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Full Name: Ella Marie Grimm
Nicknames: Her parents call her a variety of pet names, but she likes “Sweets”
Birthdate: February 20th, 1882
Current Age: 9
Occupation: Tiny Quidditch Hopeful
Reputation: 8, Ella is a “known bastard”
Residence: Bartonburg
Hogwarts House: Unknown
Wand: Unknown
Blood Status: halfblood
Social Class: middle
Everett Grimm | [10.31.1857]  father, broom regulatory office employee
though not actually her biological father, Ella does not know this; she thinks the world of her father

Grace Grimm nee Gallagher | [12.8.1859]  step-mother, retired quidditch star
the only true mother Ella has ever known, despite not being blood related, she loves Grace and calls her “Mama”

Vivian Grace Grimm | [01.19.1883] “sister”
Neither Ella nor Vivi know that Everett is not their father, but he claims them both; they do know Grace is not their biological mother

Esme Faith Grimm | [02.12.1885] half-sister
Rosalie Honor Grimm| [07.08.1886] half-sister
Edith Hope Grimm | [04.25.1888] half-sister
Thora Amity Grimm | [08.24.1891] half-sister
Theodore Valor Grimm [08.24.1891] half-brother
Flopsy | beloved family house elf and hands-down Ella’s BFF

Walter Grimm: [1832 - 1874] | grandfather
Emmaline Grimm nee Samuel: [1837] | grandmother
Edmund Grimm: [1854] | uncle

Standing around an average height for her age, Ella hovers a little shy of 4’8” and hopes to get some of her father’s height, though has no idea what will happen there. She has wavy, dark red hair and watery blue eyes. Freckles dust her cheeks and nose. She is athletic in build from running around the garden and ducking away from the governess; not to mention all of the quidditch. Because of this she generally appears a little disheveled and wild. She writes with her right hand.
February 1882
An Inauspicious Start
Just one day after her birth, Ella is unceremoniously dumped on her father’s/Uncle James’ doorstep by her maternal grandmother who states Ella’s mother died in childbirth. It goes about as well as expected when an infant is left with two bachelors.
January 1883
Lightning Strikes Twice
Her “sister” Vivian is left on Everett’s doorstep. Ella is obviously too little to remember this, having not even reached her own first birthday yet.
Summer 1883
Turns out, Ella’s biological mother, Mae Callahan is not in fact dead at all. She resurfaces and everything gets a little weird, but again, Ella is too little to realize.
October 1883
Mae kidnaps Ella and takes her to live with her. It’s a little chaotic, as Ella has never known anyone to care for her but her papa, Uncle James (and Auntie Fee!) and Auntie Eury. This is scary and she cries a lot, but only catches it in vague snippets of her memory. Mae decides she can’t cut it and brings Ella back to Everett on his birthday, along with a letter stating she will not interfere anymore.
April 1884
Her father marries Grace Gallagher, in a wedding that Ella frequently asks to hear the story of and one day hopes to replicate herself; they had their ceremony on brooms! It takes her a little while to warm up, but Ella takes to Grace eventually and completely. The pair are similar in personality, despite no blood relation.
February 1885
Another Girl
Esme Faith is born and Ella is now old enough to sort of understand how this whole thing works. She takes her three-year-old-big-sister duties as seriously as she can.
March 1886
The Loss
Uncle James dies in a carriage accident. It makes Auntie Fee really sad and they don’t see her for a while.
July 1886
And the Next
In rapid succession the Grimms add another girl, Rosalie Honor. This comes at no surprise, as it’s obvious how smitten Everett and Grace are with one another. The virtue middle name thing has now stuck— apparently Mama’s brothers all had similar middle names.
February 1887
Baby’s First Broom
Ella is given her first real broom! It only flies a few feet from the ground, but that is all she needs. Ella is immediately hooked on the freedom of flight.
April 1888
Another Round
After a somewhat more respectable gap, Edith Hope joins the family. Everett and Grace have blown past halfway to having their own quidditch team. Ella even now at six is still very much “the more the merrier.” It is funny they’re all girls though. She finds it funny her father is completely surrounded.
Summer 1889
The Move
The Grimms have officially outgrown the small house in South Bartonburg that Everett purchased when it was just him and Ella. Magical expansions only go so far. They move to a larger home with a big garden near the park in North Bartonburg. There is so much room to practice quidditch!
August 1891
One Last Shot
With a rough pregnancy leading up to a late summer birth, the Grimm family is surprised to find a set of small, but healthy twins pop out! First comes Thora Amity and finally Everett’s boy, Theodore Valor. The Grimm Family Quidditch Team is complete
New Year 1892
With her tenth birthday on the horizon, Ella feels the stress of not having shown her first sign of magic. Vivi already has and it’s a little scary to El that she hasn’t yet. It’s got to come soon right??
Bold; brave; people smart; gregarious; athletic; enjoys the outdoors; mildly mischievous; enjoys reading; hardworking; loyal; family-oriented.

Name: Bee
I think there has to be some sort of achievement unlocked when the character is born IC and is now playable at the age of approaching Hogwarts XD
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