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Where will you fall?

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It’s quite unusual for a caster's patronus to be their favourite animal, but very possible that it will take the shape of a creature they’ve never before seen or heard of. — Amy
As he fell, Ford recalled the trials of Gulliver during his interactions with the Lilliputians.
Potato Wars

One Night Standards
Without any way to go but where she pulled him, Rhys was again distracted by the skimming of her fingers over his skin. As she went down, he followed, fingers impatiently working the hooks of her corset to get that damned contraption out of his way. Still far too many layers, but he was making quick work of them, one by one.

Crouched before her, he felt a shiver run up his spine along with her fingertips. The kiss was searing and he could feel the desperation rising with each breath and as she tangled her fingers in his hair, Rhys hissed out a groan against her lips. He had to come up for air, but was in no mood to give any distance between them. He reached down to undo the laces of his boots so he could easily step out of them, pulling hers off in turn, hands running up her legs under her skirts until the found the top of her stockings and the prize of the bare skin of her thighs. Once he got all of those layers of skirts out of the way...

Merlin's fucking beard. What the fuck was he doing?

His whole body froze, fingers pressed into her thighs, the taste of her on his lips and Rhys finally came to a brief moment clarity. "Zinnia," he managed, looking up at her helplessly. "Are you— are you sure?" There was no coming back from this. Hell they had already obliterated the lines of propriety, but this could not be undone. There could be huge consequences.

Every other piece of him was screaming to forget it, to continue in the direction they'd set out in, but he had to be sure. He needed her to give him permission, to tell him this was what she wanted.

[Image: RhysSig.png]
Zinnia felt like she could breathe properly once Rhys did away with the contraception that was her corset; those were always the worst things to put on and take off, and if there was a proper spell to make her look like she wearing one when she wasn’t, well, Zin would cast it first thing in the morning for the her of her life. Women were forced to wear too many layers, although she supposed it was to keep them looking proper so they didn’t wind up in situations like this. (Although now that she was in this situation, with Rhys groaning against her lips as she tangled her fingers into his hair, Zinnia had absolutely no desire to be proper about anything.)

Her breath was quick, chest rising and falling as she did her best to catch it after they broke apart, blue eyes watching with rapport interest as he shifted to step out of his boots, her own following suit. Zin wiggled her toes inside her stockings before she was falling back on the bed, letting out a quiet gasp as his fingers brushed her bare skin. Never had a man been this close to her before, or touched her like this, and Zinnia felt like she was in uncharted territory. Merlin’s beard, this was going to happen and she suddenly felt nervous about it.

Rhys’s voice broke through her fog, giving her a way out if she desired one, but Zin wasn’t sure she did. They’d already shattered any form of decorum with kissing, but losing her virginity was something entirely different — this was something she could only give away once, and she wanted her first time to be special. Rhys was being kind though, going slow and not instantly rushing into things to take what he wanted, which made her heart flutter. It was more than what she could ask for, and now she’d have some standards to hold her future husband to, even if he might not know if.

(If it happened. Spinsterhood was starting to loom over her and Zinnia was well aware that time was starting to tick faster and faster as each second passed.)

Blue eyes blinked at him as her lips tipped into a small smile before she gave a curt nod. “I’m sure.” She whispered, because what’s the worst that could come from this? Zinnia doubted Rhys would hold it against her (just like she wouldn’t hold this against him), and he didn’t seem like the kind of man who’d come back to her again and again until they entered into some odd relationship neither knew how to wiggle out of. She wanted this here and now, with the man in front of her, even if she wasn’t entirely sure what this meant.

It wasn’t like Hogwarts had any classes that were about sex, nor had she ever conversed with anyone about the subject — it was taboo, and she’d be embarrassed to hear someone speak in such a manner. She wasn’t completely in the dark though, although it was more from common sense than anything else where a man fit in, so she shifted the leg he wasn’t touching to give him more space, giving him another silent approval that she was okay with what was happening. Her lips parted as her cheeks tinted pink.

[Image: h1JMxPK.png]
Bee made me something beautiful<3

Her quiet approval and the subtle change in posture was all Rhys needed.

His free hand worked for the ties of her skirts. The bulk of that fabric had to go; the other one still venturing over the soft skin of her thigh, boldly going higher until he reached the leg of her drawers. He wasn't ready to go there just yet, and he didn't think she was either, so instead he eased back a little, pulling her skirts off with one great tug, relieved nothing ripped.

Rhys rid him himself of his shirt and undershirt, pulling them off over his head, discarded on the floor with the rest of the pile. Now it was really real, just a couple of flimsy pieces of fabric between them, but Rhys had managed to quell the urgency enough. If they were going to do this, they were going to do it right. Or at least to the best of his ability.

