Welcome to Charming
Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Play-By Directory
Play-By Directory

Play-bys are completely optional, but please claim them if you use them!
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Listings with clickable character names indicate the player is open to sharing. Please contact them directly to work out the details, as you'll need their say-so to list your character under the same face!

Click below for instructions and guidelines.


Adjani, Isabelle - Elfrieda Yaxley
Ahmed, Riz - Ishmael
Alcock, Milly - Gwyn Conway
Allan, Freya - Emma Flitwick
Allen, Evie - Ariana Dumbledore
Amarteifio, India - Idris Oakby
Andoh, Adjoa - Ife Gbadamosi
Apatow, Maude - Clementine Greengrass
Appleman, Hale - Ozymandias Dempsey
Arjona, Adria - Corinne Dursley
Arthur, Aiden - Yuri Podsnapper
Ashley, Simone - Cordelia Emsworth
Aspell, Lily - Caroline Weasley


Babich, Natsya - Clarissa Cosgrove (02/05/25)
Bailey, Jonathan - Desiderius Morgan
Baker, Darla - Morgana Gaunt
Baker, Malia - Kaatjie Spaans
Bale, Christian - Phineas Black
Baldry, Maxim - Barnaby Wye
Barczak, Maksymilian (Max) - Aristide Selwyn
Barnes, Ben - Josiah Rohlwing
Barrueco, Diego - Rufus Bixby (03/05/25)
Bass, Bailey - Lilibet Meadows
Basso, Annalise - Olive Norris
Bassett, Joshua - Leander Hobday
Beane, Violett - Jupiter Smith (06/04/25)
Bedetti, Alessandro - Eros Mohr
Benito, Jorge - Ignacio Sidonia
Bennett, Sai - Alexandra Rowle
Benson, Ashley - Angie Swan
Best, Eve - Atalanta Hart
Bilton, Cassian - Calvin Paxton
Bixenman, Jacob - Byron Applegate
Blagden, George - Elliot Carmichael
Bledel, Alexis - Elsie Kirke
Bleu, Corbin - Nicodemus Zabini
Bo, Xiao - Feiyu Yao
Boneta, Diego - Esteban Zavala
Bossom, Cara -Victoria Hunter
Boynton, Lucy - Angeline Malfoy
Bracey, Luke - Eamon Harper
Brancusi, Gratiela - Joni Woodswell
Brar, Karan - Tennyson Halstead
Bridgers, Phoebe - Estelle Malfoy
Brosnahan, Rachel - Sophia Lissington (03/05/25)
Broussard, Israel - Fortitude Greengrass
Brown, Millie Bobby - Daesyn Mackenzie
Bryant, Aidy - Laurel Potts
Brunson, Quinta - Dido Bloom
Butterfield, Asa - Phineas Black II
Butters, Julia - Greta Gillenwater
Byrne, Rose - Ambrosia Selwyn


Cabello, Camila - Teodora Flores
Cains, Harriet - Zenobia Honeysuckle
Cameron, Dove - Hope St. John-Black (02/05/25)
Camp, Anna - Nephele Lestrange (05/04/25)
Carey, Emily - Enid Glynn
Carmichael, Caitlin - Calla Potts (08/03/25)
Carpenter, Sabrina - Sage Whitby
Carter, Freddy - Sage Macnair
Casalegno, Gavin - Ganymede Silente
Cavill, Henry - Rhys Gallagher
Chalamet, Timothée - Pip Manwaring
Champion, Jack - Connor Sinnet
Chandran, Charithra - Philomena Sprout
Chavis, Lonnie - Toby Seacoal
Christie, Gwendolyn - Titania Allaway
Cimino, Michael - Nicodemus Dursley
Clapcott, Florence - Adrienne Selwyn
Clarkson, Patricia - Harriet Prewett
Clements, Jessica - Kenna Buchanan
Coleman, Jenna - Imogene Paxton
Collins, Lily - Porphyria Dempsey
Comer, Jodie - Marlena Scamander
Connor, Kit - Callum Finnigan
Cormier, Samantha - Chloe Greene
Corrin, Emma - George Waterford
Coughlan, Nicola - Harmony Gambol
Coughlan, Nicola - Fiona McCarthy
Courtney, Joel - Philomen Huxley
Crawford, Chace - Elias Grimstone
Criss, Darren - Tybalt Kirke
Cumberbatch, Benedict - Aldous Crouch
Cummings, Ashleigh - Veronica Gallivan


