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Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Days bygone: Consequences
TW: Violence, blood etc.

January 07th, 1866 — Castle grounds, Hogwarts
The underbrush of the forbidden forest gripped his legs and Samuel stumbled, tried to keep his balance, but fell and rolled between the roots of a massive tree. He got on his feet, holding on to the tree, trying to suppress the urge to cough and retch, listening into the winter night. There were voices, but far away.

McMullen and the Gryffindor boys got him in the dark by the boat shed at the lake. Samuel was out alone, walking, like he often did in the evenings when he got restless, and suddenly they came running around the shed and descended on him like a pack of pit dogs. Reymund got to him first, and immobilized his arms with a spell and held him up in the air and he could smell whiskey and biting sweat and then McMullen was in front of him with a beater's bat and he hit him square in the face, three times. Three times. The world turned roaring black and red and the next thing he remembered was curling on the sandy ground by the lake and vomiting. The world came back then and the puking scared the boys, because there was blood in it from his nose and split lip. "That was too much," he heard one boy say. "Shite. We're in trouble," said another. The spell around his arms eased up and the second he felt that, Samuel got on his feet and bolted. He could hear them come after him, laughing and shouting. Relieved that their fun had not turned too serious for their enjoyment.

Now in the cover of the forbidden forest, Samuel bent over, so that the blood might run out of his nose instead of down his throat, where it made him sick to his stomach. Oh, they would pay for this. The hatred and lust for violence he felt at this moment would befit a psychotic Roman emperor, the sort that quartered people for lunchtime entertainment. The part of him that was a boy of fourteen years, and a child seemingly just yesterday, must be to blame for the tears of pain and humiliation and abandonment that ran hot down his bruised face. They were seven, he was alone. Not a single person in this school would stick up for him. To hell with that. "Episkey," he whispered and pointed his wand at his face. His split lip healed and his nose stopped leaking red like a fountain. His head was still not right, but that was above his abilities. That was a problem for later.

With his wand in hand, he snuck back towards the lake. The boys of the quidditch team were back to drinking by the boat shed. The only one looking in his direction was McMullen.
"Oh settle down. The rat is back in the castle by now. He won't snitch, sit down." Reymund's voice. "You don't know that, Daniel. I'm watching the forest until he comes out."
Laughter. "Didn't you see him?" Someone started out in a reenactment, to the groups great amusement.

Samuel went through his repertoire of spells in his head, trying to decide what would be most devastating to the greatest number of enemies, consequences be damned. Then he saw a tall and willowy figure approach from the greenhouses. He held his breath and withdrew into the shrubbery, crouching low to the ground. It was Lyra, and she had already discovered the group by the shed.
Oh well. He could not wait to see this unfold.

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   Themis Lyra
She’d been angry all day. Correction, she had been angry since yesterday afternoon. She had abandoned study hall and sat purposely separated from her typical friend group at dinner. She wasn’t in the mood to talk to any of Daniel and his idiots after Mr. Griffith’s little revelation. It had been a frustrating evening. She’d been in no better mood when the quidditch game arrived. Themis took her place in the library, making it a point to not be in the stands cheering on her house. She didn’t care about the bloody quidditch game, and she certainly didn’t feel like sitting in the stands and cheering so that Daniel could make it into something that wasn’t behind her back. She’d had enough of that, thank you.

Apparently, Gryffindor won the match in a blowout. Themis didn’t care. When she was finally located and drug back to the common room, she congratulated no one and spent the afternoon in her dorm. She skipped dinner altogether. When it was her turn to take over her prefect shift, her mood had only soured further. It was about to reach a new low.

As curfew came and went, Themis scolded two Ravenclaws loitering in the greenhouses. When confronted, the smaller of the bookworms quickly gave up that they were looking for the party by the lake. It didn’t take much digging to get the rest of the story. She was going to kill Daniel Reymund.

She hadn’t alerted anyone to her change in rounds, didn’t go looking for support. She would handle this herself. As she stormed across the grounds in the dark of the January cold, she felt equipped to bring down the mountains if they annoyed her. What trouble would some teenagers pose?