Looking down at her on the bed, Rhys could see the gentle curves of her body beneath the chemise and it sent a ripple of desire across his skin. The separation between them felt like a canyon and so he lowered himself to the bed with her, hooking one arm underneath her to move her more comfortably up the bed toward the pillows. Holding himself above her, he leaned down further, brushing his lips against hers gently, a stark contrast to the heated kisses a moment ago. Without lingering, he trailed down her neck again, savoring in the newly exposed skin. Rhys balanced himself, using one hand to search for the hem of her chemise, slowly drawing it upward to slip one hand beneath the fabric. He worried briefly that his hands were too calloused, but couldn't focus on much else other than the feeling of her skin on his.

Daring to wander over her body with one hand, he reached the swell of her breast, thumb sweeping along the curve gently, waiting to gauge her reaction before venturing further.

[Image: RhysSig.png]
Fabrics gave way, releasing from her body with little fanfare, although in that moment Zinnia wouldn’t have cared if he tore all her skirts to shreds to get them where they were, at least not until she had to put them back on and take her leave from his townhouse. She found it was impossibly unfair that she had lost most of her clothing while he’d only taken off his boots, already deciding that was something she was going to soon fix. He left her in just her an almost sheer chemise, although it still left some things to the imagination, luckily.

Blue eyes watched with bounteous interest as Rhys stripped out of his own clothing, and Zinnia found she couldn’t take her eyes off of him. Desire flickered through her gaze as she propped herself up to get a better look at him, meeting his gaze as he stared down at her. Zin couldn’t help the way her cheeks reddened from the attention, even if she enjoyed the way he was gazing at her, like there was no one else in the world he’d rather be here with.

Zinnia giggled as he hooked his arm around her to heave her up toward the pillows, her arms coming to loosely wrap around him, although she really just wanted an excuse to run her fingers along Rhys’s arms. There, he hovered over her and she met his gaze, offering him a small, sweet turn of her lips until he bent down to kiss her. This one was soft and gentle, a promise that they had all the time in the world together. She kissed him back, her hands coming up to his chest. Not being able to help herself, Zinnia touched, dragging her fingertips from his shoulders to his waist.

She was left kissing air as he moved to her neck, although she just let out a small sigh and tilted her head, relishing in the way his lips felt against her neck. Blue eyes fluttered until they were half-lidded, her hands continuing to explore his body, touching his chest and waist before her fingers tangled into his hair. His hand cupped her breast, and she groaned softly, letting her eyes flutter up to blink at him.

Zinnia’s lips curled into a soft smile. She arched her back, pushing her breast into his hand to silently encourage Rhys to continue; his hands were calloused but the texture felt good against her smooth skin. Feeling a little bold herself, she let her fingers slide a little lower, curling around his butt. This just might be her favorite part of him yet.

[Image: h1JMxPK.png]
Bee made me something beautiful<3

That sensual arch of her back, pushing her body flush against his, was testing every bit of his resolve. Her wandering hands left a trail of fire on his skin and she had little idea of the havoc she was wreaking on him. If he'd hesitated before, he certainly had no doubts left now. Her reassurance and the reactions of her body were enough to push away any lingering thoughts of how very wrong this was.

Not one to be left in want for too long, Rhys indulgently pulled down the fabric of her chemise, replacing his hands with his mouth, leaving his hand to touch again freely. He kneaded his fingers into her skin, over her hip. Her little handful on his ass left him chuckling, so he returned the favor of a gentle squeeze, tugging her up as he pressed his hips to hers. Each little sigh and gasp only fueled the fire and though Rhys had always considered himself a patient man, this was a true test of his willpower. His desire to show her his best was growing quite rapidly and with it, dwindled his control.

The softness with which he had started, slowly turned more heated, almost hungry, as his lips and hands continue to roam over her skin. He wondered just how much longer he could hold out an so decided to test the waters, so to speak, lips moving back up to hers as his hand went downward again, fingers pressing against that sensitive spot, again waiting to gauge her reaction.

[Image: RhysSig.png]
The way Rhys was touching her was making her head spin, forcing all the thoughts that were trying to form spiral into the abyss of nothingness. Zinnia let herself sink into the pleasure, finding that she fully trusted the man to take things slow, to make her feel good, and in turn she would (try) to do the same for him. Inexperience was rearing its ugly head as she found herself not sure what to do with her hands or lips, if she should speak more or not, but her body reacted like it had a mind of its own, arching and pressing against him like even an inch between them was too much for her to bear.

