let me ruin you <3 - Printable Version

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let me ruin you <3 - Juliana Ainsworth - May 20, 2021

You may have already seen this:
Meredith Watchword's Society News

Jules has turned part time scandal writer to salvage her own reputation after being caught alone with Lachlan MacFusty. She needs more juicy gossip to write about.

Subjects must be noteworthy (UC, MC), the rumor itself should be based in some degree of truth (no totally baseless speculation), and it must be known to someone who might talk about it somewhere Jules could overhear (House of Lytton customers, in and about London/Hogsmeade, etc). Subjects should also not be Jules' close friends and family, for obvious reasons.

IC Jules intends to stop writing these as soon as possible, at least before the end of the season. OOC, we'll see how it goes Smile Hit me on Skype or PM with offerings.

This plot hook is ideal for: finding ways to introduce extra consequences for risky behavior, complicating your existing plots, driving your characters into corners. This plot hook is not ideal for: characters who have nothing going on and you want to create drama out of thin air xD

I am posting here because I have a ~more specific hook for an upcoming thing. It's very open-ended, but in essence: your character(s) have a secret that is going to be outed by Meredith Watchword. Jules has a crisis of conscious and warns you before the scandal goes to print, but it's too late to prevent the article from being published. This spurs LIFE CHANGING ACTION to save your character's reputation/distract from the upcoming publication.

An example: Your character is having a secret relationship and they announce a sudden courtship (to each other? to other people? to Jules?) in order to get ahead of the revelation in WW. (Extra bonus: Jules was just speculating about a secret relationship in general but it's actually a gay male relationship so now it's even more dire that there be a cover-up)

Or: your character fakes a pregnancy to distract from the publication and now has nine months to figure out how to handle that!

It's really very open and I would love to workshop it with you! I'm also open to the secret being something that hasn't been well-established IC if there's a good enough follow-on hook. Skype me with ideas and let's make some magic <3