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Full Name: Silas Henry Hunt
Nicknames: Si, Hunt
Birthdate: November 22nd, 1871
Current Age: 20
Gender: Male, perceived male
Occupation: Pianist & Piano Tuner
Reputation: 9 I guess? Dad married suddenly in 1888 but otherwise I don't know of anything that would ding them.
Residence: Bartonburg South
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Wand: Fir and phoenix feather, 13" even, sturdy.
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: Middle
Father: Alexander Hunt, a businessman.
Mother: Elizabeth Hunt, killed in the riots of 1877.
Sister: Giselle Hunt, a student.
Stepmother: Gladis Hunt nee Meeks.
Stepbrother: Linus Meeks, reporter.
General | Average height, average build, brown hair that curls slightly and mild blue eyes. Si doesn't care much about fashion; all of his outfits tend to look more or less the same (suits off the rack, not tailored). He is right handed.

Expressions | Si can be hard to read sometimes; his expressions don't change much unless he's actively smiling or scowling. He expresses himself more through physical gestures than expressions - eg touching someone's arm to comfort them, throwing a piece of parchment at them to indicate he's annoyed.

Deportment | Context dependent; around others his own age or younger Silas projects confidence, but in situations where he feels no one is taking him seriously (work) he tends to slouch.

Scent | Si doesn't wear cologne, so depending on the time of day he might smell like soap, like nothing, or mildly of body odor.

Face Claim | Devin Druid

1871-1876Silas is born in 1871 and followed by Giselle in 1873. Silas is absolutely a momma's boy during this period and some of his earliest memories are of sitting next to her on a piano bench while she practiced, which probably informed a lot of his later decisions in life.
1877Their mother is caught up in one of the riots. Although it's not clear whether anyone intended for her to be hurt or killed, the end result is that she is trampled in the panic and later dies of her wounds. Later that year, their father spontaneously decides to relocate to the new town of Hogsmeade, because he apparently prescribes to the theory that you can just run away from grief.
1878-1881Silas has some trouble adjusting to life in Hogsmeade; it's too new (and too dangerous initially, with all the construction) for him to wander outside and make friends with other children, so during this period he mostly plays with Giselle. He teaches himself to play piano; even when his father offers to either help teach him or get him a tutor for it Silas is very adamant about doing it himself.
1882Their father is drafted onto the Hogsmeade Trail, which means Silas and Giselle have to go live with their weird aunt for several months of the summer, which isn't fun. At the end of it he announces his plans to use their new land to build a house. Despite not having many friends in Hogsmeade Silas is nonetheless unenthused to be moving again. Once they do move he finds he adjusts to Irvingly better than he had to Hogsmeade, probably in part because the neighborhood springs up much more quickly and there are other children around his and Giselle's age to interact with.
1883-84Silas goes to Hogwarts and is sorted into Hufflepuff, though his first and closest friend in school ends up being a boy in Ravenclaw in his same year. That summer Hogsmeade is stricken with plague and fire, so maybe it's a good thing them moved when they did.
1884-85This is second year but Silas has no thoughts about it.
1885-86Giselle joins him at Hogwarts in his third year and Silas immediately begins making a big deal of Hogsmeade weekends, just to have something to differentiate his experience from hers.
1887After Topaz Urquart is bitten by a werewolf that summer, their father decides to move back to Hogsmeade from Irvingly, because you can also run away from fear, apparently. They keep the deed of the Irvingly house and lease it out, which gives Silas the idea that maybe once he's an Independent Adult he can buy it from his father instead of living with the man until he dies.
1887-8Fifth year: Silas is not prefect, nor does he want to be.
1888This fall their father remarries (surprisingly) in the pink letter ordeal. Silas is, of course, thrilled by this development and even more thrilled to find that he now has a step-brother. And that it's Meeks. Silas is very slow to warm to the idea of having a new brother, assuming that sooner or later his dad will annul the arrangement, but he never does. They say it's a comfortable enough arrangement and having two parents will likely be a boon for both the children. Silas suspects the real reason they stay together is because they banged and his dad wants to keep doing that.
1889-90Silas graduates in the spring of 1890 and on the recommendation of his music professor starts an apprenticeship with a man who specializes in tuning and repairing all sorts of musical instruments. He picks up a variety of skills but of course is primarily interested in pianos. He continues to play and also starts finding occasional work as a pianist for hire for fancy balls.
1891Silas concludes his apprenticeship and starts putting out advertisements for his tuning and repair services independently. He works with a music shop in Hogsmeade primarily to find new clients and services the instruments in their homes. He also continues working as a pianist on occasion. He enjoys that it sometimes gets him into fancier parties than he would ever be invited to of his own right.
1892The on-staff pianist at the Hogsmeade Memorial Ballroom has his hands crushed in an explosion at a bakery on Valentine's Day, and while the healers mostly repair them he has to retire from his position. Silas picks it up, since some of the string players know him from having worked with him at parties previously.
  • bottles up feelings rather than discussing them
  • sarcastic tendencies
  • makes a lot of jokes
  • can be flirtatious with women
  • change adverse
  • will white-knuckle through ANYTHING for you if he likes you
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