Careers Month -
Hamish Darrow - April 8, 2018
Rather than do a “careers day” at Hogwarts as has been done in the past, I/Hamish have decided to incorporate guest speakers and field trips into the students’ lives this month. YOU HEAR THAT, PROFESSORS? GET SOME COURSE-APPROPRIATE CAREER PEOPLE IN TO TALK TO YOUR CLASSES.
Students: Sign up for things that need signing up for.
Heads of Houses/Matrons: Got Counselling?
Professors/Club Presidents: Got Visitors?
Anyone Else: Anything Else?
House-by-House Careers Counselling
Mandatory for 5th/7th, optional for 6th
MoM Field Trip:Hamish will be taking interested 5th-7th year students to the Ministry of Magic on Wednesday, April 11th. They will depart via portkey just before breakfast (so bring a snack) and return to school in time for dinner. Students who don’t attend will be expected to go to class still.
Students will be given a tour of the facilities and have the chance to observe/ask questions of employees in all departments except Investigation/Aurors and Mysteries. (Employees can post below if you’re willing to talk to students when they’re in your department).
Attending: Benjamin Turner Blythe Fairchild Prudence Browne
Hogsmeade Hospital Field Trip:Hamish will be taking interested 5th-7th year students to Hogsmeade Hospital on Wednesday, April 25th. They will walk down after breakfast and return to school in time for dinner. Students who don’t attend will be expected to go to class still.
Students will be given a tour of the facilities and have the chance to observe/ask questions of employees in all wards. (Employees can post below if you’re willing to talk to students when they’re in your ward).
Attending: Benjamin Turner Prudence Browne
Dueling Club Presents: AurorsNik & the Dueling Club are bringing in aurors Maeve Connolly and Enoch Rosier to talk to all dueling club members (3+ posts will get you club participation for the year!) and any interested non-club members in years 5-7 about being aurors, becoming aurors, etc. Takes place after dinner in the Great Hall on Thursday, April 19th.
RE: Careers Month -
Ophelia Devine - April 8, 2018
As stated in the Cbox I'm super in to having
Ernest Mulciber meet up with the MoM tour students in a conference room somewhere so that he can give a super dry, sarcastic speech that doesn't really address anything the department actually does.
Probably 1 group thread, but I'd be open to doing 1-2 others if someone wants to catch him on the way in or out for a slightly more private chat. If anyone actually wants to interview for the DoM I'm down to thread that, too.
Thom Pettigrew could be persuaded to give an entrepreneurship lecture or something of the sort but would have to be approached about it by someone as he wouldn't volunteer himself! He's an inventor and head of a manufacturing/distribution empire in the Quidditch world but the skills don't necessarily apply only to Quidditch products.
RE: Careers Month -
Elladora Black - April 8, 2018
Have all my people:
For the MoM trip:
Morwenna Skeeter will be in residence and won't look like death warmed up at that time of the month so no children will be traumatised by the rigours of aging!
2 threads available.
Enoch Rosier will obvs be there for the auror visit but he is also available during the field trip.
1 thread available.
For the HH trip:
Annabelle Bones will be around and happy to speak to anyone, but she is especially interested in getting women into healing.
2 threads available.
Constance Sykes will be available for Matron-ly counselling for any female Slytherins but if any Gryffindor or Hufflepuff girls want to chat she is here for you ladies
as you don't have a helper for when you start to bleed and need life advice and such
Other potential lols:
Elliot Carmichael wanted a seer to come in and talk to his Divination class I would be deeply amused if he somehow got Cassie to do it and her entire session was just emphatically telling the kids to avoid the sight at all cost, it's shit, get a real job, one that means you can be a norm, whilst periodically weeping and accidentally having visions.
I'm not sure how this particular thing works but I'd love for
Philip Calendar and maybe some other animagi to maybe come in and talk to the Transfiguration students about how rewarding it is as an achievement? Failing that he could come in and talk to them about the wonders of commerce.
Temperance Fairchild is a nurse but I don't think there's much call for that?
RE: Careers Month -
Antigone Lestrange - April 8, 2018
I have Theo the auror but he's probably not a good example of The Perfect Auror.
Charles is available for whatever?
Everyone else has a snatch and no job. I suck.
RE: Careers Month -
Bella Scrimgeour - April 8, 2018
@"Dionisia Tweedy" can give a small lecture to interested fifth years (or older students, whatever) about being a mediwitch/mediwizard if anyone would be interested in that!
RE: Careers Month -
Fortuna Bixby - April 8, 2018
Clinton Podmore could give intros at the MoM field trip about the Beast in specific.
Agrimony Macnair could be brought in by the potions prof maybe for a lecture on potioneer stuff and how research.
RE: Careers Month -
Declan Wood - April 9, 2018
Barnabas Skeeter would be available for
one group thread during the MoM fieldtrip on working for the Ministry (he's worked in
two departments, mind you) and is available for
internship/job interviews.
Prudence Browne will attend both the MoM and Hogsmeade Hospital visits because #fieldtripsayyyy and she wants an excuse to miss class.
RE: Careers Month -
Agrimony Macnair (Hawke) - April 9, 2018
Emmeline Woodcroft would go on both Field Trips!
RE: Careers Month -
Terpsichore Van Helsing - April 9, 2018
Iziza Noel and
Germander Macnair for ministry tours!
RE: Careers Month -
Acacia Darlington - April 12, 2018
MoM Trip:
@"Acacia Ruskin"
Sweetie Whitledge
Hogsmeade Hospital Trip:
@"Acacia Ruskin"
RE: Careers Month -
Benevolence Crouch - April 18, 2018
Madeleine Backus will be on both field trips because she is confused about her life
Meserimus Valenduris will be inviting
Agrimony Macnair in to talk about independent potions research, and maybe someone who is employed as a potioneer by the ministry or something, if there is anyone interested.
@"Benevolence Montague" - can do a thread if some one in the middle class wants a chat about running their own business?
RE: Careers Month -
Bella Scrimgeour - April 23, 2018
KAYTE are we doing an IC Dueling Club thingy or nah?
Also I really want something for Handsome at the Ministry field trip because he's going to be there. If someone wants to offer up any Dept. MLE-adjacent characters, he was an intern there last month too and wants to check back in. It doesn't have to be a part of the official walk through; anyone who recognizes him can just stop him, or
he can stop
RE: Careers Month -
Elsie Kirke - April 23, 2018
I could offer @"Eavan MacKay" for a guest lecture in CoMC about magizoology? Idk if we're only doing field trips or what, but you could come to the zoo.
Bax will be around for the HH trip, but mention only unless someone is dying to thread with him!
Eugene Scamander could lurk around Morwenna for the MoM trip.
Thaaaat's it. Everyone else is St. M's or ~fancy doing their own thing XD
RE: Careers Month -
Nikolai Sleptov - April 29, 2018
Auror meet & greet is live
RE: Careers Month -
Ernest Mulciber - May 4, 2018
I 100% internalized this as a May thing instead of an April thing (#whoops) so this thread is nearly a month late, but
on the MoM tour!