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Could I have her name fixed? Had to add her middle name because of the previous incarnation.

Full Name: Chrysanta Princess Ruskin
Nicknames: Crystal - though she does not go by this as often anymore, except with family. It was more of a childhood nickname spawned from having trouble pronouncing her full first name.
Birthdate: May 10, 1872
Current Age: 19 Years
Gender: Female
Occupation: Spirit Division Employee
Reputation: 7 or 6
She is a half-vampire, and is working in a male-dominated field.
Residence: Hogsmeade
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Wand: Aspen, 11", solid, unicorn tail hair
Blood Status: Half-vampire
Social Class: Middle
Martin Ruskin, father, (b. 1845)
Lisa Fairbairn, mother (1682-1713-1888)

Acacia Ruskin, sister (b. 1871)
Orinda Ruskin, sister (b. 1874)
Dunstan Ruskin, brother (b. 1876)

Zophiel Ruskin, stepmother (b. 1856)
Malachai Sherington, step-brother (b. 1880)
Ariel Sherington, step-sister (b. 1884)
Gazardiel Sherington, step-sister (b. 1887)
Abraham Ruskin, half-brother (b. 1891) twin to Eve
Eve Ruskin, half-sister (b. 1891) twin to Abraham

Ellsworth Ruskin, paternal grandfather (b. 1808)
Rose Ruskin, paternal grandmother (b. 1823)
General | Standing a mildly shorter than average five feet and one inch in height, Chrysanta Princess Ruskin couldn't cut an imposing figure if she tried. Her golden hair and green eyes mark her as her mother's daughter more than any of her other features really do. She is right-handed.

Expressions | Chrysanta is surprisingly emotive — her expressions extend beyond her face into the rest of her physicality. She talks with her hands quite frequently.

Deportment | Carrying herself with more importance than necessary, the young half-vampire keeps her posture proper and perfect, but it doesn't always work out that way.

Fashion | Preferring cool shades like purple, blue, and green, Chrysanta dresses in modern muggle fashion, no matter that she doesn't always like the cut of it, outside of work. Her work robes and casual attire are kept impeccably. If asked to attend an event where eveningwear is required, she defaults to lavender silks.

Accessories | There are two particular accessories Chrysanta almost always wears — a silver magical pocketwatch she bought with her first pay, and a silver hair comb given to her by the nanny on the day she left for Hogwarts. It was a family heirloom and she had no one to give it to.

Scent | Rose, lavender, and rosemary.

Distinguishing Characteristics | Her sharp, exaggerated canine teeth and ghostly pale skin mark her for what she is; half-vampire. And often they are the first traits anyone notices about her.

