Nicknames: Marli
Birthdate: June 13, 1863
Current Age: 24
Occupation: Ladies Maid to @'NIMIANE BELLCHANT' & Beadmaker
Reputation: 9
The family is known to be quite reputable.Residence: Irvingly
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Wand: Pear, 8.5", bendy, Unicorn Tail
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: Working
Laramie Johnson father, Glassblower [1836]Appearance: Slender and willowy, Marli stands at an impressive five foot six. Her hair and eyes are a very dark brown, bordering on black, in hue that contrasts well with her caramel hued skin. She can often be seen with a big smile that brightens up her whole face. Her clothing tends to fall on the practical side and not the fashionable. She wears vibrant pops of color by way of her own beaded jewelry creations. She is actually left handed but has taught herself to use her right hand when in public.
Maribelle Johnson mother, Artist [1840]
Ronan Sage Johnson brother [1860]
Obsidian Johnson brother [1865]
Coral Johnson sister [1868]
1863: Marlowe Iris is born early on the morning of June thirteenth, a second child and first daughter. She’s a sweet thing with smiles for all that should look upon her.Personality: Bubbly. Kind. Gregarious. Gentle. Polite. Timid. Creative
1865: At not quite two years old, Marli isn’t entirely sure what to think of a new baby brother being added to the family. Though, as she’s typically always smiling, she surely gives Obsidian plenty of smiles and giggles.
1868: Now at five years old, Marli can grasp the concept of her new baby sister. She’s quite excited to get to play with another girl though has a bit of a fit when she isn’t allowed to play with her right away, resulting in her first signs of magic. Her shrieks cause some of the glass vases to simply melt.
1871: Ronan goes off to Hogwarts!
1874: Marli joins her brother at Hogwarts, finding herself sorted into Hufflepuff. She’s quick to make friends with those that regard her with kindness. And though there are some not to keen on her, she simply avoids them preferring to remain friendly even if she isn’t liked by all.
1876: Obsidian heads to Hogwarts.
1877: Muggles find out about magic and riots ensue. To keep the family safe, Laramie packs up his family and moves them off to Hogsmeade.
1879: Marli sits her OWLs. She does decently enough but still leaves school with no intention of returning following the summer. She instead, takes up a position as a maid with in a well to do upper class family. The Bellchant family ends up under the scrutiny of society when their daughter who had just debuted is outed as a squib. While Marli continues her works as a maid and helping the family with their glassblowing when she can, Coral leaves for Hogwarts.
1882: The draft to expand Hogsmeade comes up and Marli's family finds themselves involved in it though Marli isn’t drafted personally. She remains behind with the Bellchants, finding a sort of friendship with Miss Nimiane Bellchant. Laramie and Maribelle are granted a plot of land in Irvingly and subsequently move to the small mixed town and set to work building a quaint home for the family as well as a nice workshop to continue with their glassblowing.
1884 The laughing plague hits and Marli finds herself right in the midst of it working at the Bellchant home. Luckily, she goes unscathed but the woman of the house doesn’t survive and the tentative friendship she’s found in Nimiane blossoms into a full on friendship though is kept somewhat quiet as it isn’t quite the thing to be friends with a lady of the house. She starts to get groomed to be a lady’s maid as a result.
1885: When Nimiane presses the issue of having a home to spend time in in Irvingly, she promotes Marli to be her lady’s maid. It’s quite the honor, really, and she enjoys the chance to go home more often and see the family while in Irvingly.
1886: After Nimiane has another unsuccessful season, the move to the Irvingly cottage is made permanent and Marli makes the move with her mistress. She’s quite happy to be making the move as it means she can see her family more frequently and, as a result, she begins working on her bead making more diligently. While she know the basics of glassblowing, she’s never been able to manage larger items the way her father and brother have. She can quite vividly see the idea in her mind but can never seem to get it to translate so sticks with simply working with smaller things and makes plenty of glass beads to be used in jewelry.
1888: The new year comes and goes and Marli finds herself quite happy with life. Living at Nimiane’s cottage is pleasant even if some of the older servants in the house frown upon the friendship between her and Miss Bellchant. In the two years she’s been living in Irvingly, however, she’s taken notice of a particular Irvingly resident. The gentleman is kind as can be and she’s run into fair enough times while on her outings with Nimiane. She’s officially formed a crush on the man despite knowing absolutely nothing about him and now often blushes in his presence.
Sample Roleplay Post:
Age: 30