22 AUG - ZELFRED WEDDING - Printable Version

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22 AUG - ZELFRED WEDDING - J. Alfred Darrow - August 31, 2021

You can't remark upon what you don't know!

Are YOU attending the Zelfred's Wedding on August 22? Feel free to drop thread links here for the perusal of other guests! Be sure to state whether your thread is open or private, and feel free to provide a little summary for completed threads!

RE: 22 AUG - ZELFRED WEDDING - Penelope Fawcett - August 31, 2021

Penny was there!( private thread)

RE: 22 AUG - ZELFRED WEDDING - Roberto Devine - August 31, 2021

I had the following in attendance and all are open for threads or I'll be posting opens:
Pablo Medina of course
Leonid Fisk
Paxton Fudge
Alistair Darrow
Leander Hobday (He's fam to the Fudges!)
Amity Rosewood under the umbrella of permanent Sanditon resident.

Maybe Jack Humphrey-Mavis as a friend of Zelda? Let me know if he'd be in or out!

RE: 22 AUG - ZELFRED WEDDING - Zelda Darrow - August 31, 2021

Jack is in!

RE: 22 AUG - ZELFRED WEDDING - Caroline Darrow - August 31, 2021

Caroline Darrow was definitely there

RE: 22 AUG - ZELFRED WEDDING - J. Alfred Darrow - September 1, 2021

— anyone who wants a thread with Alfred before/during/after can have one, just @me.

— Topaz is not coming (or at least that's what she's told people but "Ruby" #2 might show up midway through the reception)

RE: 22 AUG - ZELFRED WEDDING - Zelda Darrow - September 1, 2021

Zelda is here & available for any threads before/during/after

Justin Ross is also here & available for threads