Feb, 21. 1892
Basil eyed the polite response and wondered, idly, who DHP could possibly be. He hated the games and convoluted fog that always accompanied this kind of mating dance. Why the fairer sex had to be so perplexing, he would never understand. Was her last comment there an invitation to share his passion or was it a mere pleasantry he was supposed to overlook? The professor scrunched up his nose and deliberated a moment. He supposed the best way forward was honesty. He didn't expect this communication to strike up any kind of lasting rapport, but on the off chance the young lady was academically inclined, he supposed he had a duty as a professor to see it through.
Miss D.H.P. –
I must confess, I couldn't determine if your last letter indicates inclination of wanting to discourse upon Transfigurative research or if, like most young ladies, you simply have a firm grasp of the polite etiquette our society impresses upon the ton.
For lack of desiring to snub a genuine interest, if one so exists, I have attached herein a copy of my latest submission to Transfiguration Today. Please feel free to peruse it at your leisure and supply me with any insights of criticism you may find! (I am nothing if not open to the evolution of my own work!)
If instead you simply desire to end this communication on a pleasantry, then I apologize tenfold in advance and request you simply ignore the attached altogether.
Basil Foxwood
Attached is an article titled "Transfiguration Magic and its use in Hexes and Jinxs over the last century", clearly from the periodical Transfiguration Today, issued sometime in January of 1892.
@"Dahlia Potts" (He makes me laugh, lol.)