Daddario, Matthew - Philip Aymslowe (21/03/25)
Dallas, Josh - Quincey Honeyduke
D'Arcy, Emma - Hauke Bauer
De Angelis, Matilda - Sybella Capobianco
Dee, Aisha - Delilah Warbeck
Dempsey, Patrick - Perseus Flint
Deutch, Zoey - Alcyone Slughorn (02/05/25)
Devlin, Janet - Merida Greyback (02/05/25)
Dhawan, Sacha - Nick Blott
D'Hoore, Valentin - Hadrian Nott
Dockery, Michelle - Rufina Mulciber
Dodd, Hannah - Sabine Valenduris
Dolan, Xavier - Kieran Abernathy
Donnell, Colin - Ari Fisk
Donnelly, Meg - Greer Owens
Downey, Katelyn Rose - Regina Pendergast
Drayton, Poppy - Poppy Dashwood
Dyer, Natalia - Bronwyn Moony
Dynevor, Phoebe - Annora McKelvey


Edebiri, Ayo - Callista Adebayo
Eisner, Luke - Nigel Yarwood
Elordi, Jacob - Henry Berkwood
Emad, Tara - Isis Silverthorne (05/04/25)
Emmanuel, Nathalie - Elenora Brierley
Evans, Chris - Sydney Podmore


Fanning, Elle - Darling Whitledge
Farrell, Colin - Emrys Selwyn
Ferland, Jodelle - Ellen Ilkin
Follows, Megan - Antelope Grace
Field, Luke Brandon - Don Juan Dempsey
Findlay, Katie - Juliana Ainsworth
Fisher, Jordan - Noah Farley
Fitzgerald, Willa - Tess Whitby
Flanery, Lola - Flora Mulciber (03/05/25)
Fleetwood, Kate - Elladora Black
Fouad, Tamino-Amir - Basel Meighan
Foy, Mackenzie - Forsythia Rowle
Froseth, Kristine - Daffodil Grimstone


Galitzine, Nicholas - Jack Humphrey-Mavis
Gallagher, Adam - Reginald Alderton
Garfield, Andrew - Leonid Fisk
Giordano, Alexia - Harriet Bythesea
Goldstein, Brett - Howell Howell
Goode, Matthew - Roberto Devine
Gooding, Mason - Gregory Hart
Gosse, Arthur - Kenneth Cosgrove
Goth, Mia - Hippolyta Pucey
Grazer, Jack Dylan - Sirius Black
Grobglas, Yael - Eloise Scrimgeour
Gröblinghoff, Joana - Madeleine Backus
Grudina, Anna - Katherine Arundell
Gruffudd, Ioan - Thaddeus Flint


Hale, Lucy - Dorothea Potts
Harrington, Abigail - Thistle Potts
Hart, Misha - Evangeline Rowle
Hayes, Oliver - Friendless Night (21/03/25)
Haynes, Colton - Kristoffer Lestrange
Healy, Matty - J. Alfred Darrow
Hemsworth, Liam - Fitzroy Prewett
Hemsworth, Liam - Felix Prewett (03/05/25)
Heukels, Ton - Jude Wright
Hewson, Eve - Seraphina Bythesea
Hiddleston, Thomas - Vincent Iago
Higginson, Will - Timoleon Maxime
Hilliard, Julian - Quincy Smellie
Hivju, Kristofer - Murdock Greyback
Holland, Tom - Eugene Scamander
Holland, Tom - Jack Dorset
Hollestelle, Luca - Sapphire Weasley
Holm, Henrik - James Fletcher
Hoorne, Davika - Guinevere Frost
Hoult, Nicholas - Cassius Lestrange
Hozier-Byrne, Andrew - Ezra Applegate
Hughes, Tom - Timothy Ainsworth
Huisman, Michiel - Ulysses Hawthorne
Hunt, Florence - Philippa Rowle



Jackson-Cohen, Oliver - Konstantin Fisk
James, Theo - Dominic Orpington
Jenkins, Maxwell - James Callum
Jordan, Michael B. - Jack Collins
Joselin, Justice - Anthony Alderton
Jung, HoYeon - Ida Chang (03/05/25)
Jurgensmeyer, Jet - Benedict Hunter


Kadritskaya, Bogdana - Shalott Dempsey
Kazinsky, Robert - Adam McKinnon
Kellyman, Erin - Effie Clarke
Kendrick, Anna - Nathalie Jennings
Kidman, Nicole - Themis Lyra
Kohli, Rahul - Wystan Pomfrey
Kovalenko, Alina - Ginevra Blackwood
Kreuk, Kristin - Irene Crawley
Kulakova, Sonya - Dahlia Potts
Kusakina, Nastya - November Malfoy


Langford, Josephine - Charlotte Paxton
Lazzini, Rafael - Reuben Crouch
Lemire, Alexxis - Drusilla Pettigrew
Lerman, Logan - Titus Nott
Lewis, Matthew - Mason Skeeter
Li, Jessie Mei - Rowan Yaxley
Liberato, Liana - Zelda Darrow
Llewellyn, Dylan - Abraxas Crabbe
Lloyd, Harry - Victory King
Locke, Joe - Cadogan Glynn
Louis-Dreyfus, Julia - Lowri Dempsey


