The Desperate Romantics

[Enter IRENE, RÉMY, HÉLÈNE, MOLLY and MATEO; a group of artists and creatives from Italy who met during a summer intensive.]
Their friendship was somewhat forged through the fires of their strict art professor who was fair, but relentless. Over the next few months, the crew settled into a routine of going to school and hanging out afterwards, where their nights consisted of chats of romance, tragedy, family and life in general. Following an incident after Irene leaves Italy, they all decide to move to England together, with Molly's family owning the building where they rent out rooms.
II. Melancholia | III. CONFLUENCE
Rémy Toulouse

b. 1863 | MCHB | Beauxbatons | Artist |
Played by K I T
Arguably the most talented of the group, Remy is loyal and an all around cheerful chap. Having grown up in France alongside Helene, they often speak rapidfire French with each other until otherwise stopped by someone else in the group; usually Mateo or Irene that throws their shoes at them. During one of her last weeks in Italy, Irene figures out that Remy is in love with Mateo. Irene, predictably, bonds with him having been in a similar position in the Spring.

b. 1863 | MCHB | Beauxbatons | Artist |
Always the calm and collected one, it's hard to find something that phases Helene. She tends to walk everywhere and rarely displays any kind of stress or urgency. Cynical and protective, Helene was widowed 3 years ago and left with a decent nest egg by her husband to take care of their child. This fact, Helene is not ashamed of, but does not see fit to let people know. There is decidedly not a maternal vibe about her; in fact, most of the group aside from Remy didn’t realize that Helene had a child until she revealed it two months into their intensive. However, she is often the one to talk people into doing things they might be scared to do. While persuasive, she is not pushy or intrusive.

b. 1868 | UCHB | Ilvermorny | Artist |
Possibly the richest of the bunch, Molly Brown is an American heiress who is a bit more timid than the rest. Her father and mother are American as well and are looking to immigrate to the UK in the following few years. While at first a shy creature, Molly eventually comes out of her shell among the group. She can sometimes be the voice of reason, but most of the time is a bit of an anxious mess. She wants to make her parents proud, however with an overachieving brother and sister back home, she finds it hard to live up to them. The group all try and encourage Molly to calm down every once in a while. Oh, and her family back home is involved with the mob. Possibly with The Merchant (see The Merchant Plot above) as well.

b. 1863 | UCPB | Beauxbatons | Artist |
Mateo is the most boisterous, unafraid of drawing attention to himself or making some noise (like a true Italian). While he's often the one to help cheer Molly up, he could be a bit a tortured soul; with an extremely purist family family, he is being told by his them to choose a path: artistry or to lose his inheritance. He was also made to take an Unbreakable Vow - the timeline and specifications are up to the player.
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