Alfred jotted things down as she spoke, but since she didn't have an exact inventory handy he kept his letter suitably vague. "They'll get returned," he said confidently as he continued writing. "Or if they're truly lost, he'll pay you for them." He was strongly suggesting as much in his letter, anyway, and dropping in a few not-very-subtle threats about what should happen if his recommendations weren't followed. Alfred didn't have much power in the grand scheme of things, not when one was talking about society or the Ministry or the world at large, but he did have quite a bit of sway in the rather small magical nautical community that existed in Britain — and specifically those that tended to dock in the Thames for extended periods. He could make the Serena unwelcome the next time that she tried to pull in, and wouldn't hesitate to do so if this bloke insisted on being a crook. Particularly when all that was at stake was lady's clothing — honestly, what did he even have to gain here?
Finishing up his note, Alfred waved the parchment lightly to allow the ink time to dry before folding it. "I don't keep an owl here, but I'll send it off today," he told her, placing the folded letter in his pocket. "If anything ends up missing from your trunks when you get them back, just let me know."

MJ made the most Alfredy of sets and then two years later she made it EVEN BETTER
Finishing up his note, Alfred waved the parchment lightly to allow the ink time to dry before folding it. "I don't keep an owl here, but I'll send it off today," he told her, placing the folded letter in his pocket. "If anything ends up missing from your trunks when you get them back, just let me know."

MJ made the most Alfredy of sets and then two years later she made it EVEN BETTER