Ever since the debate was announced, Sweetie had been given enough time to be privately frustrated that she would not be given an advanced copy of the questions before the actual debate. Rather, she would have to practice blind and hope for the best. It frustrated her to know end. Mrs. Patton and Chrysanta heard about it nonstop in private. Yet today she displayed confidence and a sense of calm. She didn't know the questions, yet she was confident that she could give careful answers as long as she didn't rush herself.
"What is the most important change you hope to offer magical Britain?"
A blanket question to begin left Sweetie with a little bit of time to think before she gave her own answer, as others had their own turn before hers. While she would have wanted to pay attention to their answers in this question, along with any other, she had left this to Mrs. Patton and Chrysanta to each write down so they can discuss it all back in Mrs. Patton or the Ruskin parlor. For now, she was here, and she had to focus on her own answers.
What would she deem the most important? It was too much of a blanket question. No one would be satisfied with the answer. Keep calm. Smile with polite confidence. "A voice for the magical citizen. Plenty of magical members of British society have expressed their own frustrations with how they have no say in how our country is run. Whether it be our citizens who cannot vote, those who can and are still not satisfied in the results that are yielded. I'm sorry to say, a broad question is met heavily with a broad answer. I am here to listen to the people of magical Britain."
Good Merlin, she sounded too preachy. What else could she add? Something that didn't make her sound like she thought she was above it all. "My actions, of course, will never appease every voter of our great nation. Compromise will need to be made if we as a country are to move forward and achieve more. I hope to facilitate unity and strength for our great country." One thing she really hoped for was further practice on her political speeches.
"Miss Sweetie Whitledge. You have been criticized for your lack of experience; what do you say to address that criticism?"
Wow. That one was actually incredibly predictable. Everyone seemed to be at a snap decision that age meant everything. She gave a small nod of understanding and another polite smile. It wasn't even strained. She didn't feel altogether annoyed by this inquiry. It was better than the gender question. "My age does not speak to a complete lack of experience. I have experience in multiple Ministry departments, along with being a respected member of the esteemed Society for the Transfiguration Arts. Should we speak to a few years past, I do have leadership training through club presidency in Hogwarts for my last years of attendance." Her accomplishments were not a stranger to that of the public. She knew she would need more.
On top of accomplishments, she needed to address what made her age a benefit without isolating older voters. She couldn't, not really. Not those who were unwilling to be patient and listen. Damn. She took a brief moment before continuing. "I can not only speak towards my most recent accomplishments, but the benefits of a young minister. My health will be a great asset to government security, with a slimmer likelihood that I will need active healer care." She needed to move to a different point. Hoping desperately that older voters didn't feel as though she was talking down about them. It is true, however, that she would have so many more years to make an impact. No matter if she remained in office or not, should she get in at all.
She wished that she had some water. It had become a quiet coping mechanism for nerves so that she didn't tap her fingers or fuss with her dress. This wasn't normally like her. Yet this was completely new to her. She wasn't the socialite type, despite what Witch Weekly had mockingly said about her. "My own platform's foundation is about listening to the magical citizen, how many of my older opponents can say the same? I am here to learn from my fellow citizen, at the age where learning is still a welcome prospect, yet also at the age that I have the mind to know my own ideals and what must be considered right and wrong." Keep a calm face. Don't try to keep calm inside because that would be a quick failure. Just keep a calm demeanor and leave the rest to the day.
"Would you change or maintain the marriage ban between humans and non-humans?"
A rush of confidence flowed through Sweetie, and she felt a sense of relief. While she continued to maintain her calm composure, she could feel the slight relaxation of her shoulders and she chastised herself mentally for it. She didn't want to appear weak during any of this. Like she couldn't handle herself and answers that some of the other candidates might claim to be all too easy. If they were actually making any real effort, none of these questions should be easily. She wasn't calmed by this question because it was easy. She was calmed because this was a topic she had a degree of genuine passion for. Something she wanted to make active effort with. Oh, she knew she would get the various opinions now.
"I plan to make changes to the ban. We cannot be afraid of a diverse population. We can, however, be cautious about unions that may have begun through less than honest means. The primary concern is relations such as with humans and veela. As many are aware, veela hold a specific power of persuasion that leads to a common concern that a marriage is not altogether genuine. There may also be other non-humans with other motives outside of love and a desire to build a family. Plenty of marriages between humans also face these struggles, and we need to be additionally cautious given the added advantages that certain non-humans possess, even over wizard-kind." She hated to talk like that, but it was true. She had to find a middle ground. Trust just wasn't there. If they were to get any changes to the marriage ban at all, they were going to have to acknowledge the fears that the people who placed it in the first plan had. The ones that when further than pure dislike.
She also had a practical side to this. It would take work and further research, but an idea was a start, and a start should be seen as a good thing, right? "My primary goal is to expand the existing relevant divisions in the Department for the Regulation & Control of Magical Creatures to include specialized marriage licenses that require thorough screening and a special license fee to pay for the additional resources. Each marriage would be handled on a case-by-case basis." This solution would be most difficult for those of working class, though she was sure they could find a reasonable method through common-law marriage or sponsorship should the couple have the means. It wasn't a perfect solution, but it was better than what they had. More realistic than saying 'yep, I'll just drop that and you can't do anything about it!'.