MacFadyen, Matthew - Robert Rowle
Madden, Richard - Julius Scrimgeour
Madison, Bailee - Madeline Bell (03/02/25)
Mallard, Felix - Paxton Fudge
Manganiello, Joe - Kentigern MacFusty
Marano, Vanessa - Lycoris Dempsey
Masciolini, Stefano - Gus Lissington
Mason, Alton - Rufus Osei
Maunier, Jean-Baptiste - Leonard Blank
Maurer, Maggie - Morrigan Crowley
Maxwell, Lukita - Matilda Farris
Mazouz, David - Charles Hutton
McAvoy, James - Christopher Moony
McClain, Sierra Aylina - Viola Sinistra
McGrath, Katie - Ursula Black
McKellen, Ian - Meserimus Valenduris
McMillan, Miles - Endymion Dempsey
McNulty, Matthew - Evander Darrow
Mescal, Paul - Declan Buchanan
Mikkelsen, Mads - Samuel Griffith
Milky, Daria - Edelweiss Prewett
Miller, Levi - Caspian Pettigrew
Mitchell, Elizabeth - Constance Sykes (02/08/25)
Mitchell, Ewan -  Kelly Wildsmith
Mommsen, Erin - Winston Umbra
Montgomery, Janet - Titania Applegate
Morell, Thom - Roman Crouch
Morgan, Laura - Hazel McPherson
Murphy, Cillian - Dionysus Quirke
Myers, Emma - Sloane Bixby
Myers, Isabel - Isolde Glynn
Mylchreest, Corey - Alvin Bixby


Nagaitis, Adam - Aubrey Davis
Nash, Avi - Edward Flourish
Neill, Sam - Algernon Rowle
Nesterenko, Alina - Chastity Bentley
Nesvat, Alisha - Eileen Buchanan
Newmark, Lily - Scallion Escher
Newton, Kathryn - Lorelei Owens
Newton, Luke - Gideon Browne
Norton, James - Faustus Prewett (05/07/25)


O'Brien, Ellie - Millie Potts
Oleff, Wyatt - Lester Hatchitt
O'Pry, Sean - Sebastian Talbot
Olsen, Elizabeth - Avery Davenport


Pace, Lee - Philip Rowle
Page, Regé-Jean - Albion Picquery
Palmer, Teresa - Apollonia Honeycutt
Palvin, Barbara - Caroline Darrow
Patel, Dev - Brooks Watson
Parilla, Lana - Angelica Selwyn
Parker, Mary-Louise - Mariana Macnair (05/03/25)
Partridge, Louis - Maeve Buchanan II
Pavaga, Anna - Morgan Valenduris
Pendlebury, Marlon - Rémy Toulouse
Peters, Maisie - Temerita Reid
Phillips, Zane - Dean Hudson
Pierre, Aaron - Kayode Gbadamosi
Pimenova, Kristina - Sisse Thompsett
Poesy, Clemence - Rose Hart (02/05/25)
Poots, Imogen - Antigone Lestrange
Potter, Ryan - Charles Whymper
Powell, Glen - Emmett Harper
Pugh, Florence - Persephone Broadmoor
Purnell, Ella - Christabel Daphnel


Qualley, Margaret - Saffron Whitby


Rahim, Tahar - Yassine Bensouda (03/02/25)
Ramakrishnan, Maitreyi - Ani Pomfrey (02/05/25)
Ramsey, Bella - Anne Moony
Redmayne, Eddie - Richard Gladstone
Renau, Aroa - Ramona Pendergast
Reynolds, Ryan - Ephram Diggory
Richards, Dakota Blue - Charley Goode
Ridley, Daisy - Hermia Bonaccord
Rheon, Iwan - Charles Macmillan
Rios, Manu - Aleksei Nichols
Robb, Annasophia - Violetta DeCroix
Rodriguez, Tashi - Belladonna Woods
Ronan, Saoirse - Eleanor Griffith
Rowe, Charlie - Noble Greengrass
Rudd, Emily - Benevolence Montague
Russell, Danielle Rose - Araminta Scrimgeour


