February 2, 2025 – 10:37 AM
Last modified: February 2, 2025 – 10:38 AM by Anthea Selwyn.
Anthea Selwyn — Played by Jen
February 28th, 1895 — Hogsmeade Hospital
Anthea stared up at the ceiling of the Plant and Poisoning Ward and tried to contemplate on where she had gone wrong in her life. Her purple swollen leg told her maybe she ought to have diversified, gone into healing or perhaps herbology. If she had done that maybe her life would've turned out different.. But Charms were her forte. She was good at charms... one could actually argue she was very good at charms - she was employed the Committee on Experimental Charms after all - a team created to oversee the use and development of experimental spells and she often found herself called out to deal with the unusual results of charms. And while she didn't particularly enjoy the fieldwork component of the job she found that as it often came with further revelations into the nature of magic she had learnt to deal with it's annoyance.
She'd had her fair share of things go wrong whilst out in the field but being Poisoned by a thorny magical plant had been a first. She had of course thought first about attempting to treat the wound herself but had dismissed the idea entirely - she was not a healer after all and Potions and Herbology were really a subjects she hadn't taken any real particular interest in since schooling beyond following a fancy here and there. She knew that the subjects had their place in wizarding society they just didn't exactly have a place in hers. Until today - and so she'd made the decision to go to the hospital when her leg began to swell and turn purple.
Somebody came bustling in and Anthea attempted to do her best to hold her biting tongue. The identical uniforms staff wore were the bane of her existence as it made an already hard job she had at recognising people even harder. It wasn't wise to bite the head off the healing staff who were there to help her out - even some seemed absolutely useless and especially since she was unable to tell who was who.
Victoria Hunter ]
Anthea is
with complete face blindness and unimpressed. If you've met her before don't expect her to be friendly....ier than normal.
February 2, 2025 – 3:22 PM
Victoria Hunter — Played by Miri
February had been an interesting month, to say the least. Tori had always known that the nature of her profession would put her in the path of various magical ailments and maladies - some more severe than others - but she never would have anticipated becoming telepathically linked to another patient. The brief, but formative, entanglement with Mr. Applegate left her with more questions than answers - which she supposed made sense, given the unique intimacy they had shared - but she was glad that it was resolved now, and looked forward to life returning to a more normal pace.
Work certainly helped with that, and Tori hummed thoughtfully as she perused a new patient’s file on her way to the examining room. A one Miss Anthea Selwyn came in presenting with a swollen and badly bruised leg. The file didn’t specify what plant had caused the reaction, only that it was thorny and likely poisonous. There were multiple plants that came to mind fitting that description that her training prepared her to treat, so healing should be a rather straightforward case - or so Tori hoped, anyway. If her experience with Mr. Applegate had taught her anything, it was that one could never be too discerning.
Knocking twice on the door before pulling it open, Tori allowed herself into the room with a friendly smile on her face. “Hello, Miss Selwyn,” she greeted in her practiced warm and professional way. “My name is Healer Hunter, and I’ll be helping you today.” Her eyes drifted to the wound in question. “Do you mind if I take a look at that leg?” Best to get straight to the point.
![[Image: Victoria-Sig.png]](https://i.ibb.co/Z2qKYhV/Victoria-Sig.png)
Avatar & Signature created by the talented Bee
February 3, 2025 – 11:14 AM
Anthea Selwyn — Played by Jen
The introduction made things easier and also meant that at least she knew now that she had no prior connections with the woman... she couldnt say the same for others who worked at the Ministry.
Not one in the practice of wasting words she moved her hand over the limb as if to say have at it
"Whenever you are ready, the sooner its fixed the better."
Anthea is
with complete face blindness and unimpressed. If you've met her before don't expect her to be friendly....ier than normal.
February 4, 2025 – 1:46 AM
Victoria Hunter — Played by Miri
“Of course.” Tori smiled understandingly, moving closer to get a better look at the young woman’s leg. The wound certainly did appear swollen and colored purple as if badly bruised, though on closer inspection she saw a noticeable bite mark in the center. Spiky bush and the Spiky Prickly Plant came to mind - and were common plant injuries - but to her knowledge, neither were able to turn the affected area purple. Maybe a subspecies of the Venomous Ventacula? If so, it was important to act fast in case the poison didn’t stay localized.
Raising her wand, Tori performed a diagnostic spell over the brightly colored wound, only turning to the other woman as the spell performed its magic. “Do you recall what you came in contact with?” She asked, curious.
![[Image: Victoria-Sig.png]](https://i.ibb.co/Z2qKYhV/Victoria-Sig.png)
Avatar & Signature created by the talented Bee
February 4, 2025 – 10:33 AM
Anthea Selwyn — Played by Jen
Choosing to exercize her self-restraint she bit back her immediate response - which was to state that if she knew that she wouldve fixed it herself afterall thats what books were for - Anthea tried her best to be nice to the Healer and not to snap.
The woman afterall was asking perfectly legitimate questions, and it was likely to be not immediately obvious (which of course did much to soften her ego for if the healer needed more information of course she certainly couldnt have treated the thing at home and she'd made a wise decision.)
"Unfortunately not, I only noticed something amiss when I got home and at that stage it seemed merely as if Id been scratched by a thorn or something. I really thought nothing of it since I'd spent the day in the woods."
Anthea is
with complete face blindness and unimpressed. If you've met her before don't expect her to be friendly....ier than normal.