Third Wife's The Charm? - Printable Version

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Third Wife's The Charm? - Calliope Zabini - May 27, 2021

27th May, 1891
Dear [Name]*,

It is with great pleasure that Mr. Zabini and I can (at last!) announce the birth of our first child. Marcus Alexander Zabini was delivered in the late hours of the 26th May, and is assured to be in perfect health.

Please do forgive the brevity of this letter — I confess I am, for the moment, still quite exhausted, though am otherwise in good health as well. Cosmo and I will of course look forward to accepting visitors in the coming weeks and dearly hope to see you then.


[*variations of this for extended Zabinis / Browne siblings / close society friends]

RE: Third Wife's The Charm? - Domitian Zabini - May 30, 2021

Dear Calliope,

On behalf of my family as well as myself please accept our sincerest congratulations on the birth of Marcus Alexander. I am greatly relieved to hear that you and he are both in excellent health, particularly given the misfortune which befell Zelda. Matilda and I look forward to calling on you to pay our respects in person as soon as appropriate and will await your indication as to the best date to do so.


Dear Father,

Calliope wrote to inform of us of this week's events. Congratulations on the birth of your son. As I expect you will find yourself preoccupied in the coming weeks with the newest addition to your family, Matilda and I would be more than happy to host Bellona in the interim, provided you still trust us to do so after what happened with Camilla. I trust you will not hesitate to let me know if there is any other way in which I can be of service.

Your son,

Dear Sister,

I have extended an offer to our father for you to stay with us while Calliope and the baby settle in, and will tell you here I am content to extend the invitation through the remainder of the social season should that suit your purposes.


Bellona Zabini Aldous Crouch

RE: Third Wife's The Charm? - Bellona Zabini - May 31, 2021

31st May, 1891

You are thoughtful indeed to think of my circumstances. Consider my bags already packed.

Domitian Zabini

RE: Third Wife's The Charm? - Gideon Browne - May 31, 2021


29th May, 1891
Dear Calliope,

Felicitations indeed! Truly splendid news, made all the better by the fact that both you and young Marcus are in good health. I look forward to meeting my new nephew when it suits, and hope the enclosed chocolates help his mother to return to full strength.

With affection,
Calliope Zabini