August 27th, 1894
I do hope Mr. Darrow is alright! I have no idea why our society simply cannot go a whole year without some sort of magical disaster. I've enclosed some treats from Honeydukes for your birthday and for Mr. Darrow's recovery, I hope you like them.
We avoided this one fortunately, I was in London for the dragon attacks and Tybalt was caught in the snowstorm. I'm not sure either one of us could handle another catastrophe apart.
Bentley would love a visit with Orion, you would both be welcome to come visit (and Carina as well) but I know relief at getting out for a few hours by yourself. Thankfully both my mother and my elder sister are always ready to take the children for a little while so I can get some rest. I'm doing alright, but I swear I get bigger earlier with each one and I feel like I get slower too.
Please don't be a stranger,
MJ always makes her so pretty