Flint Institute and Knights of Walpurgis - Printable Version

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Flint Institute and Knights of Walpurgis - Thaddeus Flint - November 15, 2021

Flint Institute of Advanced Magic

The Flint Institute of Advanced magic aims to continue and develop the foundations of magical education received at Hogwarts.  The Institute specializes in advanced magical theory and practice, providing both practical, classroom based education and academic research opportunities for students of all ages with an interest in furthering, or deepening their knowledge of pratical and theoretical magical subjects including divination, potions, and alchemy. 

We will also offer some more day to day forms of practical magic, including the animagus transformations, wandless and non-verbal magic, even dueling for pleasure. 

The Flint Institute allows for people to continue their magical education post Hogwarts:
  • If you didn't get the grades you are hoping for the job you wanted so you can undertake extra classes in order to make up any short fall in your academics to achieve the profession you desire. 
  • You are of an academic inclination and want to gain a more detailed knowledge or a more specialist education in a specific area of magical academia - including the Animagus transformation, wandless and nonverbal magic
  • Specialist course taking that may help in career advancement
  • They wish to undertake specialist research in specific areas of advanced magic

Students may study on a full or part time basis to facilitate work, finishing school, and social commitments.  We also offer dormitories and live in situations for young men who may appreciate the comraderie of other young people as they embark on adult life. 

The Flint Institute allows for people to continue their magical education post Hogwarts, which they can do for various reasons*. It is something like a university, offering advanced qualifications and courses in magic. It might be of use to character if:
  • They left education at 16 and now wish to return education to get almost a GED style NEWTs equivalent
  •   They didn't get the grades they wanted for the job they wanted so they can undertake extra classes to get what they need (Undergrad Diploma / advanced placement course)
  • They are of an academic inclination and want to basically do the equivalent of Muggle university, and get a more detailed, specialist education in an area - including the Animagus transformation.  (Under graduate)
  • they want to take a specialist course that may help in career advancement (Masters)
  • They wish to undertake specialist research in specific areas of advanced magic (Think PhD)
*  -is the modern equivalent

Younger members, as long as they are unmarried of the can choose to live at the Flint Institute.  Tutoring can also take place on a non-boarding basis.   There is no upper age limit for enrollment, and is offered on full time and part time basis for those with jobs. 

Officially - the school is open to anyone with sufficient talent/magical ability

Unofficially - The school favours purebloods - UC and MC preferred, LC if distinguished blood line). It does cost and is in Wellingtonshire, so financially it would be a burden for a LC person not on scholarship.

The Institute is situated in Wellingtonshire. 

Knights of Walpurgis
While not directly related to the Flint Institute, the Institute is a cover for the order, and gives the order access to talented individuals, the meeting rooms and Order member rooms are on the grounds of the institute but unmappable. 

The Knights of Walpurgis, is a magical fraternal order which was founded around one thousand years ago to protect witches and wizards from Muggle persecution. However, after a while Wizarding society managed to convince Muggles that magic does not exist, and thethe Knights were no longer required. Their focus shifted from protection from muggles to the belief that dark magic, and certain other magical skills, are the birthright of purebloods and should be kept exclusively within the pureblood families and away from those with closer relationships to muggles.  Their ultimate aim is to propagate pureblood lines and ensure that those lines are more magically powerful than halfblood or muggleborns.  

The order will consider halfbloods for entry, if there are distinguished bloodlines in their lineage (such as a halfblood Prince Wink), they are individually especially powerful/skilled, and the individual is blood purist.  

The order is very secretive, and only those who are in the order know of it's exact purpose, and it uses secret keepers to maintain this.  However, Purebloods would likely know of the orders existence in theory/its history, in much the same way people know of the Free Masons but without much idea of what they do unless you are a member.  The official story of the orders purpose is simply 'philanthropic fellowship'.

It is familial, so if a parent is a member, a child is able to request membership, if a parent rejects their membership but a grandparent was/is they can use that to gain entry.  This branch is new/restablished in England but there are other branches of the order in other parts of the world - think 1 per large geographic area, so some countries may have more than one branch.

There is an induction ceremony, which is very secretive but includes the presentation of a pin which indicates their specific order (male/female)

Structure and Ranks
Grand Sage: 'Malcorvus Flint'
Sages Council: circa 6 of them - pureblood patriarchs

Sages Postulants: Heirs of the Sages Council
- Thaddeus Flint
Serpentine Croix
[Image: serpentine%20croix_zpsweorqpuj.png]

The Serpentine Croix is only for pureblood males, who can prove their lineage

Supreme Knight: UC 45+
Grand Master: UC 40+

Warden of the Watchtower:
Valients of the Watchtower:30+
-Cillian Blackwood
-Olixander Blackwood
-Sage Macnair
Rupert Bingham
-Archelaus Abney
-Germander Macnair
- The Archivist

Hiram's Postulant: Exceptional Case who the Supreme believes would add to the organisation

Serpentine Sergens
[Image: serpentine%20rpse_zpseq19d531.png]
The Serpentine Sergens is only for pureblood females, who can prove their lineage
Supreme Matron:UC 45+
Grand Mistress:

Wardeness of the Watchtower:
Amazons of the Watchtower:30+
-Echo Lowe

Hiram's Postulant:

For Similar organisations see: Masonic Lodges, Orange order, Knights of St. Columbanus

Block code by MJ

RE: Flint Institute and Knights of Walpurgis - Olixander Blackwood - January 19, 2022

Thaddeus Flint - Olixander Blackwood would like to be added to the Knights, pls. Whatever position you think he'd fit. (His dad is also, supposedly, part of it but current NPC.) <3 Ty! Also, plots with this!

RE: Flint Institute and Knights of Walpurgis - Ginevra Blackwood - January 21, 2022

In the old forum the following characters had signed up - do they still want to be interested or thread out their decision making process:
Tiberius Lestrange
Tatiana Macnair
Elladora Black - She was the wardeness of the Watchtower
Mariana Macnair

The Victorians loved a secret society!

RE: Flint Institute and Knights of Walpurgis - Tatiana Macnair - February 5, 2022

Tatty will if Mariana or Elladora are involved but otherwise is unlikely to have real connection!

RE: Flint Institute and Knights of Walpurgis - Sage Macnair - February 5, 2022

Sage Macnair, Rupert Bingham & Archelaus Abney are Knights Wink

RE: Flint Institute and Knights of Walpurgis - Acacia Darlington - February 6, 2022

Echo Lowe is a knight of the Serpentine Sergens but her muse oh so eyes the spot of Supreme Matron, alas, she is too young.

RE: Flint Institute and Knights of Walpurgis - Germander Macnair - June 21, 2022

Germander Macnair for a knight and as a student in upper-level courses!

RE: Flint Institute and Knights of Walpurgis - Lucretia Flint - June 1, 2023

Thad's sister as a Sergen Knight and doing part time studies so as not to conflict with her debutante schedule. <3

RE: Flint Institute and Knights of Walpurgis - Hermia Bonaccord - June 1, 2023

Hermia Bonaccord is a Flint student who may very well find herself in the ranks XD

RE: Flint Institute and Knights of Walpurgis - Cornelius Flint - September 25, 2023

I totally forgot to do this, but please add Cornelius to the appropriate spots!!