Full Name: Cynthia Iris EmsworthNicknames: Cindy
Birthdate: May 13, 1867
Current Age: 27
Gender: Female
Occupation: Former botanist, current sassy elephant beetle
Reputation: 7
Went on expeditions with her sister Cordelia Emsworth and her brother in law Hadrian Nott, her sister got divorced, and as far as anyone knows Cindy is confined at home very sickly (she is in fact cursed as a beetle)Residence: London townhouse, family estate in Oxfordshire
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Wand: cedar, 11", supple, chimera scale
Blood Status: Half
Social Class: Upper
Oscar Emsworth | [18xx] father, botanist
Magdalena Emsworth née - - - | [18xx] mother, philanthropist
Cordelia Emsworth | [1867] sister, botanist, currently not a beetle
Hadrian Nott | [1863] ex-brother-in-law
Appearance: While Cindy stands at a perfectly respectable five feet one inch (thank you very much) she is constantly moving unless she is deep in thought or painting. She is of average build with tan skin and carries her wand in her right hand. Cindy has a round face with full cheeks and a frequent large smile that takes over. Her brown eyes are playful. She has thick curly dark brown hair that she loves to leave untamed and down, but practicality insists she braid it or put it up. What a waste because she loves it. She has always enjoyed muggle clothing and fancy clothes, but doesn’t bat an eyelash at putting on clothes that will be wrecked - new ones can always be bought. All in all she thinks she’s a rather attractive lady.
Or rather she would be, if her brother-in-law hadn’t caused her to become cursed as a hideous, large, brown Elphant Beetle.
Play by - Anupama Parameswaran
Born in 1867 Cindy instantly adores her older sister. As she continues to grow up she is always found getting into scrapes and causing trouble with Delia. Not that their parents actually ever consider it trouble, giving the girls a wide berth to do their own thing. Any time a new interest comes up as a child a tutor is hired. Cindy, however, typically is interested in what Delia is interested in (even if she doesn’t actually care for it herself). It isn’t until after Delia goes to school in 1874 (in what Cindy considers the biggest tragedy of her life) that she begins to find out what she likes. She loves plants like her parents, piano like her mother, painting and dancing - especially ballet.
She finally gets to attend school in 1878 when she is once again greeted with heartache: she’s not sorted into Gryffindor with her sister! Instead she finds herself in Hufflepuff! Despite this Cindy thrives in school. She loves her classes and magic and, most importantly, her new friends. She also grows to be friendly with her sister’s best friend Hadrian. In her third year 1880-1881 Cindy has to face school without Delia ends up adding plant magic, arithmancy, and ancient runes to distract herself. Her sister gets engaged to Hadrian and starts traveling as she is sponsored by her parents. Cindy is jealous that she is still stuck at school and Hadrian is with Delia instead of her. She really starts to grow into herself though. During her fifth year 1882-1883 she is minorly disappointed that she isn’t appointed prefect, but honestly it was probably the best call and so the only thing of note that year is that she takes her O.W.L.s. She focuses more on her interests in the final two years of school taking: herbology, plant magic, transfiguration, ancient runes, arthimancy, charms, and history of magic. After sitting for her N.E.W.T. exams she debuts in the spring of 1884-1885. But she’s not long for the social scene.
Eager to participate in her sister’s adventures Cindy decides to begin traveling with Delia (even if it means tolerating Hadrian). She loves it, she loves traveling, loves too experiences, but most of all loves being with her sister. When Delia comes home pregnant Cindy is torn between staying in this new life she has discovered and coming home with her sister. She comes home and spends the months there at social events. But when Delia leaves again Cindy is more than happy to do so. She sprinkles in her knowledge of ancient runes and ancient studies as she does so. But she also paints what they find.
Things go sour though after they leave following the holidays at home in early 1893. In India Cindy thrives. She loves every minute absorbing the culture, from the dancing, to the religions, to the very magic and nature of India. Unfortunately for her Hadrian doesn’t quite get the country the way she does and the idiot pisses off the wrong maji in an ill considered disagreement with the locals (that Cindy wishes to be unknown, was entirely unnecessary). The result? Cindy is cursed into an elephant beetle. One solace she has is that she is able to talk with her sister - in reality it is the person she loves the most and could change - but she’s a beetle, she’s pretty sure she’s doomed to only ever be able to talk to her sister since who would ever love a beetle (and who could she ever love who would not love her back?). Things get worse after that and ultimately Delia and Hadrian get a divorce (thank Merlin! In Cindy’s opinion). They return home to England to try and fix her - or at least find the funding to find someone to fix her.
Personality: Sassy, exuberant, temperamental, loyal, passionate, obsessive, whimsical, adventurous, follower, easily persuaded, impulsive, dramatic, flirty
Other: Speaks a little of quite a few languages
Can read ancient runes
Is a skilled painter
Can play the piano but can’t sing
Loves to dance and was pretty good at ballet, social dances, and traditional indian dances
Amortia smells Tobacco, sugar, jasmine, wet grass, oil paints, with just a hint of decaying leaves
Out-of-CharacterName: Fallin