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testing network - Calla Potts - July 6, 2021

These are characters who I would be willing to bring back should they be needed for something, if the muse returns, or if someone has plot ideas. This is also where you can find what they would be up to while they are inactive.

Cornelia Pendergast is currently home-bound with her first pregnancy and is due in early September. She wouldn’t be at events but may be visited in her own home. She is UCPB, 21, a Slytherin, and married to William Pendergast.

Demelza McGonagall is a recent Slytherin graduate and fresh debutante. She dreams of marrying well and is very much determined to marry in the upper class where her mother is from, though she is not picky on if the husband is pureblood or halfblood. She herself is a MCHB.

Germander Macnair is employed in the being division of the Ministry though is not fond of the job and would promptly leave it if something he was more interested in would appear. His long-term career goal is to work on the committee of experimental magic and spends his free time researching magic and spell making. He may off and on attend events but would not be hurlable. He is UCPB, 19, a past Ravenclaw, and single.

Iziza Noel is a half-goblin working as a clerk in the department of magical law enforcement. She is left-leaning and an activist. She is looking for the opportunity to get involved in politics with her main focus being women’s rights and half-breed rights. Iziza may be found in is some class-appropriate events but has shown no interest in marrying yet (though most of this disinterest stems from a desire for a career and a belief that no one would be interested in her rather than a dislike of love/marriage). She is of the working class, 21, a past Ravenclaw, and single.

Linnet Umbernauld is a second-year Slytherin who is academically driven and manipulative. She seeks out connections that she can use to further herself over who she thinks would make a good friend. She carries her family’s reputation of being criminals and of being a bastard. Linnet may often be found in the library, the Slytherin common room, or studying outside. She is a WCHB, 12, and single.