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Full Name: Ottoline Fahmida Sheach née Foerstner
Nicknames: Otto (personal name)
Birthdate: June 25, 1858
Current Age: 34 Years
Perceived female, but is privately nonbinary

Occupation: Tutor & Quidditch Sponsor of the Holyhead Harpies
Reputation: 6
  • A rumored drunk since their husband’s death (deduction)
  • (Perceived) UC woman that is a quidditch sponsor (deduction)
Residence: East Founder’s Way, Wellingtonshire
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw Alumna; Class of ‘76
Wand: spruce, 12", pliable, dragon heartstrings
Blood Status: Pure
Social Class: Upper
  • Haydn Foerstner [1830] || Father, Quidditch Sponsor
  • Richa Foerstner née Bangerjee [1832] ]|| Mother, Socialite & Chaperon
  • Pete Foerstner [1854] || (Older) Brother, Portkey Office Employee
  • Virgil Foerstner [1856] || (Older) Brother, Department of Magical Education Employee
  • Magdalen Varsha Foerstner [1859] || (Younger) Sister, St. Mungo’s Creature-Induced Injuries Healer

  • Whitaker Sheach [2.2.1840-7.30.1890] || Late Husband, Railway and Imports Investor
  • Kirk Sheach [1877] || Step-son, Ravenclaw Fifth year

General | At 5’1”, Ottoline is the shortest of their family and most women their age – don’t let that fool you, however, as they are not to be underestimated. Their skin is a soft tan and their hair is dark chocolate – and, yes, those curls are completely natural. They are left-handed, to their mother’s absolute horror. Their eyes are such a dark shade of brown that they’re almost black in color.

Expressions | Their face is a stony, impassive wall of nothing; they have smiled so little in their lifetime, that they have almost no laugh lines nor a hint of developing crows feet. Their eyes are sharp but hard to read and they are well-known for their ability to stare down men much bigger than themself; they always look others in the eye and it can be rather off putting to have such an inscrutable face just staring back at you no matter what you do or say. Expressions of positive emotions are extremely rare, but ones of displeasure are not; despite only having a step-son, they have mastered the “disappointed mother” look already. When they want their displeasure to be known besides that, their top lip will curl at a corner and their brows will lower. A signature move of theirs is to cut their eyes around, give someone a quick once-over and then roll their eyes or silently scoff. More open when alone with their step-son than others.

Deportment | Ottoline carries themself with all the refined bearings expected of a pureblood member of the upper class, typically with their hands clasped in front or, sometimes, behind their back. They stand tall and keep a tight control on their body language as well as their facial expressions.

Fashion | Tends to wear brighter colors (rich reds, blues and purples) than most expect and forgoes hats, bonnets and caps completely; when at home, they wear their hair down but when out it is typically in an updo with a middle parting. The heels of their shoes typically add to their height, but besides they wear very practical footwear. Doesn’t wear make-up anymore.

Scent | Ottoline wears perfume that smells of honeysuckle and jasmine oil, though the strength of the scent varies with how she is feeling.

