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+---- Thread: 31 December - Destiny Hotel New Year's (/showthread.php?tid=9866)
31 December - Destiny Hotel New Year's - Camilla Prewett - December 14, 2021
You can't remark upon what you don't know!
Are YOU attending the Destiny Hotel New Year's on December 31st? Feel free to drop thread links here for the perusal of other guests! Be sure to state whether your thread is open or private, and feel free to provide a little summary for completed threads!
RE: 31 December - Destiny Hotel New Year's - Ani Pomfrey - December 17, 2021
Ani will be in attendence.
As will Felix Prewett and possibly @"Marie-Louise Skovgaard" [depending on Mouse and work]
And I'm sneaking @"Dahlia Potts" in because she is interesting now that their shop almost burned down and she was rescued by Mr. Prewett.
RE: 31 December - Destiny Hotel New Year's - Camilla Prewett - December 22, 2021