She heard them before she saw them and she exploited their arrogant blind spot. For fools breaking school rules, they weren’t smart enough to post a sentry. Idiots. “Lumos!” She snarled the lighting charm, her wand punched high above her head. Her presence, and the brilliant flash of light sent the team scattering. There was cursing and scrambling, yells of dismay that faded away into, “Oy, Lyra?” She heard McMullen’s stupid voice from somewhere in the dark. The identification brought a wave of nervous laughter from the boys, the tension growing as Themis didn’t move from her position. “Really? Really? The lot of you are this stupid? You won a game and you think you can just break any rule that appeals to you? Do you know how many points we could lose for this? You lot could be expelled.” She snarled her lecture, glaring down her housemates as she found their eyes. Most had the sense to look worried, two looked too glazed over to care.

“Bed. Now. All of you, I will be speaking to our head of house in the morning and points will be lost. Go before I decide just how many.” She nearly snarled at the team's younger members, the seeker and two chasers making a run for the castle before she’d even finished threatening. Others remained and they gathered behind their fearless, drunken idiot of a leader. “This is pathetic, even for you lot.” Themis raised her chin, her eyes firmly on Daniel’s glassy ones. Obviously, he was angry with her, but he looked like he needed his mates to stand, and the smug look on his face was drowning in a liquor she could smell from where she stood.

“Come on Them, we won –“

“That is Miss Lyra to you, thank you.”

“Are you bloody serious?

“What about my face says I’m joking?”

Just how this argument would have ended is unclear, because Daniel’s second, McMullen needed to be heard. “Would you get your girl in line already? I can’t take any more of her bloody nagging.” It may be the bravest thing the boy ever said. It was certainly the most stupid. Themis was ready to ruin his evening in a permanent fashion, but she waited, her eyes firmly on Daniel. Just how stupid was he? When the sloppy smile on his face spread, Themis had her answer: very bloody stupid. “Don’t worry about it,” Daniel proclaimed to the remaining boys, suddenly ready to perform for his team. “I will handle her.” The arrogant proclamations were met with highly inappropriate whistles. Her face went red with indignation.

“You’ll handle me? You think you can handle me? Do not come near me.” Daniel had taken a step and she leveled her wand at his chest, her eyes gone cold. “Take another step, and I will put you in the lake.” As she stood there next to the boathouse on the edge of the Forbidden Forest, she was ready to make good on her threat.

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   Samuel Griffith

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It was as much of a spectacle as the boy hiding in the shrubbery could have hoped for. The ground was freezing cold, but he lay down on his stomach and inched forward as far as he dared, so he could see what was going on by the lake shed. His head felt off and he swallowed hard against the nausea, pain held back by adrenaline. This was fantastic. Samuel could not even begin to describe how pleased he was that yesterday's maneuver was already paying off. Lyra was furious, and knew exactly where to place the remarks she got from the team and from Reymund, the seeds of that scorn duly planted just yesterday, when a certain Slytherin alerted her to the fact that Reymund told everyone how certain he was of her affection. The Gryffindor did so surely to cement his claim on her with his peers, who after all might want to try their luck in a year or two. Samuel was delighted by the thought that tonight, all of that might fall apart.

The Gryffindor team was in different stages of fight, flight and freeze. Two younger boys stood there uselessly, looking at the fuming prefect with fearful faces, already regretting their decision of coming along tonight at all. One chaser was slowly retreating and Reymund was apparently thinking about fighting. McMullen was on the retreat too — no, he was just pretending. Samuel saw him slowly step back out of Miss Lyra's line of sight, his right hand already moving towards his pocket, where he undoubtedly kept his wand.

Samuel had his own already in hand and he was not known to hesitate. He whispered something, eyes on McMullen's head with the short ashen hair. First it looked like nothing happened. Then McMullen pointed his wand towards Lyra, but in the last second veered off course. His spell hit Reymund, who stumbled backwards and fell backside first into the shallow water and had to very undignifiedly scramble to not let his wand slip into the lake.