Face Claim | Aiysha Siddiqui

July, 1853 | After being pursued for five years, fourth son Hadyn Foerstner becomes engaged to middle class immigrant Richa Bangerjee. They have a grand, proper English wedding in London and then, at the behest of the Foerstner family, move into a country home near Liverpool.
April 1854 |Pete Foerstner  is born.
March 1856 |Virgil Foerstner  is born.
June 1858 |Ottoline Fahmida Foerstner  is born.
1859 | Richa is pregnant again; she has a miserable time and declares for all to hear at a social event that four children is just the perfect number. In May, Magdalen Varsha Foerstner is born.
1859 - 1863 | Ottoline becomes a notorious wild child over the years, following Virgil and Pete around everywhere. One day, the three are sent outside to play under the supervision of the boy’s governesses. Pete uses his magic – his first display of it – to shove her into a puddle. She retaliates by hexing him to grow insect antennae; his screams bring everyone rushing out of the house. This marks the end of good relations between Ottoline and her eldest brother.
1864 |Virgil displays his own magic by rocking fussy little Magdalen to sleep.
Spring 1865 |Pete receives his letter from Hogwarts; in celebration, the family makes a day of going to Hogsmeade to get his wand. There, Ottoline meets a man who looks like her mother; before they can say anything to each other though, Richa is there, dragging her off. The man calls after them but doesn’t follow.
September 1865  |Pete goes to Hogwarts and is sorted into Gryffindor. Hadyn decides to put his inheritance to use and becomes a quidditch sponsor; Richa does not approve but quickly falls in line, as a proper wife ought to.
Winter 1865 | Ottoline and Magdalen are given a governess; Mrs. Griffith’s an opinionated old maid that tries to beat “the devil” out of Ottoline for writing left-handed (to no avail). When told, Richa orders Ottoline to behave unless she wants to be punished. When she looks to her father, Hadyn washes his  hands clean of it all by saying it was a mother’s job to handle how the children were raised.
1866 | Ottoline has her wildness beaten into submission over the course of the year. Every little imperfection is met with a ruler smacking or slapping against some part of her body; instead of crumbling, she fortifies her walls. She learns to rely solely on herself.
Spring 1867 |Virgil receives his letter to Hogwarts; his ego gets a large boost and he starts to try and boss Ottoline around. Claims it's his right when Pete is still away; in response, Ottoline turns Virgil a gaudy shade of pink with yellow spots. She is punished severely and it hurts to sit for a few days.
September 1867 | Virgil finally goes off to school; he is sorted into Slytherin.
October 1867 | Ottoline slips down to the servants kitchen for a drink of water, too restless to stay in bed and let a house elf bring it to her. Afterwards, as she is slipping past her parent’s bedroom, she overhears them discussing how Magdalen might be a squib. When she goes around the corner to her room, she finds Magdalen quietly sobbing– it’s obvious she heard their parents too. That night, Magdalen sleeps with Ottoline in her bed; it becomes a habit for Mag whenever she has a bad night.
Spring 1868 | Now that Ottoline is behaving more, the governess turns her attention to Magdalen. She raps the younger girl’s hand but once for being left-handed and Ottoline sets her ruler alight. Mrs. Griffith quits immediately and Ottoline is severely punished; Richa locks her in her closet until she apologizes. Ottoline lasts two days before deciding it was best to just lie to appease her mother.
Summer 1868 | Pete and Virgil return from school; Ottoline immediately starts butting heads with the pair, while Magdalen tries to keep the peace. At one point, it is only their father’s convenient and unintentional entrance into the drawing room that keeps blows from being traded at one point. The tension in the house is unbearable.
September 1866 | Richa finally manages to hire a new governess for her daughters; a young middle class Indian woman who’s looking for work to help her husband. She is much kinder to the girls than the old maid and even keeps the boys away during lessons, muttering something to herself in Hindi each time. This piques Ottoline’s interest and she manages to convince the young lady to start teaching her the language– Ottoline has been gaining an interest in her Indian heritage as she learned history.
Winter 1868 | Pete discovers these unapproved lessons and tattles to their mother; Richa fires the governess on the spot and Ottoline takes the blame for it all. She is locked back into her closet again and gave it a day before lying again to be released.
September 1869 | Ottoline follows Pete and Virgil to Hogwarts; she is thankfully sorted in Ravenclaw, away from both.
Winter 1869 | Enjoys the freedom of being outside her parents’ house,  but does continue to buttheads with her brothers. Exceeds at her classes, obtaining and maintaining Es and Os throughout her first year.
Summer 1870 | After a bad scuffle with Virgil, Mag shows her first spark of magic by healing Ottoline’s busted lip so their parents won’t see. A few days later, Mag works up the nerve to show their parents her gift in a less dramatic fashion; Richa weeps tears of joy and Hadyn is pleased. Ottoline, watching, starts to hate her parents.
September 1870 | Magdalen comes to Hogwarts and is sorted into Gryffindor.
