Nicknames: Clem.
Birthdate: March 13th, 1871.
Current Age: Nineteen.
Occupation: Apprentice Medicinal Herbologist; Rare and Exotic Poisonous Plants Researcher.
Reputation: Eight. [Since she’s a working lady. Idk if anything would make it lower…? Halp? Lmao]
Residence: Elsewhere. Family lives in a refurbished farmhouse out in the countryside with a lot of land.
Hogwarts House: N/A. Beauxbatons Alumna. Was placed in the Hufflepuff equivalent. [Fall 1882- Spring 1889].
Wand: 11 3/7” - Olive - Coral - Slightly Springy.
Blood Status: Halfblood [Pureblood + Muggle]
Social Class: Middle Class.
Father - Thaddeus William Grimshaw - Magizoologist; Medicinal Uses Researcher
Mother - Primrose Maeve Grimshaw [née Willem] - Ballet Dancer - Deceased [circa December 23rd, 1889]
Sister - Aphaea Delphine Grimshaw - Apprentice Magizoologist; Exotic Beasts Healer
-Stands at 5’ 1”, but she still gives off a willowy appearance despite her shortness.
-Fair skinned with an even complexion that she puts effort into daily to maintain.
-Has light blue/green eyes. Depending on the lighting or her outfit they can lean towards one color more than the other on any given day.
-Her hair is very dark blonde/light brown with hints of red in the light, with a natural wave/loose curl to it.
-Appreciates fashion and will go above and beyond to look prim and put together. Really enjoys adding ornate detailings to her outfits with things such as jewelry or accessories. Can be over the top.
Clementine spent most of her childhood idolizing her father. She loved joining him when he’d travel for research, and this played largely in part to Clem’s desire to learn and discover places all around the globe. Books quickly fed into her colorful imagination, and it wasn’t long before it was hard to pull Clementine out of the fantasy realms in novels. She often hid away in the garden to be able to read uninterrupted, and quickly became enchanted by the mythical environment plants provided. Enchanted transformed into obsession, and it wasn’t long before Clem was wanting to learn everything there was about plants and caring for them.
While still close to her mother, Clementine found the activities they’d do together to be stressful and anxiety inducing. A renowned ballet dancer, Primrose Grimshaw was quick to want to teach her girls the art and grace of ballet. It was something that Clementine did well at when practicing at home, but crumbled quickly when performing for those other than her family. Clementine’s sister Aphaea excelled at it however, and with Clem’s natural competitive nature it put a rift between the girls for many of their earlier years.
Clementine’s first sign of magic came at the age of eight when her and her sister got into a fight. Aphaea had accidently stepped on some newly budding flowers when she came rushing out into the garden, and upset by her sister's carelessness, Clementine began to cry and call her sister a monster. Not one to enjoy being called a monster, Aphaea grumpily stomped on the flowers more, all the while calling Clem weird for always hiding out in the garden. It was then that Aphaea began to float up into the air, dangling about two to three feet off the ground while Clementine sobbed until her father came rushing out and grabbed her sister out of the air.
When Clementine’s letter for Beauxbatons came it was received with mixed emotions from her family. Her father was left smiling ear to ear, excited for his daughter to properly be able to dive into the world of magic. Clem’s mother however was left with a furrowed brow for days, worry etched into every line of her face. While Primrose had always known it was a possibility that her girls would receive the invitation she had secretly hoped for them to never come. As a muggle, the unknown of it all made the whole idea of it seem dangerous and scary. She had faith in her husband's assurance though, and even managed to smile on the day that Clementine left for her first day of school.
-Academic Years:
Arriving at Beauxbatons felt like a dream come true for Clementine. Having watched from her father’s side for so many years Clementine entered the school already fully aware of what she wanted to study for the future she had dreamed of. Throughout the years Clem was an ambitious learner, but often would get caught up daydreaming. Her hyper focus drove her to excel in the subjects that captivated her interests and imagination, while she scored averagely in the rest. She was often found in the greenhouses or the library and almost never without at least 3 books and a sketchbook. A love of Divination and Quidditch were newly founded interests Clem also developed, mostly brought on from reading love stories and the handsome Quidditch players depicted in them.
