January 31, 2022 – 5:16 AM
Full Name: Beryl Delphine WixeldorfNicknames: None. Hates being called Berri.
Birthdate: October 31, 1877. [MJ please, I tried my best at mathing this T^T]
Current Age: 14.
Gender: Female.
Occupation: Third Year Slytherin; Professional Antagonist.
Reputation: 9. Known to be generally unpleasant.
Residence: Hogsmeade; Wellingtonshire.
Hogwarts House: Slytherin.
Wand: 8 ⅓” - Walnut - Dragon Heartstring - Unyielding.
Blood Status: Pureblood.
Social Class: Upperclass.
Father - Gaston Wixeldorf
Mother - Elizabeth Wixeldorf
Extremely tiny at an unimpressive 4’ 11”, Beryl still manages to carry herself with her nose in the air as if everyone else is beneath her. Her cold confidence leaves her with a rather emotionless face at times unless of course she is in the presence of an adult in which case the facade turns on and she is all bright with warm smiles. Her skin is a flawless medium tone without any blemishes or scars in sight. Almost black in color, her dark brown eyes are accompanied by a set of long lashes. Full lips and a button nose crank up the innocence at first glance of Beryl as waist length dark brown wavy hair finishes off the framing of her face. Extremely fashion forward, the only care Beryl’s mother shows her is in a vast array of ornate dresses and jewelry. Although this sentiment is tarnished by the fact that the gifts are merely to make sure others don't have anything to gossip about in regards to her name.
The Wixeldorfs came together solely for wealth and that was all there was to it. Love was never in the equation and that fact has rang true through all of Beryl’s life. With her father always being away on business travels [or so he says that's why he’s gone for months at a time], the only task her mother had to fulfill upon their marriage was to give him an heir. A male heir. Struggling with fertility issues for many years it had seemed like a miracle when Elizabeth had finally become pregnant… only to birth a daughter. Beryl’s birth marked Elizabeth's greatest failure and as she continues to struggle with fertility issues all these years later she leaves the raising of this disappointment to the house staff.
A terror from an early age to the Wixeldorfs staff, Beryl was prone to rage outbursts and picking on other children. Many easily assumed this stemmed from Elizabeth’s behaviors as she is quite nasty herself and seems unable to keep others' names out of her mouth while also holding a strong belief in the values of ‘clean blood’ and wealth. While these habits have not helped and the echoing of gossip over tea has certainly left a mark on the young girl, Beryl’s struggles come rather from the frustrations she faces at relating to others emotions. Beryl is often vexed by other children as their behaviors feel ridiculous and outlandish to her.
As the years went on the lack of any real kind of nurture elements for Beryl exacerbated the problem to the point of no return. With her mothers values having taken hold in her head, Beryl is quick to look down at others around her age that she views beneath her. On the opposite end of the spectrum she has learned the easiest way to sail through life with adults is to turn on the charm and act the princess they want her to be. It's something she hates doing, but is smart enough to know it's required. Although she is still working on perfecting her façade.
-Academic Years:
It was hardly a surprise when the sorting hat barely brushed Beryl's hair and shouted out Slytherin. Always wishing to be viewed as the best, Beryl has surrounded herself with other girls that don't mark as well on subjects as she does. An easy way to stand out from a handpicked pack, and with a book almost always in her hands an extremely easy thing for her to accomplish. Beryl tries her best to get as many perfect marks as she can, and when she’s not studying she finds pleasure in tormenting the other students that dare to get in her way in the corridors.
Scorpio. Introverted. Cunning. Cold. Direct. Intelligent. Prideful. Egotistical. Private. Emotionally closed off. Lacks empathy. Silver tongued. Manipulative. Cynical. Judgmental. Bully. Blunt. Blood Purist. Fearless. Knowledge seeking. Doesn't handle rejection well.
-Patronus: Hasn’t learned to cast one yet.
-Boggart: Herself.
Name: Stefanie.Age: 32.
Contact: Discord - Stefanie#6132.
Other Characters: Imane Tuttle, and Barnabas Beck.
How did you hear about us?: Satan herself.