like I forgot the way you broke my spine
It's a fun game ‘til we're dead and defeated
but maybe we'll be okay this time
Yeah, maybe we'll be okay this time
I don’t want to pretend to like your sister anymore
15th October, 1894 — Emsworth Estate, Oxfordshire
Sometimes the universe’s timing was impeccable – whether it was a curse or a blessing, or both. Hadrian knew the Emsworths’ grounds as well as his own. This had been almost more of a home than his had; he had spent more time with her parents growing up than his own. Maybe he had come here half in memorial of those times, to get one last look back before he moved on for good?
Or maybe he had just come here because he didn’t know where in London she was staying, and she was close enough with her family that there was a fairly good chance she was visiting.
Not that he was here to see her. In fact, Hadrian was aggressively hoping not to be seen by any of the Emsworths during his impromptu visit today, which was why he had snuck through the arboretum and scaled a wall at the back of their gardens. He had cast a disillusionment charm on himself on his way in, the way he had used to when on the trail of a rare wild creature – all one might notice here was an odd shimmering haze passing in front of the odd bush or water fountain. (Merlin, how many mild summers’ days had they spent out here together when they had been young and aggressively infatuated? Lazing on the grass and watching her sketch plant samples, or going on long romantic rides; stealing away for a secretive dip in the pond when her father had put his hat over his head and fallen into a doze.)
But he wasn’t here to reminisce; he was here on a mission. God, he hoped she’d brought the dogs with her if she was here today – but then she took them everywhere, didn’t she? Well, not for much longer. Those dogs were his. He stopped in view of the house, and flicked his wand. “Accio Ace!” Hadrian declared, and waited patiently for the first of the dogs to come zooming out of the house towards him. Success! Now time was of the essence before he was discovered. One dog down, two to go...
Or maybe he had just come here because he didn’t know where in London she was staying, and she was close enough with her family that there was a fairly good chance she was visiting.
Not that he was here to see her. In fact, Hadrian was aggressively hoping not to be seen by any of the Emsworths during his impromptu visit today, which was why he had snuck through the arboretum and scaled a wall at the back of their gardens. He had cast a disillusionment charm on himself on his way in, the way he had used to when on the trail of a rare wild creature – all one might notice here was an odd shimmering haze passing in front of the odd bush or water fountain. (Merlin, how many mild summers’ days had they spent out here together when they had been young and aggressively infatuated? Lazing on the grass and watching her sketch plant samples, or going on long romantic rides; stealing away for a secretive dip in the pond when her father had put his hat over his head and fallen into a doze.)
But he wasn’t here to reminisce; he was here on a mission. God, he hoped she’d brought the dogs with her if she was here today – but then she took them everywhere, didn’t she? Well, not for much longer. Those dogs were his. He stopped in view of the house, and flicked his wand. “Accio Ace!” Hadrian declared, and waited patiently for the first of the dogs to come zooming out of the house towards him. Success! Now time was of the essence before he was discovered. One dog down, two to go...

set by bee!