Schoenaerts, Matthias - Trystan Selwyn
Scobell, Walker - Nathaniel Gallivan II
Scodelario, Kaya - Anthea Selwyn
Selezneva,  Anna - Juniper Edevane (02/05/25)
Sheehan, Robert - Tycho Dodonus
Shipka, Kiernan - Gretchen Lestrange
Shoemaker, Ashley - Mia Whitby
Shum Jr., Harry - Monty Morales
Sidorchuk, Daria - Tilda MacFusty
Silvers, Diana - Grace Greengrass
Simmonds, Millicent - Imperatrix Lestrange
Simone, Hannah - Thomasina Dempsey
Simone, Lovie - Iphigenia Adebayo
Sink, Sadie - Idunn Fraser (02/05/25)
Skarsgard, Alexander - August Echelon-Arnost
Skarsgard, Bill - Victor Frey
Skelton, Sophie - Fallon Gillespie (02/08/25)
Sklenar, Brandon - Tobias Ollivander
Skogman, Calahan - Alastair Danaher
Smith, Daisy Clementine - Victoire Malfoy
Smith, Ella-Rae - Morrigan Selden
Smith, Lucky Blue - Raphael Malfoy (06/04/25)
Stenberg, Amandla - Georgianna Shacklebolt
Stone, Emma - Johanna Applegate
Sturgess, Jim - Arthur Pettigrew
Styles, Harry - Cleon Broadmoor
Sula, Jessica - Jemima Greengrass
Sulkin, Gregg - Theodore Gallivan
Suman, Amita - Ivy Sandow
Sweeney, Sydney -  Eurydice Lovegood


Taylor-Joy, Anya - Blythe Fairchild
Thatcher, Sophie - Beatrix Burke
Thomas, Antonia - Georgia Brierley
Thwaites, Brenton - Dorian Fisk
Thompson, Luke - Basil Foxwood
Tilston, Will - Jameson Potter
Treadaway, Harry - Protego Lochrin
Turner, Aidan - Benedict Sterling
Turner, Sophie - Tranquility Gambol



Vandanapu, Avantika - Wren Burroughs
Van Snippenberg, Mats - Wallace Bixby
Varma, Indira - Sara Hyde
Velencoso, Andrés - Jonathan Copper
Ventimiglia, Milo - Percival Adlard (03/05/25)
Vikander, Alicia - Evelyn Abercrombie (02/05/25)


W, Sebastian - Maxwell Beck  (03/02/25)
Wallis, Annabelle - Louisa Clearwater
Wang, Jessie Li - Hestia
Warren, Marc - Joseph Knotwood
Waterhouse, Imogen - Rosalie Hunniford
Weir, Alisha - Margaret Wallace
Weissman, Malina - Hesper Gamp
Whelan, Gemma - Emilia Moony
Williams, Rose - Holliday Fudge (05/04/25)
Wilson, Ruth - Ester Montgomery
Wolfe, Jack - Wren Banges



Yanchik, Darya - Zinnia Gallagher
Yolaine, Camille - Sophie Miller
Young, Kit - Maelstrom Crumb


Zadro, Amelia - Mabel Brighton
Zaman, Assad - Raj Sandow
Zegler, Rachel - Xiomara Thistlewood
Zingmark, Ebba - Arabella Russell
Zhgenti, Maria - Marie-Louise Prewett (02/08/25)

PMs on this account will not be checked.
Instead, please contact Ursula Black, Aldous Crouch, Cassius Lestrange, Elias Grimstone or Philomena Sprout with any questions, issues, or concerns.

hey, hi, hello, reserving:
<b>Shipp, Alexandra</b> - Zipporah Farley

Reserving Martins Imhangbe it is all MJs fault.

Got dealt a double whammy of being tempted by MJ & Lynn. Look not upon my weakness.


<b>Boemeke, Isabelle</b> - Marion Flourish

Reserving please

<b>Fanning, Dakota</b> - Isla Bowen

[Image: z46cWF1.png]
Reserving Kelvin Harrison Jr.

[Image: Harry-Sig-copy.png]
set by Bee! <3
<div title="Message to discuss!"><b>Imhangbe, Martins</b> - @'Enoch Prescott'</div>

Relinquishing Grazer, Jack Dylan

Switching to -
[200]<b>Collett, Harry</b> - Sirius Black[200]

MJ made this!
(January 31, 2025 – 7:04 PM)Tycho Dodonus Wrote:  hey, hi, hello, reserving:
<b>Shipp, Alexandra</b> - Zipporah Farley


<div title="Message to discuss!">[75]<b>Maslany, Tatiana</b> - @'Desdemona Pettigrew'[/75]</div>

The devil made me do it.

[Image: RvKF54W.png]
graphics by mj ❤ —
Grey for Mabel here! :D

[Image: QFB5GZw.jpeg]
(February 4, 2025 – 5:00 AM)Henry Berkwood Wrote:  Reserving Kelvin Harrison Jr.

Re-reserving with a completed app
<b>Harrison Jr., Kelvin</b> - Edgar Curtis


Switching from Llewellyn, Dylan back to sweet bby

[75]<b>Jupe, Noah</b> - Abraxas Crabbe[/75]

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