you didn't have to get blown up about it - Printable Version

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you didn't have to get blown up about it - Jack Dorset - November 18, 2021

November 15th, 1891 — Delivered to Hogsmeade Hospital
@'Daffodil Potts'
((A mass-produced get-well card, probably selected by the sales clerk that sold it.  It sports an ornate, almost chintzy design on the front, a brief note scrawled on the blank back, and is accompanied by two small, rumpled daisies.))

they aren't poisonous, I checked
- J. Dorset   

RE: you didn't have to get blown up about it - Daffodil Grimstone - November 19, 2021

November 16th, 1891

Much appreciated. Excuse the messy handwriting, left-handed after all. Your choice in flowers this time will do, I love them. Do me a favor and check in with Papa please? I know he probably looks fine, but really isn't.

Any leads?

RE: you didn't have to get blown up about it - Jack Dorset - November 19, 2021

November 17th, 1891
Merlin you didn't have to write back.  If ever there was a free pass for dodging etiquette rules, having a building fall on you has to be it. 

I'll visit him as soon as they let me out.  Hopefully the aurors will get to him before I do to give him the good news - We got the guy.  Or someone who looks like him and acted very guilty about it. 

I am very glad you are ok.  What of your sisters?

-J. Dorset

RE: you didn't have to get blown up about it - Daffodil Grimstone - November 20, 2021

November 17th, 1891

There is not much else to do in the hospital, so I don't mind. At lest I have time to catch up on some reading.

You caught him? That is wonderful news! What do you mean let you out? Are you alright?

Everyone will be fine, don't you worry. We Potts girls are made of stronger stuff.

RE: you didn't have to get blown up about it - Jack Dorset - November 21, 2021

November 18th, 1891
Miss Potts
Hello from the black lake!  I'd include some kind of kelp-y lake flower as proof that I'm here if I thought the parchment would survive the soggy trip.  Your father seems in better spirits but definitely looks tired.  We are out here checking on his crop of.... honestly, I can't remember the name and I don't want to ask him again because then he would think I wasn't listening.  There isn't much talking (which is why I can write to you now) but I think he likes having someone here while he works. 

And I definitely have the time for it now because I did something dumb - I had my hand on the guy when he disapparated. I've never been splinched before so that was fun and now I'm stuck with my arm in a sling for a while.  Which is crazy by the way.  How is there a spell to reattach everything in moments but the rest of it takes weeks?  At least its not my wand arm. 
- J. Dorset

RE: you didn't have to get blown up about it - Daffodil Grimstone - November 21, 2021

November 18th, 1891

I'm sure he's happy for the company, usually that is my job— the notetaking that is, so thank you for being my substitute.

Oh my goodness! That's awful, how very brave of you, I wish you a speedy recovery. In the meantime, we can be sling buddies, I will have mine on for a few weeks yet myself, even once I get out. It is, most unfortunately, my wand arm. I was in charge of a huge event at the new Gallery opening in London weekend next and I've had to pass it all off to Zinnia and even call in Senna to help. What a mess this is caused. I'm relieved that you were able to capture the man responsible.
included is a single pink carnation

RE: you didn't have to get blown up about it - Jack Dorset - November 21, 2021

November 18th, 1891
I think if I hadn't already proven I'm useless at taking notes I'd be a stand-in for that as well.  No thanks are needed, you know I like your dad.  Plus your mum has insisted I stay for dinner so I've come out the winner here. 

'Brave' is a nice cover for 'stupid'.  I'm sure I'll hear about it from the Chief as soon as they figure out what to do with me.  Chain me to a desk at the constabulary, if I had to guess.  I hope you actually let Zinnia and Senna do the work, having a building fall on you is the best excuse to get off work I've heard of but something tells me you won't take the opportunity.

I am glad you and your sisters are ok.  I'll be fine, this is nothing, you just worry about getting well.  I have two arms but there's only one of you. 

- J. Dorset

P.S. Your dad sends his love (now that he knows I'm writing you and not taking notes like he thought)

RE: you didn't have to get blown up about it - Daffodil Grimstone - November 23, 2021

November 19th, 1891

They need the distraction, half of us caught in the attack, I'm sure their nerves are frayed. They can't fuss over me at the moment, so you'll have to do.

That would not be an fitting reward for capturing the culprit! Thanks to you he can't do anything like this again. We are all so very appreciative of what you've done for us.

I will do my best. This was supposed to be my event, all mine, and now I have to delegate, something I've grown increasingly bad at.

Tell Papa I'll see him soon, and you as well. Thanks, Jack.