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"A glamor spell and a transforming spell could have severe consequences if the person using them didn't know what she was doing," Lester said, tone thoughtful. The hospital was the only place where ...
A nightmare. Lester was embarrassed to have her here when he was in his nightclothes — he did not wear a shirt when he slept — but the distress in her whisper and the way she pressed her...
Until she spoke, Lester mostly thought that he was dreaming. It would have been a new dream, a spectral Sloane crossing the branches when he was asleep and climbing into his bed, but it made the mos...
The spider did not take Lester's introduction as an opportunity to eat him, which Lester was going to take as a win. He listened to Sloane finish the section, then looked at her with a soft smile wh...
A reversal potion would get them back where they'd started, which was predictable but unfortunate. If it were that simple, Miss Hunter likely wouldn't have had to call him in in the first place. Les...
The spider not only knew Sloane's surname, even if he pronounced it a little differently than most people did, but now she was petting him. Lester was trying not to look as nervous as he was, half s...
Working with the other Junior Healers often made Lester nervous. He always felt worried that they knew more than he did, because he'd spent so much of his Intern year feeling guilty about Sloane and...
Watching Sloane this engaged had been strange enough already, but now she was loudly whispering to the giant spider about a book, and it got even weirder. He was going to have to tell — well, ...
Every year, there were somehow more people in the Potts home for Christmas Eve, and never mind that the Grimstones were missing this year. Lester had dutifully delivered the wines that his mother wa...
This really was the happiest he'd seen Sloane in ages — while Lester had an impulse to caution her to slow down, or to stay on the paths that he was allowed to be on, he couldn't puncture the ...
Given that he was very occasionally hazarding a pinkie touch with Sisse, Lester probably ought to have been more cautious — but most of their caution was for Sisse, not for him. Most of his fa...
Food was enough to get Mercy's old cat to be friends with him, but it was strange to think of it as being a motivator for an actually dangerous creature. He happily followed Sloane to the next enclo...
Lester watched her for a second, a little baffled that this was all happening, and then stood up and walked after her. He kept his stride purposeful — you could get away with almost anything i...
Lester hadn't seen Sloane this excited since before she was Sadie, and laughed with startled cheer while she dragged him towards one of the enclosures. It took him a moment of squinting to see the r...
Was a debutante asking him if he wanted to break into the backstage of the circus? Lester blinked at her, a little visibly baffled, and then almost immediately decided that he ought to be at least h...
Her dress seemed more Sadie than it did Sloane, and Lester felt awkward that he knew the difference. He pushed the thought aside and grinned at her comment. "Oh, sure," he said, lightly skeptical &m...
[premise]October 31st, 1894 — Halloween Creature Feature ([/premise]
A hidden gem, my own goldmine
You had the wide and wild...
Lester was a little relieved that she hadn't immediately poked more fun of him; his shoulders slumped a smidge with the lack of pressure. "Do you think they have tigers?" he asked; Lester was fond o...
"No," Lester answered, feeling defensive about it. He wasn't scared of fake werewolves. He was — maybe a bit scared of real ones, but that was absolutely justified, he thought.
"I just thou...
[premise]September 15th, 1894 — Diggory Imaginarium ([/premise]
It was harder to have built-in hobbies when one was no lon...
Lester nodded at her suggestion. "Then you're out of the house but it's not going — too much too fast," he offered. He still wasn't sure about the idea, but when Sloane was committed to someth...
Lester listened carefully as she responded to his doubts; he was relieved to hear that she'd at least thought things through. And he did think her family would be happy to let her stay at home until...
"I've only started to see it," Lester admitted, with a small smile. Sure, his one hangover had been pretty catastrophic, but it was one hangover. "I finished Hogwarts this year."
Lester nodded as Sloane explained her reasoning; all of it made sense, at least on the surface. She needed somewhere to go during the day — something to keep her occupied, that was not connect...
Half the time, when Lester came home after work, he found Sloane curled up in his bed or sitting at the Hatchitt's kitchen table — it was more likely when he was coming home from a day shift t...
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