Astronomy - E
Care of Magical Creatures - E
Charms - E
Defence Against the Dark Arts - A
Divination - O
Herbology - O
History of Magic - A
Potions - O
Transfiguration - A
Alchemy - O
Astronomy - E
Charms - A
Divination - O
Herbology - O
Potions - O
-After Graduation:
Once her schooling was over, Clementine quickly began her apprenticeship as a medical herbologist. Under the guidance of her father’s good friend with whom he’d worked closely with in the medicinal research field for years, Clem was a quick study and has taken to expanding her realm of expertise to rare and exotic plants. Something she hopes will grant her her dreams of travel, while hopefully gaining the knowledge to aid in solving rare plant medical cases and saving lives.
In the winter of 1889, Clementine’s mother began to behave oddly. Seemingly always looking over her shoulder, Primrose confided in her girls that she had suddenly been unable to shake the feeling that she was being watched. With their father away on for research, the girls comforted their mother as best they could, assuring her that there was no one watching her and that she was mostly likely just exhausted from teaching ballet for long hours. Their advice fell on deaf ears though, and on the night of Decemeber 23rd, 1889, it wasn’t their mother who appeared at the door but instead the local police. They were informed that there had been an incident and that they needed to speak with the girl's father.
Once Thaddeus was able to arrive the events that followed seemed to blur everyone in the family's sanity and emotions. They were informed that Primrose had been savagely attacked by a man on the street when she was leaving the ballot studio, and while it appeared she’d put up quite the fight, she had unfortunately not made it. Furthermore when they’d pursued the man on foot and followed the blood back to his domicile they had found him dead from a self inflicted wound. From what they gathered from the attackers home it seemed he’d taken quite a fancy to Mrs. Grimshaw, and that there were multiple news clippings scattered around his home regarding her. With some even dating back to when she was a star ballet dancer.
Grief stricken, the Grimshaw’s lives fell apart for a few months as Thaddeus was overcome with guilt that he hadn’t been there for his wife. He stopped conducting research and fell into a habit of drinking and not leaving his bedroom. Clementine and Aphaea began to rarely engage each other as well, both finding solace and distractions in books and hobbies. Once the spring of 1890 hit, Thaddeus slowly began to come back to reality, and in an effort to stop viewing their home as a shrine to Primrose, he moved back to England. Finding a refurbished farmhouse with plenty of land out in the countryside, the Grimshaw residence has become their main base for their many fields of medicinal research, all the while being closer to Thaddeus’ side of the family.
Pisces. Passionate. Daydreamer. Artistic. Imaginative. Intelligent. Determined. Competitive. Perfectionist. Introverted. Anxious. Shy until a bond is formed; warm and open afterward. Honest. Generous. Puts others before herself. Overly compassionate. Patient. Loyal. Trusting. Hopeless Romantic. Emotional. Prone to melancholy. Fashionable.
-Patronus: Hummingbird.
-Amortentia: Freshly fallen rain, flowers, and leather.
-Boggart: Blood.
-Speaks in a french accent.
-Wears perfume that is a mix of earthen, wood, and warm spice smells.
-Loves being surrounded by nature.
-Relaxes with drawing and painting.
-Learned ballet from her mother when she was young.
-Fluent in: French, English, and Japanese. She’s always trying to learn more.
-Enjoys divination practices and collecting pieces from around the world.
-Reads frequently enough to have a large collection of books. Dreams of one day having a personal home library.
-When she isn’t reading for learning purposes, Clem enjoys romance and detective novels.
-Practices writing short stories from time to time but has never shared them with anyone.
-Uses the family greenhouse as her office.
-Tea enthusiast.
-Has a sweet tooth.
-Starstruck by Quidditch players [a lot of the romance novels she reads features them].
-Feverishly shy around men.
-Wears a locket with her mother's picture in it.
Sample Roleplay Post: If I’m coming back do I still need to do this? T^T
Age: 31.
Contact: PM
Other Characters: N/A.
How did you hear about us?: =3= ~<3
~Clementine speaks in a French accent~