January 30, 2022 – 8:33 PM
Full Name: Sholto MurrayNicknames: Shee, Shee-Shee, Sho, To, Olto, Mur, Ray
Birthdate: February 28, 1870
Current Age: 21 Years
Gender: Often perceived as male and is such
Born female, has (mostly) successfully learned to pass as a slightly feminine young man with indengious magical charms and clothing choices
Occupation: Creature Healer at Podmore Zoological Gardens
Reputation: 8
- General eccentricities (odd hairstyle, shaded cinder glasses) = -2
Residence: Southeast Swallowbury District, Irvingly
Formerly traveled around with a magical creatures research group; spent time in the Americas, Russia, France, Africa and China.
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff Dropout (‘87)
Wand: Silver lime, 12", elastic, several dragon heartstrings
Blood Status: Pureblood
Social Class: Working
Biological: UnknownAppearance:
- Matijn De Vries [1831] || Father Figure/Mentor, Creature Healer/Magical Creature researcher
- Amelia De Vries [1839] || Mother Figure/Mentor, Weather Witch
General | At 5’4”, Sholto is often towered over by his similar aged male peers in both height and build; he’s slim, with lean muscle from working hands-on in the field with a research group. His hair is always in an odd, eccentric style and is naturally a coppery brown, just a little lighter than his warm chocolate eyes.
Expressions | A very neutral resting face with full cheeks; has dimples on either side of his grin and, when he smiles, he does so with his whole face. His eyes tend to squint so excessively when he laughs that they almost looked closed.
Deportment | This wee lad tends to slouch more than anything else, hands in the pockets of his coat and some form of glasses on, so it’s hard to track his eye-movement. A speed-walker, mainly from a life of having to match the pace of taller coworkers. He combines several native hairstyles he saw in the Americas for his own: shaven close on one side, with the curls slipping out around his ear on the other (he’s learned to cut his own hair with a few home-made spells). Often slouches and is unable to tan to save his life; has a slight Scottish brog leftover.
Fashion | Excessively layered clothing: shirts under vests with coats over top. Scarves (even out of season) and practical trousers and shoes. Sometimes shirts and vests with bracers from his trousers too. Never hats though. Always has a pocket watch.
Accessories | American cinder glasses and Chinese shaded spectacles from his travels. Also his mentor’s pocket watch.
Scent | Drying herbs and tea leaves with a hint of magic
Distinguishing Characteristics | His odd hairstyle and tendency to wear some form of spectacles of Asian origin.
Face Claim | Holly Rose Swinyard
Summer 1887 || Síofa Talhulla Ó Rinn drops out of Hogwarts and runs away; she leaves behind a note that upsets her middle class family (enough to draw public notice) - the note is burned and no missing person’s report is filed, however. All records of her seem to vanish at this point.
Fall 1887 || Sholto Murray, a young Scottish immigrant of anonymous origins, gets an apprenticeship under well-known Dutch creature healer Martijn De Vries; the older man takes the teenager under his wing and he and his wife practically adopt him, to the surprise of the Magical Creature community - the De Vries are a private lot who have turned down past apprentice prospects before. With his mentor’s wife’s assistance, he starts to learn control of his Seer abilities.
1888 || Sholto and De Vries are hired for a magical creature’s research team and travel the world with them; he gets real-world experience and starts to learn indigenious magic from all over the world. First stop is the French countryside.
Summer 1889 || Northern Africa. He enters a relationship with one of the other researchers, who gives him a necklace on his 18th birthday; however, when the two try to become intimate, his partner is revolted by his secret.
Winter 1889 || Coastal China. Sholto’s relationship is volatile but a well-kept secret; whenever he tries to pull away, his partner threatens to “unmask” the young man to the rest of the research group. On top of that, Sholto’s uncomfortable seer abilities, aggravated by his stress and mounting anxiety, peak through and he has a vision of his partner and young Chinese woman holding hands and kissing. It hurts terribly to see but then that night he watches his lover flirt with the women from his vision. At his wits end, he goes to his mentor.
Spring 1890 || South America. Sholto’s partner confronts him about De Vries threatening his group; there’s a scuffle and Sholto gets his ass handed to him. His partner is fired from the research team and left behind in a small Brazilian village the next day for beating him; Sholto buries the necklace in their next stop-over.
Winter 1890 || Paris, France. Sholto’s visions become a weekly pain in the ass. It affects his ability to work and his mentor pulls him aside to discuss his future.
1891 || Sholto returns to London; a recommendation letter from his mentor is sent ahead to the Podmore Zoological Gardens in Irvingly and he applies to be a creature healer there. When he gets the job, he moves to Irvingly and settles in the Southeast corner of the Swallowbury District among other witches and wizards.
- Languages: passable French, decent Spanish, poor Russian, Chinese and Egyptian
- Patronus: Clownfish
- Boggart: An absurdly curvaceous mannequin in a wedding dress
- Amortentia: Freshly rained on grass and peryton feathers
- Abilities: He is a seer - his visions tend to foresee future romantic/sexual interactions between people (it’s exceedingly awkward); they’re not reliable in terms of the longevity of the relationships he sees but he is lucky enough to only “see” these futures for people he knows (can’t have visions of himself). With the help of his former mentor’s wife, he’s learned how to suppress most of them (at the expense of terrible headaches).
- Exceedingly private about his attraction to other men, but is easily flustered by them nonetheless
- Learned fear of intimacy
Out-of-CharacterName: Bones
January 30, 2022 – 11:04 PM
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