How should he look, then? This was the way he felt; he couldn't just shrug it off and change. But Tycho saying no was enough to pin him in the hallway, making no move to actually leave. For a moment he just lingered there, not having anything productive to say or do, until eventually the weight of their combined misery forced him to say something, just to break the silence into more digestable pieces.
"Your hair looks awful," Ford said, which wasn't true; Tycho could have made anything look good, especially if he was wearing it with the confidence he always carried with him. "I don't like it," he said, which was. He didn't like that it was different — the physical manifestation of the idea that Tycho was out in the world, separately from him, growing and changing in ways Ford was no longer privy to.
"Your hair looks awful," Ford said, which wasn't true; Tycho could have made anything look good, especially if he was wearing it with the confidence he always carried with him. "I don't like it," he said, which was. He didn't like that it was different — the physical manifestation of the idea that Tycho was out in the world, separately from him, growing and changing in ways Ford was no longer privy to.

Set by Lady!