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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Tuck, Roll, Duck, Dodge!
Polly was, admittedly, beginning to feel rather targeted as she endeavoured to move herself from the path of yet another bludger.

The following 1 user Likes Hippolyta Pucey's post:
   Greta Gillenwater
"Hah!" Rex exclaimed as the Slytherin returned his bludger. This, however, was not tennis, and Moony was not at an ideal angle for him to volly back to her; Rex moved instead to redirect the incoming bludger towards Bonnie Greyback.

Miss Pucey's dodge didn't come quite fast enough to avoid the blue bludger barreling behind (say that three times fast). This put Ravenclaw in a very narrow lead, as Miss Gillenwater had successfully evaded the Hufflepuff shot that might have tied the match again. Crabbe seemed intent on tying them up again as he sent a bludger directly at the smaller of the Ravenclaw beaters.

Polly hit. Greta succeeds dodge. Rex succeeds redirect.

G- 1
H- 9
R- 10
S- 2

Rex to Bonnie

MJ made this <3

Blair dodged hard, they were at ten and the teen did not want to be struck down.

[Image: wzEDRBI.png]
Bonnie is NB/GF but appears as a girl.
They/them ooc, she/they/he IC.
Anyone who knows them, knows they prefer to be called Blair

Greta banked hard as she manoeveured her broom to avoid Bonnie Greyback. (Maybe she done something to offend the girl. This had to be at least the forth time shed been forced to try and avoid her bludgers and now Bonnie herself.) At least now it didnt appear as if there were anymore bludgers heading her way. She took a moment to look down at herself and access the damage.

[Image: jdwjMQy.png]
Thanks go to the marvelous MJ for her sensational set.

[Image: s-age.png]
Miss Greyback rolled out of the way... and Miss Gillenwater in turn barely rolled out of her way. Ravenclaw maintained their narrow lead as the minutes ticked down towards the end of the match.

Bonnie succeeds dodge.

G- 1
H- 9
R- 10
S- 2


MJ made this <3
Nathaniel kept flying, feeling like a bludger had not come his way in a while.

I don't go looking for trouble. Trouble usually finds me.
coding by cherry!
Time was running low, Rex knew. This was not like a quididtch match, which could last minutes or hours depending on the skills of the seekers involved, but something finite: well then, one good, last push, the Hufflepuff thought, hitting a bludger towards Greta Gillenwater.

After their successful dodge and seeing how little time there was left on the clock, Bonnie made an attempt to get one more hit on Anne Moony

Determined to get back at the Ravenclaw one more time, Anne swung for the bludger, hoping to send it right back at Bonnie Greyback.

[Image: rOjzpw3.png]
MJ about made me cry with this one!
Thread Log | Help Anne Blame the DJ
Miss Moony might have done better to dodge than to try and hit the bludger given how late she'd seen it. As it was, the bludger glanced off the edge of her wrist and collided first with her elbow and then with her chest, dusting her in blue.

Ravenclaw wasn't pulling ahead by much though. Crabbe was determined to keep on their tail. His latest target took the bludger square in the middle of her back, which probably left her sore between the shoulders as well as badger-yellow.
Greta takes hit. Anne fails to redirect and takes hit.

G- 1
H- 10
R- 11
S- 2


MJ made this <3
Again, Rex targeted Gryffindor—their beaters seemed to be the least likely to do anything, including intercepting bludgers. As his bludger arched towards Eros Mohr, the seventh year turned his attentions to finding another bludger.

The Slytherin coughed and, rather inelegantly, spit the chalky substance from her mouth once back on the ground, having been hit this time in the face. It hadn't hurt, thank Merlin, but Polly imagined she must look quite the sight. Anxiously, the sixth year awaited the end of her "time out" before returning to altitude with the rest of the students. Hopefully she could manage to go the rest of the game without being hit again.

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