Greer still wasn't exactly sure what it was that he did with dragons, but she assumed some sort of dragon keeping now. It wasn't something she knew much at all about, so very far removed from the possibility of meeting a dragon as she was. It wasn't something she was all that curious about either.
"Seamstress," she answered, thoroughly distracted as the little herd of diricawls came closer. One brushed up against her skirts and Greer stood up immediately. "I need to go." She announced, not even bothering to send a cursory apology glance to Mr. Howell. Her whole body felt tense and like she was on fire and she couldn't take it anymore. Their acquaintance had never been anything more than passing conversation, if he held it against her she wasn't going to worry about it.
"Seamstress," she answered, thoroughly distracted as the little herd of diricawls came closer. One brushed up against her skirts and Greer stood up immediately. "I need to go." She announced, not even bothering to send a cursory apology glance to Mr. Howell. Her whole body felt tense and like she was on fire and she couldn't take it anymore. Their acquaintance had never been anything more than passing conversation, if he held it against her she wasn't going to worry about it.
![[Image: Greer-Sig-New.png]](