His mouth and his hands worked against her skin, leaving an eruption of goosebumps and ripples of desire in their wake; her own hands explored, freely touching his skin as she soaked in every inch of him, pleased with each new part her friends brushed over. Whatever hesitations the witch had earlier had evaporated, never to be remembered that had them in the first place. Here, in Rhys’s bed with him hovering over her, was exactly where she wanted to be. She couldn’t help the soft gasps that escaped her each time his fingers brushed over a new part of her, and Zinnia knew as he tugged their hips flush against each other that she was having the same effect on him. Her cheeks painted pink, fingertips trailing from his cute butt to his hips where she settled her hands. She gave him a little tug down, wanting him closer.

His lips found hers and she kissed him back with a frenzy as her hands mimicked his, greedily roaming over his skin until she felt she’d properly explored every crevice… now it was time to lose his pants, so she could have new territory to explore. Zin had felt the same, that Rhys had touched every part of her, at least until she felt his fingers touch her there, a place she hadn’t ever touched herself. Zinnia’s head fell back against the pillow, her mouth forming into a small ‘o’, blue eyes fluttering. An insatiable need shot straight from her core to her head and made her toes curl against the sheets.

“I…” Words were difficult to form, but dammit, Zinnia needed to find them before Rhys pulled away. She lifted her head from the pillow and tugged his face toward hers. “Please do that again,” she quietly rasped before she was pulling him into a kiss, greedily working her lips against his. Zinnia’s eyes fluttered closed, desire rippling through her body; it was the only thing she could concentrate on, and the only person who could give her what she yearned for was Rhys, and if he denied her… Zinnia wasn’t sure what she would do. He was making her feel good. The witch lifted her hips up to press against him, although she let them fall back to the bed a few seconds later.

[Image: h1JMxPK.png]
Bee made me something beautiful<3

Well fuck.

The movement of her body was what he expected, the little gasp, her head falling back against the pillow. He grinned against her skin, letting her drag him up for an intense kiss. Her hands on his hips pulling him down against her tested his resolve and he had to appreciate the speed at which she was catching on. Rhys was so wrapped up in her that he forgot she likely had zero experience here. Fortunately bodies reacted on their own and he was quickly learning her tells. He was too focused on making it a pleasurable experience that he couldn't miss them. Perhaps he should have kept the slower pace, but he didn't want it to be a slow torture, just a worthwhile build up.

That was of course until her timid little demand shot right through him. Rhys obliged immediately, following the directive without question, if only to hear that breathless desire on her lips once more. The surge of arousal was hard to ignore and he felt the need climb in his own system, breaching the point of giving in, clawing at him, especially as she pressed her hips up against his again. His fingers tightened in the sheets and he forced himself to give her request due attention before he kissed her again.

Leaning back briefly, Rhys undid the buttons on his own trousers, pushing them down just enough to get them out of the way before he settled back over her, hands resting on either side of her as he looked down. He was sure she could read the desire in his expression, but this was where he knew he had to slow down. Taking a deep breath, he reined in the need and kissed her softly. "This might be uncomfortable at first," he explained in a hoarse whisper. "But the discomfort doesn't last." He promised, brushing her hair from her face gently, running the hand down the length of her body once more, settling on her hip for a moment.

Waiting a beat for her approval, Rhys slowly brought their hips together once more, this time without anything between. Merlin, he'd nearly forgotten what it was like, but hadn't forgotten the delicacy in which he needed to move (at least for the start) and bent down to kiss her, hoping to distract her momentarily. He eased back and looked her over for any sign of discomfort before he started into an deliberately slow rhythm until she was more used to it.

[Image: RhysSig.png]
Rhys complied with her request and Zinnia found herself lost in the pleasure, blue eyes blurrily blinking as she felt some of the pressure lift from her body. He was leaning back away from her, which made her frown at him, fingers tightening against the sheets so she wouldn’t reach for him. While Zin didn’t like him being gone even for a second, she wasn’t needy enough to whine about it. He was quick to finally be in the same state as her, stripping out of the remainder of his clothes until he was nude and eager. It was only natural for Zinnia to drink in all of him, trailing her eyes from those beautiful blue eyes she loved having linger on her, especially as they flickered with desire that mirrored her own, down to his arousal.

She found his face more as he hovered back over her, lips curving into a soft smile as she tipped her head up to kiss him. It was more of a peck than anything and he didn’t linger, fingers running back down her body that made her shiver. Rhys explained how things might go. Zinnia glanced down at him again, blushing profusely because she hadn’t ever actually seen one before and now here he was about to use it. It was delightful and terrifying wrapped up into one, and she could only silently agree that it did look like it would be uncomfortable. Her eyes sought out his, and she found nothing to say that she wasn’t going to enjoy herself.

