September 13th, 1893
Dear Inquisitive,
I can understand your struggle probably better than I would like to think, or could put into so many words myself. Though I have not crossed a family firmly off the list, it is not something I think I should do. Which I suppose is not too far off from your thoughts on the matter, it seems.
For me it feels almost irresponsible, as I have traits a child would certainly inherit, traits I struggle with, and something I would hate to force upon to a child like it was forced upon me. It gets better with each generation however, and I am often alone in my perception of the circumstances from those like me, so it is hard to truly commit to a certain future over another. I find myself content, fulfilled even, by my work, so perhaps it won't even be an issue of the future, instead, stuck in past, learning from previous mistakes and heartbreak.
It all sounds quite contrite, now that I read it back to myself, but I agree the anonymity provides a sense of ease. Indeed letters circumvent my biggest struggle. I hope it isn't too confusing.
What is it you would like your aromantic connection to look like, given the chance?
absolute beauty by MJ