Samuel bit his fist to suppress his laughter. Concussion or not, his confusion hexes were masterful, and McMullen was screaming at Lyra now, not even aware he had fired the spell himself, while Reymund cursed and with wet trousers stumbled out of the lake, face red with fury and embarrassment.

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   Themis Lyra
No sooner than she threatened Daniel, than the boy went careening into the lake. Hell broke loose. For a moment, there was enough confusion that Themis believed she had hexed the boy, perhaps it was wandless magic she couldn’t feel or hadn’t learned. No, that didn’t make any sense, but neither did a dripping Daniel. It didn’t stop her from smirking. McMullen was screaming, blaming her for the spell she didn’t cast. Daniel, now fuming, was out of the water as quickly as he’d fallen in. Her amusement fizzled out when both older boys raised their wands. This isn’t what she was planning for her evening.

Themis squared her shoulders, taking up what space she could. There was no possible way she wasn’t going to spend the rest of the night in the hospital wing. She’d never thought of either boy as dangerous, had never had a reason to think of them as a danger to anyone but themselves. That opinion changed. Faced with a humiliated Daniel and an offended McMullen, danger seemed inevitable. For a moment she considered running, calculating the space between them and just how much of a chance she had to make it to the castle before they caught her. She was fast, but she was also in a bloody dress in the dark. There was no straight path to safety she could think of. She wouldn’t outrun them and the time to talk it out had passed. She was going to have to fight and she intended to make this miserable for them both.

Seeming to hear her thoughts, that would be a first, Daniel was grinning, or something closer to snarling. “Nowhere to run now, Miss Lyra,” he twisted her name in mockery of her demand to be addressed appropriately. She ground her teeth in annoyance, her wand at the ready. “What do you think you’ll do with that? Think I’ll let you hit twice?”

“I didn’t hit you the first time.” She retorted, her feet firmly planted. Her words were met with a look of confusion and then dismissal. She didn’t expect them to believe her, that would have made sense. She didn’t accuse either of them of having much of that. “Sheath your wands and get back to the castle. Another step and I will make sure you regret it.” Themis was bracing to act on her threat. She hoped she could at least make this less entertaining for them.

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   Samuel Griffith

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The cold of the ground bit into his hands but Samuel barely felt it. Stars danced in his field of vision but his eyes were fixed to the scene by the lake. Most of the other boys were retreating, but McMullen and Reymund still stood their ground—a matter of pride, no less, but so stupid. What was their endgame? Threaten Lyra into silence? They didn't understand what she was about, if they saw any chance of success with that.

This was getting tricky. His confusion charm was gone and both of them could attack any moment. Alright. He willed his pounding head to cooperate and waited. Then he saw McMullen make a step forward and in that moment, he hexed his feet. His shoes, to be precise. At once, they became immovable, like glued to the ground. McMullen stumbled. His wand slipped through his fingers, and with a gust of wind, summoned by the hidden boy in the bushes, it trundled into the deep waters of the lake.

He about lost his mind. "Who's messing with me?" he shouted, wild-eyed. He looked accusingly at Lyra, then at Reymund. Then he seemed to remember something. He looked towards the forest. "What if it's—"

"Shut up!" hissed Reymund. Perhaps they feared if the prefect was confronted with the fact they had almost cracked the skull of another student tonight, she would have them expelled. Their air of superiority was gone. Now fear stood in their eyes that their advantage had been illusory. Two to one, down to one to two.

Themis tensed as she saw McMullen move. She was trying to time her shield charm when the boy stumbled, his wand flying off into the lake. That wasn't her either. Themis moved first, pivoting back and away from the forest, her eyes now able to watch the boys and the darkness. Instead of coming for her, McMullen seemed to spook; his panic echoed by Daniel. She felt something twist in her stomach. What else had these idiots been doing besides drinking?

"Boys, what did you do?" Her tone was level, but the even way she clipped the words hinted at an impulse to pounce, a lioness flicking her tail. Neither spoke.

[Image: Bka0H0x.jpeg]
Lou made magic!

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