Sweetie is a perfectionist and she stresses Kelly out. Love this angst machine, want the world for her.
"What is the most important change you hope to offer magical Britain?"
A blanket question to begin left Sweetie with a little bit of time to think before she gave her own answer, as others had their own turn before hers. While she would have wanted to pay attention to their answers in this question, along with any other, she had left this to Mrs. Patton and Chrysanta to each write down so they can discuss it all back in Mrs. Patton or the Ruskin parlor. For now, she was here, and she had to focus on her own answers.
What would she deem the most important? It was too much of a blanket question. No one would be satisfied with the answer. Keep calm. Smile with polite confidence. "A voice for the magical citizen. Plenty of magical members of British society have expressed their own frustrations with how they have no say in how our country is run. Whether it be our citizens who cannot vote, those who can and are still not satisfied in the results that are yielded. I'm sorry to say, a broad question is met heavily with a broad answer. I am here to listen to the people of magical Britain."
Good Merlin, she sounded too preachy. What else could she add? Something that didn't make her sound like she thought she was above it all. "My actions, of course, will never appease every voter of our great nation. Compromise will need to be made if we as a country are to move forward and achieve more. I hope to facilitate unity and strength for our great country." One thing she really hoped for was further practice on her political speeches.
"Miss Sweetie Whitledge. You have been criticized for your lack of experience; what do you say to address that criticism?"
Wow. That one was actually incredibly predictable. Everyone seemed to be at a snap decision that age meant everything. She gave a small nod of understanding and another polite smile. It wasn't even strained. She didn't feel altogether annoyed by this inquiry. It was better than the gender question. "My age does not speak to a complete lack of experience. I have experience in multiple Ministry departments, along with being a respected member of the esteemed Society for the Transfiguration Arts. Should we speak to a few years past, I do have leadership training through club presidency in Hogwarts for my last years of attendance." Her accomplishments were not a stranger to that of the public. She knew she would need more.
On top of accomplishments, she needed to address what made her age a benefit without isolating older voters. She couldn't, not really. Not those who were unwilling to be patient and listen. Damn. She took a brief moment before continuing. "I can not only speak towards my most recent accomplishments, but the benefits of a young minister. My health will be a great asset to government security, with a slimmer likelihood that I will need active healer care." She needed to move to a different point. Hoping desperately that older voters didn't feel as though she was talking down about them. It is true, however, that she would have so many more years to make an impact. No matter if she remained in office or not, should she get in at all.
She wished that she had some water. It had become a quiet coping mechanism for nerves so that she didn't tap her fingers or fuss with her dress. This wasn't normally like her. Yet this was completely new to her. She wasn't the socialite type, despite what Witch Weekly had mockingly said about her. "My own platform's foundation is about listening to the magical citizen, how many of my older opponents can say the same? I am here to learn from my fellow citizen, at the age where learning is still a welcome prospect, yet also at the age that I have the mind to know my own ideals and what must be considered right and wrong." Keep a calm face. Don't try to keep calm inside because that would be a quick failure. Just keep a calm demeanor and leave the rest to the day.
"Would you change or maintain the marriage ban between humans and non-humans?"
A rush of confidence flowed through Sweetie, and she felt a sense of relief. While she continued to maintain her calm composure, she could feel the slight relaxation of her shoulders and she chastised herself mentally for it. She didn't want to appear weak during any of this. Like she couldn't handle herself and answers that some of the other candidates might claim to be all too easy. If they were actually making any real effort, none of these questions should be easily. She wasn't calmed by this question because it was easy. She was calmed because this was a topic she had a degree of genuine passion for. Something she wanted to make active effort with. Oh, she knew she would get the various opinions now.
"I plan to make changes to the ban. We cannot be afraid of a diverse population. We can, however, be cautious about unions that may have begun through less than honest means. The primary concern is relations such as with humans and veela. As many are aware, veela hold a specific power of persuasion that leads to a common concern that a marriage is not altogether genuine. There may also be other non-humans with other motives outside of love and a desire to build a family. Plenty of marriages between humans also face these struggles, and we need to be additionally cautious given the added advantages that certain non-humans possess, even over wizard-kind." She hated to talk like that, but it was true. She had to find a middle ground. Trust just wasn't there. If they were to get any changes to the marriage ban at all, they were going to have to acknowledge the fears that the people who placed it in the first plan had. The ones that when further than pure dislike.
She also had a practical side to this. It would take work and further research, but an idea was a start, and a start should be seen as a good thing, right? "My primary goal is to expand the existing relevant divisions in the Department for the Regulation & Control of Magical Creatures to include specialized marriage licenses that require thorough screening and a special license fee to pay for the additional resources. Each marriage would be handled on a case-by-case basis." This solution would be most difficult for those of working class, though she was sure they could find a reasonable method through common-law marriage or sponsorship should the couple have the means. It wasn't a perfect solution, but it was better than what they had. More realistic than saying 'yep, I'll just drop that and you can't do anything about it!'.
Wanna be there for Sweetie during her post-election slump?