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Ali's Network - Briar Figg - June 11, 2020

Player Name Ali
Contact: PM/Discord

[Image: 4407b6b77642c43b277c968248532b64.gif]
Briar Figg
20 | WCHB | Working Class | ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦
Maid for The Beck family
  • Friends! Briar is a good friend, that being said she does not have many. She mainly keeps to herself so her friendship group is small
  • Enemies! People for some reason dislike Briar- probably because of being a squib! Depending on the person, she won't stay quiet when people do treat her poorly.
  • Lovers! Briar has never found love- but maybe she can! Who knows though she is not actively looking


  • Earth Beck - Employer

  • RE: Ali's Network - Elsie Kirke - June 11, 2020

    Hi Ali, not sure if you mind me posting here, but feel free to reply in a PM if you prefer!

    I have a few options for you!

    my Londoners are Eileen Buchanan who is an outspoken, tiny torrent of sass. She WC and works at the Leaky Cauldron as a waitress and is easily found there harassing people. She hangs out with the Revs, but isn't as political as the rest. She's a Hufflepuff through and through and is pretty easy to make friends with if you don't mind her upfront abruptness sometimes!

    I also have Gordon Gibson who owns and operates a bookstore on the shady side of town, he's also a loan shark and an author of smutty novels, so there's that haha! He's a pretty decent guy, until you cross him or owe him money!

    Bronwyn Moony is also WC and a midwife, super outgoing and easy to get along with! She likes to take people under her wing and make sure they're all good, so I can see her taking a shining to Briar!

    I also have Jesse Hatchitt who could potentially easy to run into as he works for the Accidental Magical Reversal Squad and could legit be anywhere at any time haha!

    There's probably more, but that's a good start I think!

    RE: Ali's Network - Elias Grimstone - June 11, 2020

    Hi Ali! First of all, I have too many characters, so if anyone I didn't mention is useful to you, just let me know! That said, some possibilities are...

    Jay Fox lives and works in London (Knockturn Alley) and is involved in ~slightly shady business. As such, he also largely keeps himself to himself, but otherwise he's quite sweet and lonely and would be a loyal friend if he grew to trust her.

    Titus Cripps is also working class and close in age, and unlike Jay is the most trusting person on the planet. He had a few years at Hogwarts but now works at the Sanditon beach resort for a ghost gentleman. Still, he can easily venture out into the wider world, and he'll make friends with anyone! He's usually better at making friends with girls to begin with because he finds them less intimidating. Depends how much patience Briar has for a goof!

    Jude Wright is my one of the Revs (like Leeny above!) and they mostly hang out at the Augurey Beak Cafe so if she wandered in there she might get to know any of them! They are usually campaigning for workers' rights and absolutely support blood equality, squibs included.

    RE: Ali's Network - Madeleine Backus - June 11, 2020

    The main suspect I have for her is Isis Silverthorne a fellow squib, and she does not give a fuuuccxxkkk for societies good opinion.

    She and Maddie here would know each other given their ages. Happy to have an established friendship between them

    The only others I have would be possible employers for her.

    RE: Ali's Network - Aldous Crouch - June 12, 2020

    Was bummed to see she already had a boss — was going to pimp out for potential interviews D<

    As to actual connections, I have...
    Blythe Fairchild, close in age and a member of the CMJ so they might meet through Briar's employer, though she's been raised to think squibs are a sign of God's disfavour towards one's family, so that could be interesting xD

    RE: Ali's Network - Esteban Zavala - June 12, 2020

    I have an obscene amount of characters so like MJ said, if no one is useful to you, check that out. XD

    Esteban Zavala and Monty Morales are both Rev connected like Leeny and Jude. But Esteban would be the main connection here as Monty tends to just come around randomly. They are both working class!

    Garrett Cavey works in London and lives there and is also working class. He is not above befriending a squib <3

    Judah Holt also lives in London and is mainly based around there.

    I have many other working class folks but these are the ones who are not students, live and/or mainly work based in London!

    RE: Ali's Network - Amelia Evans - June 12, 2020

    Eee welcome to Charming Ali!! <3 I have for you: