December 24, 2021 – 2:41 PM
Cassius Lestrange — Played by Beanie
(December 20, 2021 – 2:17 AM)Adrienne Selwyn Wrote: Adrienne is currently talking to Cassius Lestrange but mostly letters, which she wouldn't have really mentioned to anyone outside of maybe Aristide Selwyn xD
I don't even go here but may make a reappearance after the Cash/Adri NYE thread gets going >
MJ made this!
December 25, 2021 – 5:59 AM
Acacia Darlington — Played by Kelly
(December 5, 2021 – 4:55 AM)Anthea Selwyn Wrote: Additionally because it's Christmas time Anthea has gotten everyone chocolates which have been charmed with whatever charm would amuse you or create the most chaos for your character. There is no maliciousness involved, merely boredom as she was experimenting with the seeing how different charms would perform when applied to chocolate and you are a guinea pig. It is possibly that the charm does not even work as the intended charm was supposed to and has #sideeffects cause it's experimental chocolate
Liliana will be back after some behind the scenes socialiting and establishing herself.
Her hubby is still up for adoption and I will reactivate her in a heartbeat when he is adopted.
She did end up in the hospital from Anthea's gift and went so far as to send her a howler. Please let me know of responses to that. I'll be happy to reactivate her when needed, so please tell me when the Selwyns need their favorite diva.