Zinnia nodded as her hands wound around his neck, fingers loosely entwining together. Then she offered him a smile, letting her legs fall apart more for him to settle between. “I trust you, Rhys.” She whispered. “And I’m ready.” She wouldn’t be under him if she wasn’t, and a little discomfort would (hopefully) be worth the reward. He kissed her again and she sighed into his lips, trying to ignore the sting between her legs as he pushed into her, although it didn’t last too long. The rhythm started, nice and slow as she became accustomed to him, although Zinnia wasn’t sure what to do with her own body. She just laid there at first, watching him curiously, although as the rhythm between them became a little faster Zin started huffing out small noises of pleasure.

Rhys had been right, the discomfort weaned as they went on and Zinnia found the appeal of having sex. It made her feel good and she knew she was making him feel good. Zinnia dragged him down into another kiss as she started to move her hips against his, and that also made a world of difference. Oh yes. This had been a grand idea for Rhys to take her home and she could get used to this happening between them. (Not that she was a harlot.)

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   Rhys Gallagher

[Image: h1JMxPK.png]
Bee made me something beautiful<3

Rhys took her words to heart, thought why she trusted him when he was so willing to bring her to bed like this was beyond him. She had however, been insistent and consistent in her participation, so he couldn't exactly bring himself to focus on that at the moment. He would certainly come to regret it later, he thought fleetingly.

He watched her carefully for any sign that she might be uncomfortable, continuing the slow motion of his hips, despite every fiber of his being screaming at him to speed up. His determination became increasingly more difficult as she found the rhythm herself, hips rising to meet his in turn, the passion in the kiss dissolving his earlier hesitations.

Still looking down at her now in the throes of the thrill, Rhys had gone screaming past the point of no return without much thought and so he was at least going to make it as enjoyable as possible. His own breath came in ragged breaths, caught in the sensations himself, he kissed along her skin as low as he could, trying to hold out as long as he could.

He was a little out of practice though and soon(er than he would like) he was lost to the feeling, reaching the peak with one last thrust, his hand holding her hips against his as he blew out a long slow breath. Unable to hold himself up, he lowered himself to his elbows, burying his face in her hair as he tried to catch his breath.

[Image: RhysSig.png]
They fit together well, like two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, Zinnia decided as they found their rhythm. Her own breath was quick, matching in tune with his, although it quickened each time she felt a kiss against her skin. That was one of her favorite parts, his fingers brushing against her skin, although of course what they were doing now just happened to top the list. This had gone from a terrible afternoon of someone smashing her pumpkins for the fun of it to being in bed with Rhys, and Zin was quite happy with how things had progressed here; how or why she had suddenly decided to kiss him was still beyond her, though.

Above her, Rhys’s breathing changed and soon enough his thrusting slowed until he was burying his face into his hair. Zinnia wrapped her arms around his waist and pulled him close as she caught her breath. She giggled quietly and shifted beneath him, bringing her hairs up to card through his brunette locks, the question of now what lingering on the edge of her tongue. Did she get up and leave to go home like nothing ever happened, or did she curl up with him and stay a while? There should really be a guidebook for these kinds of things… not that whatever they were doing was normal. Husbands and wives would sleep in the same bed, probably fall asleep next to each other, but they hadn’t said vows to each other nor were they courting.

Zinnia stretched out beneath him, offering him a sweet smile once her chest had stopped heaving. He was the expert in this matter because it was very clear to her that he had known what he was doing (she couldn't stop herself from basking in their aftermath), she was going to follow his lead. She moved a hand to cup his face, thumb brushing across his cheek. “Can I stay for a bit?” she finally asked, because Zin decided that leaving immediately would make her feel like a harlot, and she wasn’t one of those. She searched his gaze for an answer that she hoped she would like, but she would get dressed and leave if that’s what Rhys asked of her.

[Image: h1JMxPK.png]
Bee made me something beautiful<3

As his breathing started to slow, Rhys felt himself relax into the afterglow, feeling none of the trepidation he had earlier. What was done was done, and though he hadn't any idea where it had come from, he wasn't terribly upset about where they had landed either. With her hands gently combing his hair and his body delightfully spent, he could have fallen asleep, but he didn't want to crush her either. Slowly he eased back enough and rolled onto his side next to her, head propped up on one hand, looking down at her. She looked... content. Which was good. If there was any regret or doubts lingering on her features he would have sunk right through the mattress into the floor, never to be seen again.

