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+---- Thread: The Sibling of My Sibling is My...Sibling? (/showthread.php?tid=8759)
"They make a handsome pair," Bellona allowed without any real joy in her tone as she came up alongside the Mr. Prewett her sister did not fornicate with clutching her glass of punch as though it were the only thing keeping her alive.
It was early in the reception, few outside of family present, and Bellona hoped that if she made enough of an appearance early, she could fake a headache and retire to one of the rooms upstairs. She had to greet her sister's new family, of course, but this also meant Mr. Felix Prewett, whom she had entertained thoughts of marrying.
(Daydreams, really, for he had never even hinted at affection, but still)
But, no doubt, he knew now the sort of woman Camilla was, assumed much the same of Bellona—yet another possibility dashed upon the rocks of her sister's poor impulse-control.
RE: The Sibling of My Sibling is My...Sibling? - Felix Prewett - May 23, 2021
It really came as no surprise to Felix that Fitz found himself in this position - predicament was more apt a descriptor if one were being honest. It had, perhaps, been only a matter of time before his twin was snared in such a manner - reckless and where Felix was in no position to help. But here they all stood, attempting to pretend it wasn't something to not be happy about.
Their mother was unhappy with the match, Felix knew. As he knew Fitz was too. The bride, perhaps, might think she had done well even what could have happened, but he doubted she would remain happy. Felix for his part was also unhappy, albeit for much more selfish reasons. With Fitz married it gave his mother more time to focus on himself in the marriage market. A voice beside him noted another unhappy voice.
"Miss Zabini." Felix greeted with a quiet nod of his head, looking at the married couple with her as he took a sip of the punch.
"I remember you expressing such sentiments just a few months ago with a great deal more enthusiasm." He teased in a quiet voice, looking over at the bride's sister. They had spoken enough times and were now family of a sort, so he didn't see much reason not to.
RE: The Sibling of My Sibling is My...Sibling? - Bellona Zabini - May 23, 2021
She had—and, if memory served, had also remarked upon a separate young woman who had snared a husband in just this sort of fashion.
One of life's crueller ironies, that it should now happen in their families.
"You are fortunate, Mr. Prewett, that you are brother of the groom," came Bellona's answer. Sister of the bride, in this situation, was a much less joyous position to be in. "Still, at least they look content enough."
RE: The Sibling of My Sibling is My...Sibling? - Felix Prewett - May 23, 2021
As a keeper (and seeker) of such scandals, Felix could only too easily understand Miss Zabini's implications. "There is truth to that statement." Felix admitted with a solemn nod of his head. "But did we not also say there are differences between siblings?" His voice, while low and even, was more serious.
The couple in question did seem content enough, but only enough. The emotions of the past month were etched too deeply in Felix for him to truly believe in any sort of domestic contentedness for a while yet. Despite his own thoughts he nodded his acknowledgement of Miss Zabini's statement.
RE: The Sibling of My Sibling is My...Sibling? - Bellona Zabini - May 24, 2021
"Not in the eyes of Society," was Bellona's response, resigned.
RE: The Sibling of My Sibling is My...Sibling? - Felix Prewett - May 24, 2021
"Indeed." Felix nodded, "But there are still those of who know better." He found himself reassuring her with a kind smile. It felt so odd for this young lady, typically so vivacious, to seem so downtrodden. "For instance, are you more or less likely to think of similarities between myself and my twin now?"
RE: The Sibling of My Sibling is My...Sibling? - Bellona Zabini - May 31, 2021
I am quite confident, Mr. Prewett, that you would never enable a young lady to take liberties with her virtue was what Bellona wished to say, but sour though she was, she could not bring the words to her lips. The other Mr. Prewett was his brother, after all, his twin, and while they were family now, after a fashion, Bellona did not know the gentleman well enough to so frankly disparage his kin.
"I expect that any qualities you share with your brother, Mr. Prewett," she settled on instead,"are positive in nature."
RE: The Sibling of My Sibling is My...Sibling? - Felix Prewett - June 27, 2021
"Fair.." Felix agreed, it would not be fair to force her to give her candid opinion and he was sure it was as unkind as his own. "But I shall not look upon you are less kindly than before." He found himself assuring her.
RE: The Sibling of My Sibling is My...Sibling? - Bellona Zabini - July 2, 2021
Bellona let out a metaphorical breath she had not realized she had been holding, a small ripple of relief passing through her. True, Mr. Prewett was no stranger to familial scandal—not now, at least—but he was still a respectable gentleman from a reputable family. Even if his compatriots did not share his position initially, his support would be invaluable.
"Thank you," she murmured softly, eyes moving to meet his own.
RE: The Sibling of My Sibling is My...Sibling? - Felix Prewett - July 3, 2021
Typically Felix might have added something like of course, after all we are family now. in fact the words were on his lips, but the moment called for a touch of gravitas and so he said instead, "You are welcome." And gave her a half bow. Then he surprised himself, "If you ever need my help proving that to the rest of society, you need only ask." While he might not have expected the offer, he knew he liked Bellona a great deal more than some of the ladies of their acquitance.
RE: The Sibling of My Sibling is My...Sibling? - Bellona Zabini - July 25, 2021
That he would use his slightly diminished social capital for the benefit of her own greatly diminished capital was quite the gallant offer.
"And now I must thank you again!" Bellona chided with mock exasperation, touched by the offer but too uncomfortable to show it. "Really, Mr. Prewett, you must like having people in your debt, else you would not be nearly so kind."
RE: The Sibling of My Sibling is My...Sibling? - Felix Prewett - July 25, 2021
Bellona almost seemed to brush the seriousness aside so Felix did as well. "Perhaps I do." Felix responded seriously. "The question that would then remain would be how would you repay me." He was careful to keep his tone playful and debonair, fully indicated this was all hypothetical and not at all intended in any vein of seriousness.
RE: The Sibling of My Sibling is My...Sibling? - Bellona Zabini - August 15, 2021
Her brows arched. Was he flirting?
"I would argue that my company is payment enough," Bellona answered primly, a wry smile on her countenance, "if I did not worry it would make me seem conceited, Mr. Prewett."
RE: The Sibling of My Sibling is My...Sibling? - Felix Prewett - August 26, 2021
A warm chuckle crossed his lips, "Never conceited." He assured her. "Merely confident." And she was confident to toss such words with ease at him, to flirt with him on a day like today. It was admirable really.
RE: The Sibling of My Sibling is My...Sibling? - Bellona Zabini - October 12, 2021
Confident. Though Bellona Zabini had not always felt it, Confidence was something she had long resolved to exude—an armor of sorts, against the whispers of society. When the whispers became deafening, however, as was the case today, even her feigned confidence wavered, she thought. If Mr. Prewett saw it still, though, that was a good sign indeed.
"There are some," Bella pointed out, "who would call my confidence misplaced."
RE: The Sibling of My Sibling is My...Sibling? - Felix Prewett - November 9, 2021
"Then they are foolish." Felix was quick to respond. There were plenty who might think what they would, Felix knew what they said and would listen for what they did say, but confidence could also help in many situations. He'd seen it with his brother (although at times that seemed misplaced), with Bellona and Angel, and with himself even. It could open doors that meekness could never. "I should think it better to pretend at confidence than to pretend at meekness." He pointed out.