1871 | Ottoline becomes fast friends with a middle class muggleborn first year, Fraser Finnigan; it is refreshing to be with someone so genuine. Thankfully they never get caught hanging out alone or their friendship would have been ruined.
Winter 1872 | Ottoline’s mother throws an extravagant Debutante Ball, just a week before Christmas; it’s terrible but Mag stays close to Ottoline, which makes it all a little more bearable. When she returns to school after Christmas, she complains to Fraser about it for weeks; he laughs at her stories and droll comments.
1873 | Completes her O.W.Ls with flying colors and goes to Hogsmeade to celebrate. While there, she runs into a familiar face: the man from all those years ago in Diagon Alley. He begs for a chance to explain; he claims to be her mother’s younger brother. They came to England together so he could go to Law School and get a good job, start anew in a better country; that her mother left him behind in the middle class because she wanted a life of luxury, one they had no chance at in India. Before he can say much more, Fraser is calling for her. The man, Jaya, lets her go with a sad smile.
Spring 1874 | Richa tells Ottoline it’s time to leave school and start getting out so she can be married at a reasonable age. Ottoline says that would be a waste and that she should finish her N.E.W.Ts and graduate like any respectable pureblood. An argument breaks out, but Hadyn steps in and agrees with Ottoline– under the understanding she won’t try something stupid like get a job. A few days pass, and then Virgil tells their mother at another dinner that he saw Ottoline talking to a stranger middle class man after O.W.Ls last december; all hell breaks loose, as Richa shoots off accusations of promiscuous behavior. Ottoline explains what the man said and then… Richa confirms it. Ottoline is forbidden from seeing Jaya again.
Fall 1874 | With Fraser’s help, Ottoline discreetly goes looking for Jaya Bangerjee; she offers to bring Magdalen with her, but her little sister says it isn’t worth incurring their mother’s wrath.
1875 | Ottoline finds Jaya in Hogsmeade Hospital– he has a wasting disease of some kind, incurable, and is dying slowly. She continues to visit whenever able and they talk about many things. He starts helping her with her Hindi and she talks about her family with him. Towards the end, she asks him if she can call him uncle– and he tells her a secret: he isn’t really a man. Nor a woman… Somewhere in between the two, but outside it. The idea… sounds nice.
1876 | Jaya dies early that Spring. Ottoline goes on to pass her N.E.W.Ts with mostly Os and only one or two Es. Pete and Virgil move out the house to live in London, closer to their ministry jobs.
1877 | Wizards are banished from their homes in the muggle world; most families flee to the newly established Hogsmeade. The Foerstner family stays on their estate outside of Liverpool until they are forced to be violent trespassers. They settle in the heart of Wellingtonshire.
1878 | Ottoline is stagnant; her station forbids her from taking a job to put her education to use. Magdalen comes from, graduating from Hogwarts and goes straight to a finishing school in Londo; Richa threatens to do similarly to Ottoline unless she starts being properly sociable and looking for a husband. Ottoline reluctantly agrees.
Summer 1878 | Ottoline runs into Fraser at a socialite’s party; the two’s friendship clicks right back into place, like they had not been apart to start with. It is a happy summer for her.
1879 | Rumors start spreading about the pair; unpleasant ones, which raise concerns with her parents. Richa tells her she cannot marry Fraser. The two have a laugh over it later, as Fraser had found himself a handsome sidepiece a while back. As they spend time together, Fraser shares that he has learned to do some wandless magic; intrigued greatly, Ottoline asks if he can teach her. He agrees and, as they spend more time learning and more rumors spread, Ottoline comes to a conclusion: she doesn't like being treated like a woman, but she doesn’t really want to be a man either… Somewhere in between would be best for her.
1880 | Ottoline shares this conclusion with Fraser– it takes him a few months but he gets used to the idea, but suggests that perhaps they should keep this to themself a bit longer; which, obviously, was the plan to start with. They continue their meetings to secretly practice wandless magic. The rumors get a little more… illicit, and now Hadyn puts his foot down. Ottoline cannot see their friend anymore; Fraser promises to write to them.
1881 | Magdalen tells the family about her new job as a healer at St. Mungo’s; Ottoline is the only one happy for her. Everyone else comments on how that will hold Mag over nicely until marriage, however odd a job it was for a proper lady of good breeding.
1882 | Irvingly is settled and a new face moves into the northernmost corner of Wellingtonshire. Whitaker Sheach is “new money” upper class and has mixed results on the social scene– Richa warns Magdalen away from him; he was a widower with a son, not good husband material. Ottoline is reminded too to look for old upper class, pureblood families to marry into.
1884 | The Laughing Plague sweeps through Hogsmeade and the Foerstners go under self-imposed lock down to keep from getting sick; no one visits and Ottoline is trapped inside with their mother and father. Then comes the fire in High Street, which threatens their home. Ottoline takes Magdalen and leaves, but their parents stay. Luckily the house is untouched, saved for a scorched corner of the outside stone wall. When the cure comes in September, Fraser’s lover pays a call to tell Ottoline he’s dead and the funeral is coming up. They are forbidden from the funeral and instead write his lover an apology. They receive no reply.