Her quiet question finally saw him exhale. "Of course," he replied, reaching out to brush her hair from her face, behind her ear. "How do you feel?" He tried to hide the concern in his expression, busying himself with reaching for the throw at the end of the bed to cover them up with. He wasn't exactly ready for her to go either. It had been such an intense, intimate situation that separating now felt somehow wrong too.

Still, he worried that something was going to give way any minute now and he would hate to see her upset by any of this. Merlin if she regretted it, the guilt would eat him alive.

[Image: RhysSig.png]
Merlin, Zinnia could stare at his face all night. Rhys had a very kind face and the deepest blue eyes she’d ever seen. Zin couldn’t help but admire how cute he looked at that moment. The way he exhaled, the concern in his eyes, it made her heart skip a beat. Whatever he thought she was feeling was probably the opposite; Zinnia was content and could happily fall asleep right here because the outside world simply didn’t matter to her at the moment. He rolled next to her and her lips curled into a soft smile as she turned to face him, leaning into his hand as his fingers found her hair. She hummed quietly as she thought and stretched her leg out, poking his leg with her bare toes.

Even though he was trying to hide his worry, she could see it in reflection of his eyes and the way he hesitated. Zinnia scooted over until she was pressed against him, fingers coming up to brush a piece of stray hair out of his eyes, not that it did much other than fall back into place when she pulled her hand back. “I feel good and I don’t regret a single moment of it.” She whispered, words lacing with sincerity. Maybe the regret would come later; the implications of what they’d done would slap her in the face until she bawled her eyes, but right now she wasn’t feeling any of it. Physically she felt fine too.

Zin curled into him. She tossed her arm across his waist and rested her head against his chest, listening to the soft thrum of his heartbeat beneath her. Her own was thumping inside her chest in time to his. Zinnia pressed a hand against her chest before she yawned. It seemed to embarrass her because she offered him a shy smile as she peeked up at him. “How are you feeling?” She finally whispered. It felt fair that if he was going to check in on her that she should do the same to him; what they’d done had been a two way decision and while she had no regrets and was content to snuggle inside the cozy cocoon they’d made, Rhys might not feel the same.

Although, if he came to regret this, it might break Zinnia’s heart. She didn’t want him to see her as a harlot or someone who did this often (in fact it was something Zinnia didn’t ever see herself doing again and still wasn’t positive why she’d done it in the first place), but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Zin sighed quietly and snuggled in closer to him, a silent plea not to get up and leave her.

[Image: h1JMxPK.png]
Bee made me something beautiful<3

Some of the tension left his chest as Zinnia admitted that she was well. Even more so that she did not harbor any regrets about their engagements. He would surely die of guilt if she had. As she curled into him, Rhys accommodated her easily, tucking one arm around her as he leaned onto his back. This was oddly comfortable. Rhys found himself at ease for the moment.

"I'm alright, content," he admitted with a small smile. Physically, he felt better than he had in a while, but his mind was still whirring with the possible ramifications of what they had done. She didn't regret it at the moment, but she might, in the future. Coming down off such an incredible high was leaving him out of sorts and he didn't quite know what to do with it. It was a strange feeling, on opposite ends of the spectrum that he wasn't quite sure what to do with himself. He was loathe to ruin the afterglow however, especially when Zinnia seemed so content, so he made himself comfortable against the pillows.

Absentmindedly he ran his fingertips up and down her arm, feeling the fatigue settle over him as well.

[Image: RhysSig.png]
Zinnia fit perfectly against Rhys, and as he tucked an arm around, she couldn’t help but nuzzle into him, offering him a smile that he was content. She just hoped he wouldn’t come to regret it, although what’s done is done and neither of them could take it back. It wasn’t like anyone would ever have to know outside the two of them would have to know if either of them decided to regret their actions. His fingers gently ran down her fingers and she shivered under his touch. Her foot looped around his ankle to keep him where he was.

Eventually her eyes grew heavy, and her breathing evened.

When Zinnia finally awakened, she wasn’t sure how much time had lapsed; her head hurt and her throat was dry. Rhys was asleep beside her. Her face reddened as her eyes trailed down his still nude body half tucked under the blankets, and she pulled the blanket over her chest like he was suddenly going to awake to see her nude. She watched him for a moment longer like he was suddenly going to wake up and accuse her of something she hadn’t done before her tongue darted out to wet her lips, and with some silent courage she slipped out of the bed and got dressed, using her wand to do it hastily.

Once dressed Zinnia stood over him and leaned down to brush her lips against his forehead. Then she stepped back, and with a crack she apparated back to her room, where she’d curled up in the covers of her bed, unsure what to think about what they’d done.

[Image: h1JMxPK.png]
Bee made me something beautiful<3

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