Centaurs Vs. Broomsports -
Reuben Crouch - July 11, 2021
THE PLOT: After a Quidditch player (accidentally?) insults the honor of a centaur mother and child while practicing, the centaurs decide wizardkind is getting a little too damn cocky and superior ('they think a
game is more important than a centaur child?!') and maybe they could use someone stepping in to knock them down a peg. This begins with Quidditch but might expand out to interruptions of other wizard sports if the opportunity arises. Chaos ensues until the Ministry can placate them.
This is a short term plot with broad reach — jump in to play a centaur, get your Quidditch players and Ministry workers involved in shenanigans, or throw anyone into some chaos threads to shake up their summer. OOC we're looking to wrap this up in late August or early September. Just a fun summer fling.
All of these characters can be temporary, though if you fall in love and want to keep them around forever I certainly won't stop you. Why play a centaur? You get to start a lot of open threads that just fuck with people and wreak havoc. You also get to help shape Charming-specific lore for centaurs since the HP wiki isn't super detailed on their culture or anything.
THE MADONNA. A female centaur and the mother of the child who was insulted and/or endangered by the Quidditch player. She is OUT FOR BLOOD. She has a position of relative authority in the herd (herd leader, chosen successor to the herd leader, daughter of one of the herd leaders, chief healer, chief diviner, etc etc) which allowed her to get all the centaurs incensed on her behalf quite easily.
THE DIPLOMAT(S). These character(s) (could be one of either gender, or two-one male, one female) are older, have more experience with humans, and therefore get tasked with going and talking to the Ministry about all this. They do not like humans, they have just had to tolerate them in the past.
THE RABBLE ROUSERS. These characters (one male, one female) are young adults who have limited experience with humans so far and no family connections of their own. That makes them the perfect centaurs to spearhead all the chaos and undertake the more ~iffy shenanigans (ie ones that involve directly confronting a lot of humans or doing dangerous shit). I'll be playing one of them, who will gradually start thinking 'huh maybe humans aren't The Absolute Worst?' while the other will be all D< about mine going 'soft.' I'm flex on gender.
THE HERD LEADERS. One male, one female. Could double with Madonna and/or Diplomat above. Serves a mentor role to the other centaurs and drives the strategy of the 'kill all wizard sports' campaign.
Existing/established characters preferred but I won't tell you how to live your life. These details are all flexible and the people involved in this plot aren't limited to the roles below so shout out if you want to fit your person in. ^^
THE QUIDDITCH LOUT. Ideally plays for the Hogsmeade Howlers since they're nearest the herd, but we could swing another player if necessary. This player - either purposefully or accidentally - insulted the honor of Madonna & child, and rather than apologizing and offering deference they then dug themselves deeper by insulting the honor of the entire herd which kicked this whole thing off.
If this is you, you should be prepared for possible IC fallout from your actions
QUIDDITCH PLAYER VICTIMS. Do you play pro-Quidditch? We're coming for you. We might sabotage your locker room, interrupt your match with a volley of arrows, etc. I'm open to serious injury but let's coordinate it so we don't let things get too out of hand too quickly xD
WELL INTENTIONED BUT ILL INFORMED EMISSARY. A human who tries to wander into the Forest to talk to the centaurs after things really kick off and gets chased all the way back to Hogsmeade because centaurs are hella territorial <3
MINISTRY FOLKS. Of all shapes and sizes, really, but at least one of them has to step up to eventually resolve things. I'm pretty flex on what that resolution involves but we can chat about it OOC to figure it out.
I DON'T WANT TO DRIVE THE PLOT, I JUST WANT A FUN THREAD: Cool. Stay tuned. There will be open threads, group threads, lots of opportunities. If you want anything super specific to happen (ie 'Can Sally get trampled and lose her left leg?') then lmk and we'll see if we can find a space for it.
A note: this is just the bones of a plot right now but I'm very interested in other ideas and contributions! Have a nonhuman who wants to ally with one side or another? Humans who seize this opportunity to try and take away centaur protections at the Ministry? Throw your ideas at me and I promise to love them <3
RE: Centaurs Vs. Broomsports -
Calla Potts - July 11, 2021
Omg I love this idea. I would genuinely love to play a centaur in this. Maybe a rouser or diplomat?
RE: Centaurs Vs. Broomsports -
Ginevra Blackwood - July 11, 2021
I would cheerfully bring back Aeror back in his role as vaguely threatening centaur male.
