August 28, 2024 – 10:26 PM
Millie Potts — Played by Jordan
The lights and sounds of the tent were like nothing Millie had ever seen. Imagined, perhaps. Books could take her to circuses, but only with words of delirious illustration. What she saw was nothing like what she could imagine, either. She might have given herself up entirely to the experience, if not for the presence of her best friend sitting to one side, and to the other the friend that made its own circus in her stomach whenever she looked his way. Figuring out her feelings was harder than just watching, so Millie watched with unusual enthusiasm, "
Isn't this wonderful?!"
OOC: Threading for the Drabbler Stamp!
August 30, 2024 – 5:54 AM
Last modified: August 30, 2024 – 5:54 AM by Anne Moony.
Anne Moony — Played by Amy
Anne had been reluctant to come, was already exhausted by playing happy and functional for the people around her. She wasn’t a prefect. The goal she’d worked for five years just gone. And she was meant to carry on. Anne didn’t know how. Today, it meant going with Millie and Benedict Hunter to the circus. She wouldn’t admit it, but Anne was enjoying herself.
Cheering hardest for the fire jugglers, Anne was finding it hard to stay in her seat. “Did you see that? They aren’t even using magic, Millie.” Leaning around her, she grinned at Benedict. “Want to try?”
August 30, 2024 – 6:10 AM
Benedict Hunter — Played by Chris
It wouldn't be long before school, it was good to get out and do something fun with friends, particularly as he had heard Anne needed some cheering up right now. He nodded enthusiastically back at Millie, he was getting quite used to spending his time with the pretty ravenclaw, but felt like her chaperones were watching him closer by the day. “Juggling balls of fire without any magic to keep me from catching fire?” he laughed “Yeah, why not. Whats the worst that could happen?” He hoped if he became a ghost he could get a good spot to haunt.
Anne Moony Millie Potts
August 30, 2024 – 10:26 PM
Millie Potts — Played by Jordan
It was sweet music to hear Anne enjoying herself, after how miserable she had seemed to Millie in her letters. And when she looked to where her friend was pointing, she was surprised to find the non-magical truth. Fire made without magic? The circus was far better than any world inside her books, that much was certain.
Millie cheered along, and when Benedict quipped about it, she covered the short giggle that escaped her lips. “You could roll up your sleeves again,” she suggested, and couldn’t escape the giggle that time. To Anne, she whispered, “Isn’t this better than moping?”
August 31, 2024 – 5:36 AM
Anne Moony — Played by Amy
Anne jumped and squealed at the ridiculous reality of fire juggling. Her mum wouldn’t let her go to France, but somehow the jugglers were allowed to do this as a job? Life was incredibly unfair.
Anne didn’t bother hiding her laugh when Millie giggled because of what Benedict said. It put her in a good enough mood to simply stick her tongue out at Millie’s comment. “It wasn’t moping. And isn’t this better than books?” Anne meant several things by it, but she motioned to both of her companions. “I’m surprised I got either of you out of your books.”
August 31, 2024 – 7:05 AM
Last modified: August 31, 2024 – 7:10 AM by Benedict Hunter.
Benedict Hunter — Played by Chris
”You mean like those chaps over there?” he gestured to a pair of sleeveless circus heavies as they moved stage props about. Anne seemed happier than Millie had described, that was a good thing. ”We do more than just read books you know?” he laughed ”Pets come up too.” he reached down to pull out a bag of liquorice vines. ”Want one?” he offered to both girls, lightly and briefly resting his arm on Millie’s dress leg to do so. The fire juggler now became a fire breather, making Ben jump a little, as he returned his focus back to the show.
Millie Potts Anne Moony
September 2, 2024 – 8:51 PM
Anne Moony — Played by Amy
Anne laughed as she followed Benedict’s point. “Yes, you should definitely try that look at school, Mr. Hunter.” The idea amused Anne, but she also wasn’t the one that would face Professor Lyra for her fashion choices. That’s a conversation Anne would like to never have. Thank Merlin her head of house was just a grumpy, ancient wizard.
Anne rolled her eyes at the silly counter argument. “Best hope you don’t find any books about pets, then.” Anne reached for a candy vine without looking, her attention back on all things fire. “Fire breathers?! Now that I want to try.”
September 3, 2024 – 4:07 AM
Millie Potts — Played by Jordan
There was no argument to be made that books were better than all the wonder before Millie's eyes. She just snickered at the jests of her friends, feeling in too good of a mood to hide it here. Everyone's attention was on the performers anyway, so she started when Benedict laid his hand on her leg. It was only to offer some candy, though, which the young witch took with an eager, "Thanks, Benedict!" And then, muffled a bit with the candy between her teeth, she added, "Not just pets, but knights too!" Perhaps the circus could use some knights.
September 3, 2024 – 6:59 PM
Benedict Hunter — Played by Chris
Benedict left his hand where it was for just a moment longer before withdrawing, he placed one of the sweets in his mouth before making a wow noise. “Yeah, I can see you doing something like that Miss Moony.” He laughed, “What about you Millie? Fancy a go on the high wire?” He gave a grin to the two girls and pointed up one of the tent columns where someone was getting ready for the next act. It looked very high, he had been to a participation circus, but the audience usually fooled around with the clowns and didn't fly.
Millie Potts Anne Moony
September 5, 2024 – 3:09 AM
Millie Potts — Played by Jordan
"Oh Merlin! Never!" Millie breathed out, directing her attention up to the top of the tent. She had climbed trees and fences as a child, but had never run on rooftops like some did. The thought of being up among those dizzying heights sent her own head spinning for a moment. She forced her head to stare down at her shoes, fearing that her stomach might upend upon them as well. "I can't look," she declared, bringing up a hand to rub the necklace at her throat. A book could never torture her so. "Tell me when he's down, Anne."
September 6, 2024 – 12:27 AM
Anne Moony — Played by Amy
Anne’s friends were lucky she found fire more interesting than the possibility her friends were starting to feel special feelings for each other. Had eagle-eyed Anne seen the contact, there would have been a hailstorm of questions and more teasing than anyone wanted to be subjected to.
“Knights!” Anne cheered, before snickering at the inside joke that word was for her and Millie. She also laughed at Millie’s declaration. Anne would have tried the highwire in a second. It couldn’t be that much harder than broom balance, right? “Don’t be scared, Millie.” She soothed, once she saw her friend scrunch.
September 6, 2024 – 10:40 AM
Benedict Hunter — Played by Chris
There was something sweet seeing Millie getting spooked by the high flyers and reaching for her comfort. “Just think of it like watching quidditch” He said in playful support to the girl. Quidditch was definitely faster and more dangerous than this and as far as he was aware, Millie was a fan, even cheering for people she cared about. “I think I'd like to be the strongman” he joked. “Or perhaps the ringmaster with a snappy red velvet jacket.” in truth the boy would be just as happy out back tending to the creatures. And the girls probably knew it.
Anne Moony Millie Potts
September 7, 2024 – 2:45 AM
Millie Potts — Played by Jordan
Millie finally relented and opened her eyes, though she kept them firmly on the arena at ground level. "I am not scared, I'm practical!" she insisted, averting her gaze as the most natural thing in the world. No one should attempt such dizzying feats from death-defying heights, not without broom or transfigured wings at least. She focused better on the characters in the arena, including the red-velveted showman at its center. “He is dazzling,” she remarked in one breath, and giggled to think of Benedict dressed alike. She had seen him in finery once, but never so gaudy as this.