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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Icy Does It
January 1st, 1895 - Padmore Park Reopening

This had the potential to go very, very wrong. How did they ever think that two Australians who had barely survived one winter in Scotland, currently floundering their way through a second, could possibly be any good at ice skating? If Greer didn't break a limb today she would be shocked. Hopefully an ankle, maybe a leg, she made her living with her hands.

She was already standing on shaky legs, the skates an entirely foreign feelings beneath her feet. They'd rented them, because how on Earth would they be able to charm something they'd never used before. Plus Greer didn't trust the magic of it. It would be bad enough on the ice, let alone trying to make magical skates cooperate.

"Lorie why, how is this fun!?" She squealed as she wobbled, arms waving in an exaggerated circle to help keep her balance.

Lorelei Owens

[Image: Greer-Sig-New.png]
Lorelei did not trust the ice or the skates she'd strapped to her feet anymore than Greer did, but she was making an admirable go of it anyway. When in Rome. And if she stayed perfectly still, she almost didn't wobble. That last bit was perhaps not at all reassuring.

"Oh, Greer," Lorelei said, taking a tentative step towards her sister. "Where's your sense of courage?"

[Image: Lorelei-Sig.png]
Bee is actual magic
Greer almost countered, "I used it all up moving here," but decided that was a little too harsh for her sister. "It hides when injury is a possibility." She said instead, thinking that was perfectly reasonable. There ought to be some sort of fence to help them stay upright. "How are we supposed to move?" She watched those around here, who made it look maddeningly easy, but Lorie looked just as wobbly as she did. "We should have asked for instructions before we tried." She sighed, finally managing to feel like she was at least balanced— for the moment.

[Image: Greer-Sig-New.png]
"Instructions would have probably been wise," Lorelei admitted. Still, she had seen children do this. Surely a pair of adult women were more capable than children? It worried her enough that she even had to ask. "I think it'll be easier once we're on the ice," she told Greer. To move, anyway. She did not say whether or not it would be easier to move forward, or just to fall.

[Image: Lorelei-Sig.png]
Bee is actual magic

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