RE: Centaurs Vs. Broomsports -
Bernadette Fernsby - July 11, 2021
I've had a bitchy centaur muse in the back of my mind with Lena Headey as the playby (circa
300). If you'll have me, I'd be down for the Madonna.
RE: Centaurs Vs. Broomsports -
Reuben Crouch - July 11, 2021
Yes, my lovely centaur friends, I adore you all <3
Now we need some humans to mess with
RE: Centaurs Vs. Broomsports -
Melody Crouch - July 11, 2021
You can have Fallon any ministry needs if the issues escalated to the auror's office.
RE: Centaurs Vs. Broomsports -
Holly Scrimgeour - July 12, 2021
Raphael Malfoy will be there in support of the quidditch league because obviously he sponsors a team, but also because he's an asshole who probably hates centaurs.
Delight Urquart is available to help with any chaos caused. You can also have
Freddie Prewett, but he's probably better as comedic device rather than actual help.
Bella Scrimgeour will probably not be allowed to talk to the centaurs, but she will definitely try to.
RE: Centaurs Vs. Broomsports -
Cassius Lestrange - July 12, 2021
you may have my quidditch players as needed
If this reaches the point of Ross needing to think about it he may actually kill Fitz
RE: Centaurs Vs. Broomsports -
Sweetie Whitledge - July 12, 2021
Count on
Charles Marshall if you need a lawyer at some point.
RE: Centaurs Vs. Broomsports -
Dubhacha - July 12, 2021
Rabble rouser reporting in!
RE: Centaurs Vs. Broomsports -
Roisin - July 12, 2021
RE: Centaurs Vs. Broomsports -
Angelica Selwyn - July 12, 2021
Mikail Karim could serve as an idiot ambassador. There is a 100% chance he would make matters worse and wonder why talking horses are interfering with his team.
RE: Centaurs Vs. Broomsports -
Elias Grimstone - July 13, 2021
I have quidditchy connections w/ the Harpies, Magpies and Cannons, happy for any of those teams to be victims of sabotage xD
(Unrelated to the quidditch plot, but a general note of "likely to thread with centaurs" if anyone wants side-things:
Ishmael for vampire vs. centaur forest neighbour pettiness;
Savino Zabini for "ooh hey please tell me about centaur divination")
RE: Centaurs Vs. Broomsports -
Reuben Crouch - July 14, 2021
(July 13, 2021 – 8:43 PM)Elias Grimstone Wrote: I have quidditchy connections w/ the Harpies, Magpies and Cannons, happy for any of those teams to be victims of sabotage xD
(Unrelated to the quidditch plot, but a general note of "likely to thread with centaurs" if anyone wants side-things: Ishmael for vampire vs. centaur forest neighbour pettiness; Savino Zabini for "ooh hey please tell me about centaur divination")
Once we're no longer at war Caiaphas would love to tell Savino crazy made-up divination shit just to see what happens. >D
RE: Centaurs Vs. Broomsports -
Caiaphas - July 17, 2021
July 22 | Inciting incident: during a Hogsmeade Howler practice the quaffle somehow gets off the pitch and into the nearby woods where a centaur child picks it up to play with it.
Mikail Karim manages to insult the centaur child and its mother
Iolanthe. There will be a thread here sooner or later and it's open to cameos from Howlers players (fyi
Arthur Pettigrew Mundungus MacFusty)
July 24 | Cai &
Roisin are going to sabotage the Howler's locker room in the morning; affects the game that afternoon/evening. This probably mostly involves breaking things that are stored there.
July 28 - August 13 | Continuing sabotage of other Quidditch teams (if you're closer to Scotland you're earlier in this window, South England teams later in the window. If you're geographically located on Ireland we probably don't care enough to get there).
->> sometime in this window I would enjoy Ministry of Magic involvement (to discuss what's going on, try to stop it, etc).
->> I would also really enjoy a Muggle-area centaur sighting since they're traveling much farther than usual to wreak havoc
->> I'm open to threads with Quidditch players were Cai gets caught in your locker room <3
14 August | Escalates to the first (only?) time that centaurs interrupt a match. Did Appleby just score? Nope, that's a whole line of centaur archers! I'll start an open group thread at this event but also feel free to start your own threads avoiding arrows in the stands or whatever <3 (
Quidditch players, do you want this to be your match? please let me know!)
The rest, TBD | Continuing escalation/eventual resolution TBD!
RE: Centaurs Vs. Broomsports -
Angelica Selwyn - July 17, 2021
Chance that
Anne Moony doesn't try and hang out on the edge of the forest to meet a centaur? Slim to none.