Face Claim | Lili Reinhart
An Inauspicious Beginning
May, 1872Less than a year after their first child, Martin Ruskin and vampire Lisa Fairbairn welcome their second daughter, who is promptly named Chrysanta Princess. For a half-vampire, she is a surprisingly easy infant, though of course there are a couple short-lived health scares in her first few months of life.
1874A third daughter joins the household. The only reason the two-year-old even cares is because the screaming babe takes the nanny's attention away from her.
1876Finally, a son joins the household. He is named Dunstan. Crystal, as she has taken to calling herself due to her incessantly lengthy first name, still doesn't care all that much about the baby's presence. At least Orinda is a little more interesting now. No, the thing that actually affects the girl is the fact that her mother up and disappears shortly after Dunstan's birth! She misses her mama, no matter that she's spent more time with the nanny than with the vampire she calls mama.
1877The wizarding community is revealed to muggles quite spectacularly. Chrysanta doesn't care until she's suddenly shuffled into a new nursery in a place called Hogsmeade. She doesn't like the dark oak interior of the new house, either. She is a five-year-old, however, and her issues with the house are met with platitudes by the nanny. This is the first and only time Chrysanta has ever bitten anyone with her oversharp canine teeth, and she does not even fully remember it.
June, 1882Aged ten, Chrysanta's first sign of magic comes in an explosive manner, as she quite literally forces the main window of the nursery to explode outward into the street, showering passersby with glass, after being told that no, she cannot play with her favorite doll, she must go to her French lesson, for the fifth time in two minutes by the nanny. The window is rapidly repaired with magic.
September, 1882Older sister Acacia goes off to Hogwarts and is sorted into Ravenclaw. Chrysanta doesn't tell anyone, but she's terrified of being alone at Hogwarts, and hopes to be sorted into the same house to avoid the fate of being shunned by her classmates.
July, 1883Chrysanta's Hogwarts acceptance letter arrives. She convinces Father to take her shopping personally, and to purchase an orange tabby cat that she names Duke.
An Eventful Education
September, 1883Much to her shock and horror, upon seating herself beneath the Sorting Hat, Chrysanta finds herself sorted to Slytherin!. And it's a quick decision, too! She's frustrated by the revelation at first, but finds herself settling in nicely. For the most part.
1885Upon being informed that she must expand her course list in the next school year, she settles on Ghoul Studies and Arithmancy. Sensible choices for a sensible future, right?
May, 1887The Hogwarts Board of Governors does perhaps the most stupid thing they could possibly have done, in Chrysanta's professional opinion as a Hogwarts student. They ban half-breed students, and students who cannot prove human ancestry, from attending Hogwarts! It's irritating and makes her want to throw something at them if she ever sees them in person. Not that she would. But it makes her want to.
July, 1887While hiding from flying tigers at the World Fair with her sisters and another girl, Chrysanta witnesses her little brother's death at the claws of a vicious beast. Except, it never happened that way. They still aren't found for two days, but Dunstan survived.
January, 1888The half-breed ban is reversed, and the Ruskin sisters (as Dunstan is not yet attending) are permitted to reenter the hallowed halls of Hogwarts. Granted, they are expected to retake the previous year's lessons, but at least they're back.
February, 1888Lisa Fairbairn is dead. Chrysanta...doesn't really care anymore.
Summer, 1888Chrysanta is trapped by the magic-thieving fog in Hogsmeade. She's endlessly jealous of her sister being able to still experience magic where she is. When she finds out, that is.
August, 1889She opts to take NEWT courses in Charms, Ghoul Studies, Transfiguration, and Defence Against the Dark Arts.
February, 1890One morning at breakfast, something weird happens. Chrysanta remembers mourning her little brother, remembers watching him bleed out on that burning hot day, but he's there, at breakfast, talking to his friends. Older. Alive. Healthy. Acacia faints dead away at the sight and somehow Chrysanta manages to maintain consciousness. But it's close for a second there.
June, 1890Martin remarries. Chrysanta is genuinely confused as to why, but ambivalent to the woman herself. And her children.
May, 1891Chrysanta "debuts" into magical society, but really has no intention of following through with the idea of the debutante life.
A Hopeful Adulthood
July, 1891Chrysanta's NEWTs arrive. Her grades are pleasing, and she applies for a position with the Ministry of Magic's Spirit Division under the Department for the Regulation & Control of Magical Creatures, and she is accepted! Of course, she's the baby of the division, but she doesn't mind. Nowhere to go but up.
1892It's a new year for the Ruskin family. Acacia's courting a viscount in some twist of fate, and that, of course, brightens prospects on the marriage market somewhat. But it's hard to meet eligible gentlemen when you're working daily....
Cynical. Loyal. Confident. Stubborn.
  • Chrysanta’s western zodiac is Taurus.
  • When faced with Amortentia, Chrysanta smells the deep fragrance of cedar and pine, with a hint of peppermint to brighten the bouquet.
  • Dealing with a boggart is quite a fright for Chrysanta, as she is faced with none other than her own now-deceased mother, twisted, violent, and attacking.
  • Chrysanta is fluent in French, and plays the piano.
  • Currently, Chrysanta has one personal pet, a large male orange tabby named Duke. In addition, the Ruskin family has a household owl named Mimi.

Defence Against the Dark ArtsEE
Ghoul StudiesOO
History of MagicP--
Name: Elaine
Age: 28
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