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Full Name: Leona Maisie Bulstrode
Nicknames: Ona, Lee ( only people who want to get hexed )
Birthdate: August 31, 1874
Current Age: 17 Years
Gender: Female
Occupation: Seventh Year
Reputation: 9 - She has a non-identical twin.
Residence: Hogwarts, Otherwise London
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Wand: Pine, 7 1/4 inches, whippy, unicorn tail hair
Blood Status: Pureblood
Social Class: Upper

Malcom Bulstrode, father (b. 1841)
Renata Bulstrode, mother (b. 1850)

Mayhew Bulstrode, brother (b. 1871)
Aurelia Maria Bulstrode, sister (b. 1873)
Leandra M. Bulstrode, sister (b. 1874) - twin to Leona


The first impression on Leona is she stands at a bit over five feet has long whispy brown hair that is mostly straight and striking green eyes. She often holds her head down slightly to not appear to take the focus off of herself, yet she confidently looks up to people and response in short sentences to most when talked to.  Those she is closer to and family she tends to talk more to as the more she talks the harder it is to maintain the control expected of her station.

From a fashion perspective Leona has no preference between wizarding and muggle fashion with the cut of the outfit and her mood driving any decisions on what to wear.  She always looks dignified with a tinge of conservatism in her clothes, but her accessories are more modern.  With some of her hats, tiaras, and bonnets being modified to accent her outfit and guarantee she is the only one wearing them.

If observed in spell casting she is right handed and makes short deliberate strokes with her wand.


1874: Leona and Leandra are born in late August and named in December of that year.

1877: Isolation comes to the household as muggles riot against the magical community though to Leona it doesn’t change besides spending more time visiting the country.

1882: Mayhew is off to Hogwarts.  Leona misses him greatly.

1884: Aurelia is off to Hogwarts and sorted into Hufflepuff which surprises Leona and makes her realize her destiny in Slytherin is not certain.  She stops stating such assumptions out-loud though she still believes it.

1885: Leona and Leandra arrive at Hogwarts.  Leona is quietly upset she was sorted into Ravenclaw as it is not the same as her sister and it is not Slytherin.  Though at least Ravenclaw is an acceptable house to her as they do have there priorities about reading that she can relate to.  The hat suggested potentially sorting her in Gryffindor which she found to be a horrifying loud idea.

1887: Leona finds a book in the library that references the theories of casting spells silently. 

August 1890: Following her high OWL scores Leona settles on Ancient Studies, Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Earth Magic, Transfiguration choosing classes that interest her due to knowing her future is outside the academic realm, but hoping her selection can make for good conversations upon graduation.

April 1891: After years of quietly studying any book she could find on the theory of spell casting she casts her first silent spell being a Lumos in the Ravenclaw common room.  That day in spring was the day the members of her house saw the first uncontrolled expression out of her marked by a huge smile and an expression that could only be described as excitement.  The catch was those who noticed were very confused and all she said was she read something interesting in a letter from home - a rather boring letter that was open in her book serving as a bookmark.

1892: Leona has an unspoken worry that she isn’t ready to debute as she fears she may be in the shadow Aurelia and Cecilia who debuted last season and her own twin whom she expects to debute with her.


Obsessively Inquisitive | Resilient | Quiet | Understated | Reluctantly Bossy


Tends to be quieter and more reserved with the tendency to pause slightly before responding to people.

Artistic to the point where her interest in fashion has lead her to occasionally modifying and accessorizing hats/bonnets/tiaras to match her outfits/mood better than the original designer did.

Ancient StudiesEETBD
Defence Against the Dark ArtsATBD
Earth MagicEETBD
History of MagicA-

Sample Roleplay Post: See Smellie’
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