
Full Version: Lincoln Dashwood
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Full Name: Lincoln Oliver Richmond Dashwood
Nicknames: Link
Birthdate: February 28, 1881
Current Age: 10 Years
Gender: Male
Occupation: Child
Reputation: 8 or 9? His brother has stuff going on that might effect his reputation.
Residence:  Dashwood Hall, Surrey
Hogwarts House:Unknown
Wand: Does not have one yet
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: Upper
Alexander Dashwood, Father [1830]
Lysander Dashwood, Half Brother [1854], and family
Langston Dashwood, Half Brother [1856]
Lorelei — nee Dashwood, Half Sister [1858], and family
Unnamed Dashwood, Half Brother [1862, stillborn]
Georgiana Dashwood nee —, Mother [1854]
Letitia Dashwood, Sister [1874]
Laurel Dashwood, Sister [1879]

Having been born small and sickly, Lincoln is very small for his age. He is four feet three and a quarter inches and has a very slim build. He has brown hair and expressive, green eyes. He dislikes getting dirty and his clothes are whats proper for a boy of his social status. He is right handed.
1881: Lincoln is born. He is so small and sickly that the midwife informs his mother that Lincoln will not live beyond his first year of life. He ultimately does but not fully thrive and gets sick rather easily throughout his life which makes his mother overprotective of him.

1883: Drama goes on with Langston but obviously Lincoln is too young to even know or care about any of it. The most important thing in his life is the romantic drama between his teddy bear and his plush rabbit. Their love was not meant to be.

1884: The Laughing Plague happens but thankfully does not infect Lincoln as he has been kept away from Hogsmeade and anyone who might have contracted it.

1885: Lincoln performs his first signs of magic when he causes a small flood in the nursery after the nanny admonished him for something that he had done.

1888: Lincoln's mother forbids anyone from taking him to the Summer Solstice Festival considering what happened the last time that they came around. Lincoln is quite put out about it.

1892: His first year is coming up soon and Lincoln has mixed feelings about soon getting his very own wand. What if it explodes in his pocket or he takes his eye out with it somehow? But also finally being able to perform his own magic! Things also seem to be tense in Dashwood Hall but it all goes over the ten year olds head.

Personality: Shy. Timid. Sensitive. Cautious. Bit of a germophobe. Compassionate. Loving. Innocent. Purehearted. Imaginative, perhaps overly so.
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Other: - Gets sick really easily which unfortunately gives merit to his mothers oveprotective nature over him.
- Has a knack for story-telling - if only he wasn't so shy and did it more often.
Name: Kit
Age: 33
Contact: PM, Discord, Smoke Signals
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