This Is: Grace - Printable Version

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This Is: Grace - Grace Riley - October 1, 2021

Grace is part of the Prewett Potter clan. She is scared of most everything - including people.

What she needs:
- People to thread with in Irvingly
- Family members to thread with
- Other kids to thread with

HMU if you can help with any of these. Thanks!

RE: This Is: Grace - Louisa Embry - October 1, 2021

Temerita Reid lives in Irvingly! She could be found in many of the common areas and might be a curiosity to a child for being a Seer. Or if you wanted to traumatize the poor girl she could have a vision in front of her XD

RE: This Is: Grace - Grace Riley - October 1, 2021

Ooo yes. Temerita Reid / Louisa Embry I think traumatizing is more likely because Grace is much less curious of things and much more scared of them. I have an open at the Irvingly train station if you felt like making use of that. Or we can start something entirely new.

RE: This Is: Grace - Elsie Kirke - October 1, 2021

Eavan Miller is pretty good with kids if Grace finds herself at the zoo!

RE: This Is: Grace - Grace Riley - November 8, 2021

(October 1, 2021 – 10:10 PM)Elsie Kirke Wrote:  Eavan Miller is pretty good with kids if Grace finds herself at the zoo!

To the zoo she goes then :D Let me know when you have time to spare for a thread for her.

RE: This Is: Grace - Madeleine Backus - November 8, 2021

The Valenduris' will be doing a wizarding family Christmas event, complete with Meserimus as Santa - although it's after the school break starts.

I have no one else young I'm afraid.

RE: This Is: Grace - Roberto Devine - November 8, 2021

Josiah Rohlwing and Philip Aymslowe are Irvingly residents! Josiahs a muggle postman whose deliveries are mostly to muggles since wizards use owls. Philip is the owner of a bakery/baker. He has magical treats available on request since he can't have them fully on display due to the Irvingly no public magic laws.

RE: This Is: Grace - Faustus Prewett - January 14, 2022

Yo it's your Uncle <3 he dotes on Grace but if Grace is scared of him then we should most certainly thread that out xD

RE: This Is: Grace - Grace Riley - January 16, 2022

Ooo thank you all for the suggestions. I think Grace will definitely pop in to the sweets shop.

And Uncle Faustus is in safe territory and Grace likes him. Or at least isn't scared of him beyond the average wariness of doing something wrong in front of an adult.

RE: This Is: Grace - Caroline Weasley - February 20, 2022

Grace Riley - Caroline and Grace's grandmothers are sisters (also Fallin Wink meet Hermione's Granddaughter).

RE: This Is: Grace - Grace Riley - February 22, 2022

Yess do you want a thread with Grace or Hermione?