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+---- Thread: a guy on the inside (/showthread.php?tid=8244)
Could I ask a favor of you, without your asking any questions about it?
Not about the thing from the pub, by the way. That's all sorted now. Thank you for talking with me (and for not bringing it up to anyone later). I don't hate you, either.
You can call me Alfred, if you like. Captain Darrow if you don't. Mr. Darrow is my brother and he's terribly boring by comparison.
I know your sister is getting married later this month and I wondered if you could send me one of the gloves the bridesmaids are wearing for the ceremony. It doesn't even have to be a pair, and I promise I'll return it the very next day without having done anything to it. I just need to borrow it for an afternoon.
J. A. Darrow
RE: a guy on the inside - Julian Fisk - March 20, 2021