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Let's spin apart while racing through the atmosphere - Lester Hatchitt - December 22, 2021

December 17th, 1891 - Outside the Gryffindor Common Room
The upperclassmen party had been fun. Lester wasn't usually much for new people or big crowds, but the idea of a room you could only access when you needed it appealed to him. He'd intended to make an appearance, maybe have a drink, chat with some people in other houses — the basic things someone was supposed to do at a party.

Instead of having a drink, he'd had — three? four? He wasn't sure, the refill lines had blurred. He felt like he could feel his blood, like he was floating, like he was a version of himself that was more charming than the regular one. And then all the sound was too much, and he'd decided to go back to the Common Room, heading down from the Come and Go Room and across the castle until he reached Gryffindor Tower. The journey went by quickly, until —

Well, until he was outside the Common Room, being teased by the Fat Lady because he couldn't remember the password to the tower. Lester pressed his forehead against the brick of the wall and huffed a laugh.

Sisse Thompsett

RE: Let's spin apart while racing through the atmosphere - Sisse Thompsett - January 16, 2022

It was late, Sisse knew that as she slipped alone down the halls. She hadn't wanted to spoil anyone's fun at the party, but her guilt had gotten the better of her, so she'd slipped away on her own. Another rule she was breaking. Granted, she was a prefect and went on rounds. But tonight wasn't her night and she certainly didn't want to get in trouble.

She'd had two drinks, reasoning that she was allowed the occasional glass of wine for special occasions. This had been a special occasion and she'd been rather unreasonably (perhaps reasonably, given her own nerves) nervous. Were all parties like that? Or were society parties much different?

Her thoughts were spinning as she rounded the corner and spotted the Fat Lady teasing a student. Sisse squinted and realized it was Lester, head against the wall. She stepped forward quicker, which had her head spinning, but she was determined to help - and not shout down the hallway.

As she neared him, her blue eyes sought his face. She'd seen him at the party but had lost track of him. "What's wrong?" Sisse asked softly, not wanting to risk anyone hearing them.

RE: Let's spin apart while racing through the atmosphere - Lester Hatchitt - January 23, 2022

Lester heard footsteps and turned, leaning the side of his body against the wall. Oh! It was Sisse. Lester met his eyes and grinned at her, a stupid easy grin. "I can't remember the password," he said — his voice was a little rougher around the edges than usual, as if something was in his throat. "Isn't that funny?"

The Fat Lady certainly thought it was funny, so Lester had to, too.

RE: Let's spin apart while racing through the atmosphere - Sisse Thompsett - January 23, 2022

Well at least that explained why he was outside the corridor, but she hadn't expected him to laughing. Except there was a catch to his voice, so maybe it wasn't all humor to him. Her eyebrows wrinkled slightly in confusion, "I suppose so." She said, but it came out more of a question.

Behind them The Fat Lady was laughing and beginning to tease Lester again. Without even thinking about it Sisse spun on her heel and glared at the portrait. "I suppose you think it is funny." She declared, her severe tone perhaps a bit louder than intended, "But it is in terrible taste to tease him over such a thing." Sisse's hands balled on to her hips as she glared at The Fat Lady.

RE: Let's spin apart while racing through the atmosphere - Lester Hatchitt - February 21, 2022

Confusion flickered across Lester's face; should he be offended by the Fat Lady's teasing? Was he somehow not in on the joke? He kept on leaning against the wall and watched Sisse with her hands on her hips. "You're good to defend me," Lester said, a spurt of surprised honesty, "You know you don't have to."

RE: Let's spin apart while racing through the atmosphere - Sisse Thompsett - February 22, 2022

The Fat Lady drew in an indigent breathe no doubt ready to berate Sisse herself when Lester spoke. Sisse didn't even give her a chance, just barely hearing the now see hear Missy as she spun around to face her.

"Of course I do." Sisse replied guilelessly, her eyes wide. "You're my friend." Or at least she had always assumed they were given they were both in the same group of friend, but perhaps that was too presumptious. Her blue eyes widened earnestly as if to impart her sincerety of this truth.

RE: Let's spin apart while racing through the atmosphere - Lester Hatchitt - February 28, 2022

Sisse wanted to help him because they were friends; Lester still didn't think he deserved it. He grinned at the look on her face anyways. "Yeah," he said brightly, if stupidly, "Yeah, I am."

