*Googles in Charming* -
Amelia Evans - March 9, 2021
That Moment When You Have to Google...
Inspired by
this amazing exchange, we've all had to Google one odd thing or another when doing the research for our characters xDD
What weird things have you had to search for and what did the internet give you? Was it wrong, right, or just straight outta left field?
RE: *Googles in Charming* -
Ellory Lestrange - March 9, 2021
I googled "what is an acid trip like" for that Cashllory thread.
RE: *Googles in Charming* -
Ellory Lestrange - March 9, 2021
Ohhh for Zenobia, I googled "what is it called when you enjoy invading people's personal space" because she enjoys eavesdropping on people and Google gave me as a result this thing where you enjoy watching people having sex and having sex in public so there's a chance people catch you and yeah I guess this will be relevant when she's older >.>
RE: *Googles in Charming* -
Domitian Zabini - March 9, 2021
So I was trying to help Olive pick a PB for
Nicodemus Zabini and I was googling like
a lot of black teen actors, which isn't that weird — but then Google started suggesting things. "Related to Jahi Di'Allo Winston and Lonnie Chavis" and it's just a whole line of black boys and I felt SUPER WEIRD about that. What assumptions are they making about me from my search history???
RE: *Googles in Charming* -
Ellory Lestrange - March 9, 2021
Just googled "evil dick cutting guy game of thrones guy" to remember what Charles Macmillan's PB is
RE: *Googles in Charming* -
Delight Urquart - March 10, 2021
"famous ten-year-olds" or something along those lines is not an uncommon thing for me to search when looking for pbs/suggested pbs for incoming first years, but would probably look questionable if my search history was ever subpoenaed by the courts.
RE: *Googles in Charming* -
Cassius Lestrange - March 11, 2021
"barricade tape history" (it doesn't exist for another ~70 years)
RE: *Googles in Charming* -
Elsie Kirke - March 11, 2021
Victorian midwife practices and the invention of the stethoscope, thanks Winnie. The effort of trying to balance what I know about pregnancy vs what they would know in the VE is HARD y'all.
RE: *Googles in Charming* -
Reuben Crouch - March 11, 2021
^ on the subject of trying to balance my knowledge with what my characters would reasonably know, I did some googling about VE elopement/annulment/divorce stuff when NCE first got hitched and then had to ponder how much of that Ben would ever have been exposed to as someone with no professed desire to marry.
A thing I learned was Gretna Green was ~the place to go~ because it was the closest Scottish city for most Englanders and the marriage laws in Scotland were more lax. So it makes very little sense for Hogsmeade-based characters, who are in Scotland, to elope to Gretna Green.
NCE did it anyway because Ben doesn't know shit & Melody had probably gotten the idea from some romantic book and just thought it was the thing people did.
RE: *Googles in Charming* -
Justin Ross - March 21, 2021
RE: *Googles in Charming* -
Zenobia Zabini - March 21, 2021
I often Google words just to make sure I'm not about to use one with a completely different definition than the one I had in mind xD #ESLthings
Embarrassingly, I googled how to spell "proselytize" which is like... A full on Greek word.
RE: *Googles in Charming* -
Constance Sykes - March 21, 2021
It's not really a weird google exactly but after eight years you'd have thought I'd have worked out how to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius in my head but nope I'm still there googling to see how cold or hot you all currently are.
RE: *Googles in Charming* -
J. Alfred Darrow - March 25, 2021
How navigable is the Seine by sail?
RE: *Googles in Charming* -
Emilia Moony - March 29, 2021
"Easter Monday" because I was trying to figure out if Emilia would have work today or not
the answer is she wouldn't! Easter Monday has been a bank holiday in England
since 1871. enjoy your IC long weekend babes
RE: *Googles in Charming* -
Angelica Selwyn - April 2, 2021
Lost an hour to searching for when "chicken," as in the game, entered the English language.
RE: *Googles in Charming* -
Adrestia Dantés - April 2, 2021
How long women had to 'lie in' after giving birth! by 1890 it was still as much as 6 weeks because doctors were afraid the womb might invert or fall out! :O *horrified*