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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Every Beautiful Thought's Been Already Sung
January 20th, 1895 - Three Broomsticks

Winnie wasn't even exactly sure what time it was, sometime after noon? Maybe. Regardless, she was exhausted, hungry and ready to go home. Home had no food though. At least not anything she wouldn't have to put some effort into, so she detoured to the Broomsticks for a pint and something hot to eat so she could go home and crash, hopefully for the foreseeable future.

It had been a long twenty-four hours, twins were always a wild ride and took longer. Everybody looked well though. One twin was a little larger than the other, but there had been no immediate concerns on Winnie's end for either baby or their mum. Mum had been a pro, this wasn't her first time, so she knew what to expect, but there were always potential complications with multiples. No such setbacks this time, just a long time getting the two of them out.

The pleasant hum of the pub beckoned her in, along with the warmth and she headed straight for the bar. "Brandy and whatever the soup is, with some bread." She said as she shed her outer layer. She noticed somebody looking at her with a baffled expression and then she realized she had blood on her shirt. "Oh it's not mine, I promise, everything is fine." Winnie hastily pulled her scarf around her shoulders to cover it up.

[Image: Winnie-Sig-W94.png]
Remy had ventured to Hogsmeade to visit a friend he had made and had ended up having lunch at the Three Broomsticks. His friend had left since they had another engagement, leaving Remy to a lone lunch. The stew smelled good and he was eager to dig in.

Someone approached the bar where he had been settled and he noted the blood on the woman. "Well, that is a relief," he said in jest, wondering whose blood it was then. "You look like you have had quite a day."

"It's been a long twenty-four or so hours," maybe not quite so long, but definitely over the night. Win hadn't slept the entire time. Add in that bloodstain and she was sure she looked a bit of a mess. Subconsciously she smoothed her hair back, tucking an errant piece behind her ear. Her brandy arrived and she was glad she'd changed from the original idea of a pint. This would certainly warm her up. After taking an appreciative sip, she figured that was not a good explanation. "I'm a midwife, had a long birth over the night last night." Blood was normal with any birth, but she usually wound up a little cleaner than this. Good thing she was an expert at getting it out of her clothing.

[Image: Winnie-Sig-W94.png]

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