Summer 1885 | Mr. Sheach and Ottoline finally speak to one another at a droll Debutante Ball; he is very visibly interested. They entertain him with stories of Hogwarts and droll commentary on the event. At the end of the night, after he departs, Richa makes her displeasure at Ottoline talking to a fake upper class man known.
Fall 1885 | Ottoline runs into Mr. Sheach a few more times and, in what will be their last act of rebellion, decides to encourage him by asking about his son.
Winter 1885 | Mr. Sheach comes calling on their father and both Richa and Ottoline are aware as to why. Magdalen is excited, but then is put off when Ottoline explains that this is not a love match; Mag takes their hands and promises Ottoline that they will find love. In a moment of weakness, Ottoline shares their new, true identity with their sister. Mr. Sheach proposes at the World’s Wizarding Fair and Ottoline meets 8-year-old Kirk Sheach for the first time.
1886 | The pair have a nice, large wedding at the Church of St. Fergus in Irvingly. Their honeymoon is short, lasting only a little less than a month and then they move into his large home at the northwestern most part of Wellingtonshire.
1887 - 1888 | It is the perfect marriage for Ottoline. Having a son, Whitaker does not even ask for children; he is away often on business between looking over his investments in the railway and imports. They have the house to themself and they’re given free reign in his absence. The first thing they do is fire Kirk’s governess in favor of tutoring him themself– might as well put that education of theirs to use, Ottoline figures. The two grow close over time. His first year at Hogwarts comes and goes and Whitaker sporadically visits. Things are going well in Ottoline’s opinion, especially when the Ministry renews ties with the Crown.
Spring 1889 | Whitaker is expected back to spend the summer with them; Kirk is not as excited as Ottoline would expect. However, a letter arrives that he will be delayed due a series of bad storms on the coastline.
Summer 1889 | The sound of a break-in wakes Ottoline and they tuck Kirk safely inside their room, even as he begs them to stay with him where it’s safe. They take their wand and go to investigate. They’re attacked by a werewolf near the stairs to the basement, being bitten and dropping their wand. A scream draws the beast away; Kirk had followed them. Thankfully, a house-elf appears and aparates the twelve year old away. The wolf turned back to them and they panic, throwing out their hands. The wolf caught alight and, as it cried, it sounded distinctly human… and familiar. Nothing but ash is left in the spell’s wake; Ottoline humbles to the kitchen, where the house elf has taken Kirk and fusses over her. Kirk tells her the truth in tears: that Whitaker was a werewolf. The constables show up to warn her about the werewolf in the area; between the elf, Kirk and themself manage to hide Ottoline’s injury. Ottoline lies to the constables: says Whitaker tried to use their wand to protect her from the werewolf and it backfired, setting both him and the beast ablaze.
Fall 1889 | There is an investigation into their claims and, as Kirk prepares to go off to school, Ottoline convinces him to make an Unbreakable Vow with them; Ottoline will not tell anyone of his father’s secret affliction if he will not tell anyone of theirs.
Winter 1889 | The investigation concludes and Magdalen comes to visit them before they go into mourning as a widow; Ottoline has her look at the healing wound. The scar is permanent but Mag swears an Unbreakable Vow to Ottoline about their secret without prompting. It is unexpected and, for the first time in a long time, Ottoline cries. She officially goes into mourning at the end of December.
1890 | Ottoline sends away all the house elves but Rye, who had rescued Kirk that night. They and Mag, through secret messages, work out a series of plans for the full moons to come. Whitaker’s will is surprisingly liberal-minded when all is said and done: Ottoline keeps the properties he owned and the house; Kirk’s inheritance is locked away until he finishes Hogwarts and until then Ottoline holds control over Whitaker’s investments and shares.
Spring 1891 | The pain and aches of their monthly transformations drive them to drinking; they manage to restrict the heavier indulgences to the house but cannot help but have a social sip or two. Rumors start to circulate that the widowed Sheach is a drunkard; nothing confirmed but damaging nonetheless.
Fall 1891 | In a fit of feeling utterly useless, Ottoline becomes sponsor for the Holyhead Harpies; then, afterwards, puts out word about being a tutor for hire. Kirk convinces her to get two large Scottish deerhounds and an ugly old Persian cat to keep them company. At the start of Winter, they officially come out of mourning. Richa offers for Kirk and them to move back into the family home, but Ottoline turns her down, sighting that Kirk deserved to grow up in his father’s house.

ISTJ on Myers Brigg || The Assertive Logistician

  • Languages: fluent in Hindi and German; decent French (to her mother’s horror)
  • Boggart: A basement cellar door
  • Patronus: Indian Grey Hornbill
  • Amortentia: Unknown
  • Pets: Meredith (Persian), Paul and Saul (Scottish deerhounds)

Is afflicted with lycanthropy, but this is a secret that only two other (very trusted) people know.

Name: Bones
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