RE: Let's spin apart while racing through the atmosphere - Sisse Thompsett - February 28, 2022

It was a relief to hear him say it, but there was a small corner of her doubting his words. Or maybe it was the fact that he'd said I am, instead we're friends, implying it only went one one. Or perhaps it was because ... well it was a silly thought and not worth considering. So instead she ignored it and pushed on. "Of course you are, silly." Sisse shook her head, the world swirling slightly around her, which despite her current situation standing still, had her stumble slightly to the side before she caught herself, trying to appear as balanced and normal as possible. "And as such I should defend you. Isn't that what friends are for?" This time there was a definite (and rather unintentional) lack of assurity to the question as it wavered there between the two of them.

RE: Let's spin apart while racing through the atmosphere - Lester Hatchitt - March 29, 2022

There was something off about Sisse, all of a sudden, and Lester didn't know how to deal with it. Was he making a mess of things? It felt like he had to be, because usually he didn't see Sisse like this, and because he could not untangle what to say in his brain. So instead of saying anything, Lester leaned forward to pull his friend into a tight hug.

RE: Let's spin apart while racing through the atmosphere - Sisse Thompsett - March 29, 2022

The last thing Sisse expected as a hug, but one moment he was standing opposite her and the next his arms were around her. It was so rare for a boy to hug her, or even touch her. There had been the rare moment when Obie hugged her when her mother had died, but other than that it was hand holds in their etiquette dance lessons. Perhaps it was because Mr. Higgs had just held her hands and danced with her this evening, perhaps it was the second drink she'd had, but whatever the reason she was acutely aware of everywhere Lester touched. Her cheeks turned pink even as she instinctually hugged him back, allowing him to steady and comfort her. She should step away, but it was so unexpected, so comforting that she didn't want to let go. "Thank you." She murmred into his shoulder.

RE: Let's spin apart while racing through the atmosphere - Lester Hatchitt - April 12, 2022

This was the longest, and the most, he'd ever touched Sisse. She was shorter than he was, by several inches, and her hair smelled nice. Lester didn't step back. (This hug had the added effect of steadying him.) "Of course," he said gently.

RE: Let's spin apart while racing through the atmosphere - Sisse Thompsett - April 14, 2022

She should step back, she knew that. It was a terribly long hug, but it made her feel as if every uncertainty she had was being soothed. Her doubts about friends and boys and the future seemed to calm down in that moment, in his simple response - as if it were every day they hugged and it was the only natural way to answer a question.

Meaning to step back Sisse gave him a gentle squeeze. "Sometimes I feel as if I'm just a nuisance every one just tolerates." The murmured explaination was out of her mouth before she had even realized them. Her cheeks turning pink. She did not want to see his face at those words, but she couldn't keep hugging him, so bravely she stepped back, torn between watching his face and her own shoes. Curiosity at his reaction pulled her gaze toward him rather than staring in utter embarassment at her shoes.

RE: Let's spin apart while racing through the atmosphere - Lester Hatchitt - April 27, 2022

Lester frowned at her words, and kept frowning when she stepped away. He reached out to grab her wrist. "You're not a nuisance," he said. "You're never a nuisance." It seemed desperately important that she believe him, but he wasn't sure how to make sure that happened.

RE: Let's spin apart while racing through the atmosphere - Sisse Thompsett - April 30, 2022

There was a frown on his lips. That certainly could not be good. He had to be thinking the worst of her now. But then the warmth of his hand was around her wrist, anchoring her as he stared directly into her gaze. It was enough to distract her from her embarrassment, enough to meet his gaze and read the sincerity in his words rather than overthinking them.

"Oh." It was hardly a whisper out of her mouth, only half realized she'd said something at all. Lester was barely a step away, his warmth encircling her wrist, his gaze never leaving her own. Was he trying to tell her something more? Sisse's eyes flicked from his eyes to his lips, only a slight tilt of the head... Sisse swallowed. Surely that wasn't what he had meant. She forced her gaze back to his eyes.

RE: Let's spin apart while racing through the atmosphere - Lester Hatchitt - May 11, 2022

It seemed like something ought to happen in this moment, but Lester wasn't sure what. There was a spark of something — warmth, but different — in his brain, and he didn't think it had happened before. He didn't know what to do with it.

Lester squeezed Sisse's wrist.

RE: Let's spin apart while racing through the atmosphere - Sisse Thompsett - May 19, 2022

There was a slight pressure on her wrist where his hand was. The pressure reassuring her arm tingling all the way up to her shoulder, her stomach beginning to dance on its own accord. Before Sisse could really think what she was doing she had reached up on to her toes and planted a kiss on his cheek.