28 August, 1874
— The Selwyns —After thorough observation, there is no doubt in my mind that the Selwyn family thus far is undeserving of my sister's presense. Perhaps Daphne would have been a better match for such a misfortune. These are the findings I have observed thus far.
Trystan Selwyn - A man whore, without a doubt. I doubt Liliana was his first, nor last bastard. I fail to see any reason to get to know him more, as I cannot see my opinion swaying. I feel immense sympathy for Ambrosia, yet also concern for what this may mean for my own future.
Liliana Selwyn - I do not believe it to be unfair to wish that the nanny drops her. No one outside of Trystan could possibly blame the woman. What a noisy baby. I've never heard a baby cry
so much. Perhaps she will die from lack of breath.
Emrys Selwyn - Possibly the best Selwyn brother, though the bar is abundantly low. Artsy, eccentric. Still, has a personality that is memorable enough to not be instantly dismissed. Merlin help me, I do hope to not be married off to
any of the Selwyn brothers, but he would likely be the most tolerable.
Daniel Selwyn - He avoids everyone like we're the plague. I suppose that is fine. Preferably, I can avoid him just as much. I pity any poor wife that will have to manage his antisocial skills.
Tanwen Selwyn - This poor woman seems reasonably normal compared to the rest, though a bit dull. Who knows.
Anthea Selwyn - A know-it-all that needs to remember that she is not a man.