

At the start of her third year, she takes up ancient studies and runes as her electives through quickly finds she enjoys studies far more than runes.

Tragedy strikes during her fourth year when her Aunt Mei-ling perishes in a fire. She is hit hard by the loss, having always seen herself quite close to the woman as one of her only local family members. The fire has quickly ruled an accident though, and she finds life must move on though her grades take a hit that year.

The summer she receives her O.W.L. results, she strikes a deal with her parents: pending her final test results, if she spends the summer after her seventh year out at balls, after that she will be allowed to take up an internship at one of the hospitals if she continues attending balls and husband-hunting during. When her sixth year starts, she resumes charms, potions, defense against dark arts, transfiguration, and ancient studies. She’s decided that she will combine her interests in history and healing and try her hand in the Artifact Incident department.

Queenie sits her N.E.W.T.s in 1890 before promptly attending the Hogwarts coming out ball.

Young Adult
After graduation, she spends the summer out as your typical debutante, as per her agreement with her parents. As much as she likes the balls and gowns, she finds herself looking forward to the end of summer and the envelope that would determine her fate. Thankfully, when it comes, the grades she receives allow her to apply to the trainee program at St. Mungos easily. However, her trainee year proves to be… less easy. Contrary to everyone’s reassurances, she finds her tolerance for blood does not improve with time and she barely manages the year out without getting expelled for her inability to complete tasks. She is, however, quite proud of herself for only actually fainting twice throughout the year.

Now able to specialize, Queenie promptly chooses the artifact incidents ward. She’s only there for a few short weeks though when her mentor declares he is quite done with her and he has put up with her near fainting when someone comes in injured and bleeding enough times and she is given the choice to transfer to another department or quit. She transfers to the magical bugs ward and finds, much to her displeasure, she fits in far better here than she had before but it isn’t long till she actually starts to enjoy her work.
  • Prone to forming strong attachments quickly and equally prone to jealousy. There is a running joke that if she hasn’t been jealous about you being with others, she just doesn’t care.
  • Very bright and cheerful, peppy
  • Very affectionate with those she is close to
  • Easy to amuse, quick to laugh and things hold her attention easily for long periods
Other: Any other information you want to include.
Name: Nichole
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